All the civil and military officials present were dumbfounded.
They were stunned, unable to react for a long time, and their bodies appeared extremely stiff and sluggish.
“You, what did you say?!”
“My son Changge, killed Yan Dan and Gai Nie alone?!”
“Is it true at this time?”
Ying Zheng was also shocked.
He hastened to ask: “Are you really sure? Are you not deceiving me? My son Changge, is he really capable of killing a strong man like Ge Nie? And kill Ge Nie alone?”
It can be clearly seen.
This fact shocked Ying Zheng.
what’s going on?
Why is my son so violent all of a sudden?
The contemporary sword sage, Gai Nie, was solo killed by Wuer Changge? !
This sounds like a dream!
How strong is Ge Nie?
Of course Ying Zheng understood it clearly.
As his personal bodyguard back then, he knew Gai Nie’s strength well.
But such a powerful Gai Nie was brutally killed by his own boy Changge?
All this made Ying Zheng a little unbelievable.
“Yes, Your Majesty.”
“Seventh Young Master killed Sword Saint Gai Nie alone!”
“General Meng Tian and all the soldiers of the empire have witnessed it clearly with their own eyes!”
“No one intervened in the whole process. The Seventh Young Master relied on his own strength and was very calm to kill the Sword Saint Gai Nie with ease.”
“Even scarier…”
“This is still when the seventh son only uses swordsmanship.”
“If Seventh Young Master goes all out, then Sword Saint Gai Nie may not even be able to stop Seventh Young Master’s move!”
“after all.”
“Seventh Young Master’s all-out sword once killed more than 2,000 anti-Qin elements in an instant!”
“This is…”
“The Immortal Method!”
Speaking of this, the general looked very excited and excited.
He seemed to remember.
that day.
In the organ city, I witnessed with my own eyes that Ying Changge’s shocking sword erupted, killing more than two thousand anti-Qin remnants in an instant, and blasting these two thousand people into scum at the same time.
Whenever he recalled such scenes, he felt a deep sense of awe from the bottom of his heart.
This is the real strong man!
Seventh Young Master is as strong as a living immortal!
“Did you kill Juggernaut Gai Nie, or did you not go all out?”
“My son Changge, how powerful is he?”
“His full blown sword can kill more than 2,000 people in an instant?!”
“What kind of terrifying trick is this?”
“It’s not an exaggeration to call it a fairy method!”
Ying Zheng was shocked again.
at the same time.
The civil and military officials of the Manchu Dynasty were also frightened.
what’s going on?
Instantly kill two thousand people with one sword?
What kind of magic is this?
How strong is Seventh Young Master?
Without being serious, he can single-handedly kill Gai Nie, the number one swordsman in the world.
0・・・・・Ask for flowers・・・・・・・・・・・・・
If you go all out…
In the whole world, who can stop the Seventh Young Master? !
How could the seventh son be so powerful?
It is not difficult to judge.
Following the general’s words, the entire court was shocked inside and out.
Meng Yi and Li Si were also arrestedshocked.
As for Zhao Gao, his heart sank even more, his face was full of shock and horror.
“what happened?!”
“How could the seventh son be so powerful?”
“It’s enough to kill Sword Saint Gai Nie without being serious? Doesn’t that mean that with my current strength, standing in front of the Seventh Young Master, I don’t even have the strength to fight back?”
“How is this possible!”
“It’s only been a few months, how can the strength of the seventh son be so strong?”
….. .. 0
“Such an astonishing growth rate of strength, isn’t it too terrifying?”
“Seventh Young Master, what kind of monster is he?”
Zhao Gao felt unprecedented fear and panic.
Ying Changge is too strong!
Powerful beyond his imagination.
He never thought about it.
It only took a few months for the weak and cowardly Seventh Young Master to achieve such an earth-shaking change in his own strength!
This is simply reborn!
It’s fine to kill Gai Nie alone.
Instantly kill more than 2,000 people with one sword?
What kind of martial arts is this?
Do not!
More precisely.
What kind of magic is this displaying?
Zhao Gao’s lips trembled slightly, his face looked extremely pale, and his whole body and mind were completely dominated by deep fear.
With his knowledge and experience.
He can’t imagine.
In this world, there are still strong people of this level!
Even those old monsters that are hidden from the world are not so powerful, are they?
The Seventh Young Master is actually so powerful?
This is not meant to be.
The Seventh Young Master, relying on his years as a weak crown, has already surpassed the invincible strong in the world?
More terrifying than those hidden old monsters?
Is this really possible?
At this moment, Zhao Gao’s heart was in a mess, and he couldn’t help but began to tremble.
He panicked.

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