All the martial arts practitioners in the entire rivers and lakes were shocked and bruised.
Can break through the organ city before the age of twenty?
Break through this fortress known as the strongest defense in the world?
Or break it from the front?
What kind of shocking act is this?
Unable to phenomenon!
“Seventh Young Master, he is simply a monster!”
“I still can’t accept it, how could the seventh son do such an astonishing move?”
“Only relying on one’s own strength, breaking through the Mohist mechanism city from the front? This is absolutely impossible!”
“I know the dangers of the many organs in the Mohism’s organ city. According to my judgment, absolutely no one in this world can break through the organ city from the front.”
“This Seventh Young Master, what kind of method did he use?”
“This Seventh Young Master is simply a freak!”
“A monstrous monster that doesn’t conform to common sense at all!”
There are voices of belief 520, and voices of doubt.
But there is no denying it.
Because the Mohist organ city was breached, the name of Ying Changge resounded throughout the rivers and lakes.
Almost everyone was overwhelmed by the name of the seventh son, Ying Changge.
not for a while.
Under the spread of many doubting voices.
A piece of news completely hammered the truth.
“it is true!”
“People from the empire have already verified the authenticity of this news.”
“The organ city was indeed breached by the Seventh Young Master alone.”
“In the end, tens of thousands of elite troops from the empire broke into the Mohist organization city at the same time, and launched a crushing campaign against Mohist and other anti-Qin elements.”
“It is precisely because of this that the Mohist family was wiped out in the end.”
“In the final analysis, it was because the seventh son broke through the organ city from the front, so that the tens of thousands of elite troops of the empire were able to break into the organ city smoothly.”
The moment you learn the truth.
The countless martial arts practitioners in the Jianghu were even more shocked.
Those who still had doubts at first could no longer refute at this moment.
They were stunned, listening to the news that came from their ears one after another.
They were stunned.
what is happening?
How could a young man in his weak years be so strong?
This is completely unreasonable!
Is there something wrong? .
Chapter 399: The World’s Most Powerful, Officially Released! 【Please customize】
The mechanism city has stood tall in the rivers and lakes for hundreds of years. During this period, it has been challenged by countless mechanism masters, but in the end it still stands tall.
How could it be because of a young man in his weak years that the organ city was attacked and disintegrated?
It all sounds like a dream!
What kind of virtue and ability does that Seventh Young Master have…
How could it be possible at such an age to achieve such a terrifying feat?
It’s too scary!
“I’ve never heard of it in the past. That Seventh Young Master is a mechanical engineer.”
“In my impression, this seventh son is just a powerful martial arts practitioner. But who can explain why he was able to break through the Mohist’s organ city?”
“His mechanistic attainment, is it really terrifying to this extent?”
In the midst of countless shocking voice conversations.
Someone changed the topic: “Have you forgotten the fact that the Mo family was destroyed? Besides, all the anti-Qin elements in the organ city have already suffered the fate of being destroyed by the imperial army.”
“as far as I know.”
“A total of nearly ten thousand anti-Qin elements stayed in the city of the Mohist institution. Among them, apart from the Mohist disciples, there are also the remnants of the Chu State’s remnant party, and many people from all corners of the country who gathered from all corners of the country.”
“But after the Mohist organ city was breached, all these people were wiped out and killed.”
“Including the remnants of Chu’s remnant party, the entire army has been wiped out, and it has become a thing of the past.”
“The scariest thing is that…”
“Even Yan Dan, the giant of the Mohist family, has already suffered the fate of being killed.”
“Can you imagine, who killed a strong man of the level of the Mohist giant?”
Similar voices emerged one after another, making the atmosphere of the entire arena even more boiling.
“Is the giant of the Mo family dead too? This is a real martial arts master!”
Many people were shocked.
For the vast majority of people in the Jianghu, the innate realm is already a top powerhouse that is beyond reach.
As for the martial arts master?
That is an existence that can only be looked up to in this life!
did not expect.
As strong as a martial arts master, he was killed by someone.
Who is it? !
Who can kill the martial arts master? !
“The giant of the Mohist family, who died at the hands of ~‖?”
someone asked.
“Speaking out might scare you.”
“Yan Dan, the giant of the Mo family, died under the sword of the seventh son.”
“The scariest thing is…”
“At that time, the giant of the Mohist school teamed up with Xiaoyaozi, the head of the Taoist school, and the two martial arts masters tried to fight against the seventh son Ying Changge.”
“In the end, the two martial arts masters were defeated miserably, the Mohist giant died on the spot, and the Taoist master relied on his strange Taoism, was able to barely escape. ”
“One dead and one wounded!”
“On the other hand, the Seventh Young Master is unscathed!”
When this news spread, the rivers and lakes were completely detonated.
“A majestic martial arts master, the Mohist giant died at the hands of the seventh son?”
“If I remember correctly, the Seventh Young Master seems to be under twenty years old, right? At this age, he already possesses such amazing and terrifying strength? Is it true?”
“That’s the Mohist giant!”
“What’s even more frightening is that the giant Mohist teamed up with Xiaoyaozi, the head of the Taoist school. The two martial arts masters joined forces at the same time, but they still couldn’t shake the seventh son? Instead, he was beaten to death and injured by the seventh son?”
“Seventh Young Master’s strength is so terrifying? Is this true?”
The rivers and lakes ushered in an unprecedented great commotion.
after all.
No one can believe it.
Two martial arts master-level powerhouses join forces, and even the seventh son can’t be shaken by himself?
So here comes the problem.
How strong is Seventh Young Master?
The Seventh Young Master, who is still in his weakest years, might be strong enough to overthrow the rhythm of the entire arena? !
“More terrifying things are yet to come.”
“I heard.”
“Gai Nie, the world’s number one sword saint, was also located in the Mohist organ city at that time, and participated in the anti-Qin alliance.”
“If I’m not mistaken, with the collapse of the Anti-Qin Alliance, Sword Saint Gai Nie has also died suddenly.”
“You say.”

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