“Who is the one who killed Sword Saint Gai Nie?”
“Presumably, you probably have found the answer and the truth in your heart.”
Another piece of news came, as if it was going to cause unprecedented shocks in the world!
as predicted!
As the news spread, the world was shaken!
There has never been such a violent vibration in a hundred years!
“Oh my God!”
“No way?”
“Could it be that the one who killed Sword Saint Gai Nie was the Seventh Young Master?”
“how can that be?!”
“Sword Saint Gai Nie, this is recognized as number one in the world!”
“And the seventh son, with his weak crown, was able to kill the world’s number one sword master? Am I dreaming? This must be a lie.”
“It’s unbelievable.”
“The Seventh Young Master killed a generation of sword masters at such a young age?”
“What kind of monster is this?”
“‘ 〃 is simply a monster!”
“At this age, he has the strength to kill Sword Saint Gai Nie. How amazing and terrifying is this talent?”
Not surprisingly.
There was a frenzy in the arena.
With the death of Yan Dan, the giant of the Mohist family, coupled with the defeat of Gai Nie, the world’s number one swordsman.
All the martial arts practitioners in the entire rivers and lakes felt an unprecedented sense of shock.
They never dreamed of it.
Gai Nie, the famous sword master of the generation, was killed by a young man who was weak alone!
What is this concept?
How strong was the Seventh Young Master who killed Gai Nie?
All this seriously impacted their worldview.
Their worldview has completely shattered and collapsed.
“So to say.”
“Hasn’t the seventh son become the most powerful person in the world?”
“after all.”
“Even Gai Nie, the number one swordsman in the world, was defeated by the Seventh Young Master in the end.”
“At such an age, he alone powerfully killed the Seventh Prince of the Sword Saint Gai Nie (of Li Liao), isn’t it enough to be called the strongest in the world?”
“Seventh Young Master’s title of being the most powerful man in the world is already well-deserved!”
“Do you dare to believe that the strongest man in the world is still in the weakest year?”
“What kind of genius is this? No, no, it should be said, what kind of evildoer is this?”
“Gai Nie, the Sword Saint, died at the hands of a young man under the age of twenty. Can you believe this? I never dreamed of it.”
“By the way, has the seventh son already reached the realm of a martial arts master? A martial arts master under the age of twenty? My God, is this the legendary evildoer? You have learned a lot!”
“The world of monsters is indeed beyond the reach of ordinary people.”
this day.
Along with countless martial arts practitioners in the rivers and lakes, there was an uproar around the time of Ying Changge and Gai Nie.
so far.
The strongest man in the world is officially released! .
Chapter 400 Shock! The news is sent back to Xianyang! 【Please customize】
At a time when the rivers and lakes were raging and causing unprecedented shocks.
Xianyang City.
Xianyang Palace.
The civil and military affairs of the Manchu Dynasty gathered in the court hall.
Extending along the red stalls all the way to the steps, there stood a middle-aged man in a golden dragon robe, his appearance was imposing, and his brows carried a strong sense of power, without anger.
This person is naturally the current First Emperor Yingzheng!
“My minister, see Your Majesty.”
Manchao Wenwu lowered his head, clasped his fists one after another, and spoke in a respectful tone.
The voice was loud and resounded in all directions.
“Everyone loves you in peace.”
Yingzheng was on the steps, looking down at the civil and military forces in all directions.
at this time.
There was a rush of footsteps outside the hall.
I saw that an elite general of the empire in armor quickly came to the gate of the court and made an announcement: “I have something urgent to ask to see your Majesty.”
for a while.
All civil and military officials in the whole court raised their brows, staring outside the court hall, their gazes fixed on the imperial general.
Zhao Gao, Li Si, Meng Yi and others were expressionless, and they were at the forefront of the civil and military affairs of the court, showing their prominent status among the civil and military officials.
Can be located at the forefront of the court, It is enough to show that their status is above ordinary civil and military officials.
Ying Zheng’s face was calm, and his tone was flat and 520 rang.
not for a while.
The general of the Qin army outside the gate of the court hall quickly stepped forward and set foot in the court hall.
With so much attention, he only felt his whole body tense, with waves of trembling and apprehension.
All civil and military officials were watching him, of course they felt pressured.
at last.
He stopped abruptly, and knelt down on one knee: “Your Majesty, Li Zhao, belongs to the Golden Fire Cavalry led by General Meng Tian. See Your Majesty.”
Golden fire cavalry?
The expressions of all civil and military officials have undergone subtle changes.
A bit of coldness and dignity flashed across Zhao Gao’s eyebrows.
At this moment, shouldn’t the Golden Fire Cavalry go to eradicate the anti-Qin elements?
Why did he travel all the way back to Xianyang City to report?
Could it be…
Did something unexpected happen?
All the civil and military officials present were lost in thought.
“Is there any news from General Meng Tian?”
Ying Zheng asked straight to the point.
“Yes, Your Majesty.”
“Reporting to Your Majesty, General Meng Tian ordered his subordinates to return to Xianyang City after two days and two nights non-stop. I do not dare to linger, so I will immediately go to the palace to report to Your Majesty.”
“The process and results of General Meng Tian’s eradication of anti-Qin elements.”
The general of the Qin army told the truth respectfully.
“It seems that General Meng Tian has sent me great news!”
Ying Zheng felt something, and a smile appeared on his face.
Since they have traveled all the way and hurriedly sent people back to Xianyang, it is obvious that they are here for the good news!
not to mention.
Ying Zheng didn’t think so.
Meng Tian led an army of 100,000 cavalry, and he was able to lose to the anti-Qin elements who had less than 10,000.
“There is news so soon?”
“Meng Aiqing’s work efficiency is still as high as ever!”
Ying Zheng praised without hesitation.

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