Meng Tian steered the horse and raised his arms.
All the elite cavalry soldiers of the empire gathered one after another and lined up neatly, forming an army of nearly 100,000 cavalry soon.
In the destruction of the Anti-Qin Alliance this time, the empire only lost more than 3,000 people.
And the Anti-Qin Alliance was completely wiped out!
Including the commander of the Mohist school, the general of the Chu army, the sword sage Gai Nie…
Without exception, all these strong men were buried in the Mohist’s organ city.
For Meng Tian.
no doubt!
This can definitely be said to be a beautiful big victory!
Nearly 100,000 imperial cavalry elite, led by Meng Tian 4.9, gradually drifted away all the way, left the area of ​​the Mohist organ city, and returned in the direction of Xianyang city.
The iron hoof sang, and the deafening sound came from trampling the ground.
The whole earth seemed to be trembling, shaking, shaking violently.
The smoke and dust billowed up, and the dust curled up and danced in the air.
A group of nearly 100,000 imperial iron cavalry troops protected the gorgeous carriage in the middle, and the team was orderly and orderly, and returned to Xianyang at an even speed.

Time flies.
After a few days.
A piece of news suddenly spread to the rivers and lakes.
Just for a split second.
The whole Jianghu was completely detonated by this news!
at the same time.
Within the Empire…
The whole country was collectively caused an unprecedented huge shock! .
Chapter 398 Who is this person? 【Please customize】
The rivers and lakes were completely detonated!
When a piece of news spreads across the rivers and lakes, it is like a stone stirring up a thousand waves.
The huge rivers and lakes have caused an unprecedented sensation!
“The Mo family has perished? How is this possible?”
“Didn’t the Mohist always live in the organ city? Why did it suddenly die? Isn’t the Mohist organ city known as the most powerful fortress in the world?”
“How could the Mo family perish if the organ city is not broken for a day?”
“you do not say.”
“What’s the situation? Who exactly destroyed the Mohist family?”
“Isn’t this news fake?”
There was a lot of talk.
All the martial arts practitioners in the rivers and lakes were touched by their hearts, and they threw themselves into this intense conversation.
For most of them.
The Mohist Trick City is the strongest defensive fortress in the world.
Otherwise, it is impossible for the organ city to stand for hundreds of years without 05 falling down.
But at this moment, what did they hear?
The organ city was actually breached?
The Mo family living in the organ city, is it the fate of being destroyed?
How is this possible?
It’s unbelievable!
Everyone was stunned when they heard the news.
Countless people began to fix their eyes on the chief culprit who broke through the organ city and destroyed the Mo family.
Who is this person?
There is such a terrifying ability!
Not only did he break through the Mohist institution city, but he also destroyed the entire Mohist family at the same time!
This is by no means something that ordinary people can do.
“You say, if this news is true, then who is the one who destroyed the Mohism? Who is the one who broke the Mohism mechanism city?”
“Who can break through the organ city? The organ city has stood in the rivers and lakes for hundreds of years without falling.”
“Looking at the world, is there really a mechanism master who can break through the mechanism city? Why does it always feel a little like a dream?”
“You know, over the years, there have been many people who tried to break through the Mohist Trick City. But how many people succeeded in the end? Almost all of them failed, and finally died tragically under the Trick City’s trap.”
“However, do you dare to believe it? It is the city of organs that has stood tall for hundreds of years and has not fallen down, but it is actually broken by people today!”
“It’s incredible!”
There was a wave of upsurge in the rivers and lakes.
Countless martial arts practitioners threw themselves into the topic one after another, launching a series of heated discussions on this matter.
They never dared to imagine.
The organ city that has stood erect for hundreds of years and has not fallen down will suffer the fate of being attacked from the front.
All of this is really too unbelievable!
It simply subverts cognition!
“Which mechanism master is the one who broke through the mechanism city?”
“Is it the mortal enemy of the Mohist family, Gongshujia? According to rumors, the current head of the Gongshujia, Gongshuqiu, has mastered mechanical skills that are already comparable to the patriarch, Master Lu Ban.”
“Could it be him?”
“Not too possible!”
“If it was him, he would have already killed the Mo family, so why wait until this moment?”
“But if it’s not a public defeat, who else could it be?”
“Among the rivers and lakes, is there really anyone who can achieve a higher level of organ skills than Gong Shuchou?”
Everyone can’t think of it.
Who is the one who broke through the fortress of the Mohist organ city?
It became a great mystery!
It has attracted countless martial arts practitioners in the rivers and lakes, wanting to pursue the ultimate facts and truth.
As the saying goes.
Hard work pays off.
They finally found the truth.
However, this truth shattered their worldview on the spot.
“It turned out that the one who broke through the Mohist organ city was a young man who was still in a weak state? Or the seventh son of the empire? A young man under the age of twenty?”
“Really? How is this possible!”
“A young man under the age of twenty turned out to be the culprit who broke through the Mohist Trap City? I’m afraid I’m not dreaming, right? ”
“I must be crazy!”
“In the whole world, how could there be such a monster?”
Everyone thought so.
The mechanism master who broke through the mechanism city is an old man who is at least sixty years old.
Can be final.
They just understood.
It was a young man under the age of twenty who broke through the organ city!
This news completely stunned them.

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