The horror of Ying Changge’s strength was seriously stimulating his inner defenses, and his mentality could not help but ushered in the fate of a complete collapse on the spot.
Seventh son…
He is simply a monster beyond the scope of common sense! Where.
Chapter 402 Li Si Shocked! The audience is a sensation! 【Please customize】
How strong is a monster strong enough to kill Ge Nie head-on?
it goes without saying!
Facing such a terrifying monster of this level, Zhao Gao had no intention of trying to resist at all.
too strong!
It’s as strong as a living immortal!
What’s even more frightening is…
According to rumors.
When the Seventh Young Master single-handedly killed Sword Saint Gai Nie, he hadn’t gone all out yet.
This is what makes Zhao Gao feel the most frightening.
Even with his strength, he couldn’t kill Gai Nie, and he might even be counter-killed by Gai Nie.
That’s why.
When he suddenly found out.
The Sword Saint Gai Nie, whom even he could not defeat, was so easily killed and wiped out by others, that is why he was so afraid of “520” in his heart.
after all.
Facing such a terrifying existence, he himself did not have any security.
Seventh Young Master is too terrifying!
Zhao Gaodu felt unprecedented panic.
Just looking at Ying Changge alone is enough to make Zhao Gao feel panic and despair.
Little by little he began to realize.
What a terrifying monster he provoked before!
A monster that can wipe out the world’s number one sword master without any effort!
Thinking of this, Zhao Gao became more and more frightened.
He just hopes.
Lord Seventh Young Master has a lot, so he ignores all the things he has done in the past.
He felt that he was really in danger this time!
Even if there are six sword slaves to defend himself, he doesn’t think that with the strength of only five remaining six sword slaves, he can try to block the seventh son.
Now, Zhao Gao could only pray silently in his heart.
I hope that when the seventh son returns to Xianyang City, he will not worry about the grievances and hatred between them in the past.
Zhao Gao’s situation is dangerous!
“How can there be such a terrifying monster in this world?”
“It’s totally unreasonable!”
Zhao Gao couldn’t help roaring in his heart.
All the civil and military officials in the court were in a state of extreme shock and consternation.
Even Xiangguo Li Si was shocked by this news.
“Sword Saint Gai Nie…”
“It was unexpectedly killed by the seventh son alone, without any effort.”
“Seventh Young Master’s full blown sword can instantly kill more than 2,000 anti-Qin elements? Is this still martial arts? No, this is simply a fairy method!”
“Seventh Young Master, I’m afraid you have already touched the realm of an immortal?”
Li Si thought with horror on his face.
beside him.
Meng Yi was equally surprised.
Seventh Young Master’s strength is far beyond his imagination.
Even the number one sword master in the world was easily killed by the seventh son.
One can imagine.
How terrifying is Seventh Young Master’s current strength!
Look around the world.
I’m afraid that the seventh son will no longer be invincible!
The number one sword master in the world is dead.
Who can compete with Seventh Young Master?
The Seventh Young Master who killed the Sword Saint Gai Nie deserves to be called the most powerful man in the world!
“A strongest man in the world who is still in a weak crown…”
“It sounds like I’m dreaming!”
“Unknowingly, the Seventh Young Master has become so powerful.”
“If I hadn’t heard it with my own ears, I would never have believed it.”
“after all.”
“As early as a few months ago, the strength of the seventh son, even when facing his father, did not obtain an absolute overwhelming advantage. ”
“In just a few months, the Seventh Young Master has been reborn, and has become an existence that is powerful enough to easily kill Sword Saint Gai Nie.”
“The speed at which this strength increases is too amazing!”
Meng Yi was deeply moved.
So far, he has found it hard to believe this unbelievable event.
All the civil and military officials at the scene also had the same idea.
only because……
These news are really too shocking!
It is understandable for them to kill Ge Nie.
Killed more than 2,000 people with one strike!
This belongs to the category that they can’t understand at all.
Is this still something humans can do?
Can human beings do such a shocking move?
What a joke!
This is simply a fairy!
“Seventh son, it’s scary to be so strong 0…”
“Kill more than 2,000 anti-Qin elements instantly with one sword? Is this something human can do? Is this not the method of a fairy?”
“Seventh Young Master, is he already comparable to the realm of an immortal?”
“Oh my God!”
“If I’m not mistaken, with the strength of the Seventh Young Master, it may already surpass all the martial arts practitioners in the world.”
“Even those invincible strong men who are hidden from the world, I’m afraid they can’t compare with the seventh son!”
“It’s too scary!”
“Those invincible strong men who are hidden from the world, each of them is already a rare age. And the seventh son, who is still in his weak crown, is already strong enough to be at the top of the world.”
“What kind of concept is this?”
“With the terrifying innate aptitude possessed by the Seventh Young Master. Do you dare to imagine? Given time, how powerful the Seventh Young Master will be?”
Civil and military officials all expressed their shock and disbelief.
at the same time.
They felt an uncontrollable fear towards Ying Changge from the bottom of their hearts.
Ying Changge is really too strong.
So powerful that they, the civil and military men of the Manchu Dynasty, subconsciously feel panic and awe.

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