All the civil and military officials of the Manchu Dynasty echoed.
“That’s right, as His Majesty said, General Meng Tian’s efficiency in handling affairs is simply unremarkable.”
“These anti-Qin elements who have been troubling the empire have finally ushered in the moment of destruction.”
“I just don’t know if General Meng Tian will eradicate all these anti-Qin remnants at once this time.”
Only Zhao Gao had a gloomy face and a heavy heart.
He and Meng Tian were deadly rivals, so naturally he didn’t want to see Meng Tian show off his supernatural power so much that it would attract His Majesty Ying Zheng’s attention and praise.
“Tell me, how is the progress of General Meng Tian’s trip to eradicate the anti-Qin elements?”
Ying Zheng asked directly.
“Report to Your Majesty.”
“Anti-Qin elements have been put to death.”
“Including the Mohists, as well as the remnants of Chu’s remnant party, as well as people from all walks of life who gathered in the organ city, all of them were wiped out without exception!”
“The total number of anti-Qin elements is close to 10,000, and none of them slipped through the net. All of them were wiped out!”
The general told the truth truthfully (afej).
The huge court hall became extremely silent!
quite a while.
Ying Zheng laughed loudly: “Okay! Okay! Sure enough, Meng Aiqing has lived up to my expectations. This time, by eradicating all the anti-Qin remnants at once, it can be said to help the empire once and for all.”
“from now on.”
“Empire, there is no need to worry about these so-called anti-Qin remnants anymore.”
“General Meng Tian did a great job this time!”
“When General Meng Tian returns in triumph, I will reward him personally.”
“This time eradicating all the anti-Qin remnants can be said to help me deal with a huge trouble.”
Laughter resounded loudly and spread inside and outside the huge court hall.
All the civil and military officials present showed smiles and began to cater to them.
Being able to eradicate the anti-Qin remnants, they are naturally happy to see such a happy event.
Meng Yi smiled and was emotional.
The eldest brother is indeed the most reliable!
Li Si smiled unabated.
Only Zhao Gao was expressionless, his face seemed to be covered with a layer of icy frost, showing that he was in a very bad mood at all times.
“His Majesty.”
“Among the people who eradicated the anti-Qin remnants this time.”
“There is Yan Dan, the giant of the Mohist family, who was the former Crown Prince Dan of the Yan Kingdom. On that day, he escaped with Gass, and finally became a giant of the Mohist family, trying to influence the forces in the world and form an anti-Qin alliance.”
“In the end, his plan still failed to be implemented, and he was killed by force!”
“There is also Gai Nie, the world’s number one sword saint, who has also died suddenly. The two descendants of Guigu’s lineage are now the last one left.”
The general’s language is not surprising.
when his words fell.
The entire court has become silent!
“Genie is dead too?”
“And Yandan?”
Ying Zheng laughed again.
Sword Saint Gai Nie, this is the biggest thorn in his heart.
The opponent took the initiative to defect to the empire.
For Gai Nie, Ying Zheng no longer showed any kindness.
Hearing of Gai Nie’s death now, of course he was very open-minded.
Who killed Ge Nie?
With Ge Nie’s strength, who in the world can kill him?
There is also Yan Dan, a giant of the Mohist school, who is also a powerful martial arts master!
Of the two, who killed them?
With the thought in his heart, Ying Zheng asked directly: “I ask you, who killed Yan Dan, the giant of the Mo family? And who killed Gai Nie?”
The voice fell.
All civil and military officials in the Manchu Dynasty felt a deep curiosity.
How strong is Juggernaut Gai Nie?
Everyone present is well aware.
Everyone, including Zhao Gao, expressed deep confusion about this.
With his strength, heHe was also not sure about killing Gai Nie alone.
So here comes the problem.
Who was the one who killed Gai Nie? .
Chapter 401 The First Emperor Was Shocked! The civil and military officials of the whole dynasty were shocked! 【Please customize】
“Who is it?”
“This time, I followed Meng Tian and went to eradicate the anti-Qin elements. As I remember, there seems to be no existence strong enough to kill Gai Nie.”
“Then why did Gai Nie die? Could it be that he was besieged and killed?”
Zhao Gao fell into deep thought.
Meng Yi, Li Si and others also waited curiously.
Under the waiting of everyone’s anticipation.
The general told the truth: “It’s the seventh son! Yan Dan, the giant of the Mo family, was killed by the seventh son alone. Together with Xiaoyaozi, the head of Taoism at that time, he was also a strong martial arts master.”
“Under the joint efforts of the two martial arts masters, they still suffered the fate of being instantly killed by the seventh son.”
“In the end, Yan Dan, the giant of the Mohist school, died suddenly on the spot, while Xiaoyaozi, the head of the Taoist school, fled the scene with serious injuries by virtue of his strange Taoism.”
“The two martial arts masters teamed up to deal with the seventh son, but in the end one died and the other was injured.”
“And Sword Saint Gai Nie…”
“In the one-on-one situation, relying on pure swordsmanship duel, he was finally defeated by the Seventh Young Master, and then he was killed by the Seventh Young Master decisively.”
“The deaths of these two people were all beheaded by the seventh son alone, relying on his own strength.”
“In the whole process, no one took the initiative to intervene.”
The hall became extremely silent!
Dead silence!
There was no sound!
All civil and military officials in the Manchu Dynasty were shocked.
They stared wide-eyed, staring blankly at the general.
In their ears, the general’s voice was still buzzing.
Like thunder!
It seemed as if their heads were about to explode.
At the same time, their minds became extremely chaotic!
what’s going on?
Yan Dan, the great Mohist, died in the hands of the Seventh Young Master?
Killed alone?
What’s even more frightening is…
Sword Saint Gai Nie was also killed by the Seventh Young Master when he was fighting alone? !
real or fake?
Could this be a dream?
Seventh son can kill the world’s number one sword master alone? !
What is this concept?

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