He didn’t think too much about letting the quicksand organization leave.
Even if the Quicksand organization chooses to be an enemy of the empire in the future, at that time, he will just kill them all.
With the invincible strength he has now, he no longer needs to be afraid of the quicksand organization.
“My lord is right.”
“Through the presentWhat happened today, presumably, even a group of rebellious people like the Quicksand Organization would never dare to easily choose to be an enemy of the empire. ”
“after all.”
“Before they choose to be the enemy of the empire, they have to carefully weigh whether they will be your opponents, Seventh Young Master!”
Meng Ying nodded empathetically.
The Seventh Young Master alone is enough to deter the entire Quicksand organization!
He is well aware of this.
Chapter 397: The whole country shakes! The rivers and lakes were completely detonated! 【Please customize】
“Okay, after General Meng Tian finishes the rest of the matter, we are going to leave the Mohist Trick City and return to Xianyang City the same way.”
Ying Changge’s tone was emotional.
The Mohists have all been destroyed.
The organ city was completely flattened!
The Anti-Qin Alliance was also wiped out.
all in all.
Ying Changge and Meng Tian’s destination of leaving Xianyang City was also successfully completed.
After solving the rest of these cumbersome things, you can set off and return to Xianyang City the same way.
This trip, Ying Changge can be said to have gained a lot.
After killing Xiang Shaoyu, he obtained a large amount of improvement in template fusion, which allowed him to break through from the late innate stage to the early stage of martial arts master.
He also successfully unlocked the blind swordsman’s fourth brand new ability as he wished.
Perfect level swordsmanship!
It can be clearly seen from “520”.
Ying Changge’s strength is hundreds, thousands of times stronger than when he first came to the organ city.
simply put.
The current Ying Changge can probably easily beat a hundred of his previous selves.
This is the huge increase in his strength!
Meng Tian ordered his men to carry out cleaning operations inside and outside the entire organ city.
The corpses were quickly cleaned up.
at the same time.
Some precious materials inside the organ city were also harvested as spoils of war.
“Young Master, I am going to return to Xianyang City with you.”
At this time, Gong Shuchou suddenly spoke up.
“Follow me back to Xianyang City? Are you sure? Not going back to your loser?”
Ying Changge asked with a smile of great interest.
“I feel that only by following the young master can I see a wider world.”
“If you continue to stay in the public loser, the vision of the old man will be greatly limited. It’s better to follow the seventh son to see a brand new world.”
Gong Shuqiu looked determined.
“In that case, it’s up to you.”
In this regard, Ying Changge naturally would not choose to refuse.
In any case, Gongshuchou is also one of the top mechanism art masters in Jianghu.
Now the class master is dead.
In the whole world, there is no one who can compare with Gong Shuchou in the field of mechanism art.
“Thank you, my lord.”
Gong Shuchou was overjoyed and hurriedly expressed his thanks.
Time flies.
About half an hour or so passed.
Meng Tian led the army to deal with the many tedious things left here in the organ city.
“My lord, I told you to wait.”
Back in front of Ying Changge again, Meng Tian looked respectful and helpless.
It is because the area of ​​the organ city is so large that even if he leads a large number of people to search, it will still take a lot of time.
Finishing the investigation of the organ city within half an hour is already his fastest efficiency.
If it wasn’t for the impatience of Ying Changge and others, Meng Tian might have to spend an hour to complete the investigation of the organ city.
“It’s okay, since the rest of the matter here has been resolved, then we are ready to set off and return to Xianyang City.”
“As for the organ city?”
“It would be a waste to destroy such an ingenious mechanism fortress. Let it continue to hide in the mountain, maybe it will be useful in the future.”
Ying Changge said thoughtfully.
“What the young master said is very true, and the humble official also thinks so.”
“If the empire can send some mechanism divisions to renovate the mechanism city, then presumably this mechanism city will be recycled by the empire in the future.”
“It will definitely help a lot!”
Meng Tian deeply agrees.
For example, the tooth-eating prison in Sanghai City was not a prison before, but was built by Jiang Ziya during the Great Zhou Dynasty to leave a way out.
at the moment.
Although the organ city is a product of the Mohist school, the Mohist school has now perished.
In the next time, if the empire sends mechanism divisions to the inside of the mechanism city to transform the mechanisms inside the mechanism city.
It is very possible to transform the organ city into a fortress belonging to the empire!
It would be a pity if such an ingenious organ city was destroyed by someone.
“let’s go.”
Ying Changge didn’t linger too much in the organ city.
His goal of coming here has already been accomplished, so naturally he won’t waste too much time here.
Under the leadership of Ying Changge, everyone exited the Mohist Trick City the same way.
A group of nearly 17,000 people left in a mighty way from the original time.
The team of nearly 20,000 people stepped on the ground, and there were bursts of thunderous sounds.
After a while.
Ying Changge and others successfully walked out of the passage of the organ city, and returned to the steep mountain outside the organ city.  …
“From today…”
“The Anti-Qin Alliance will cease to exist!”
“The Mo family will also perish completely!”
“The remnants of Chu’s remnant party have even vanished into thin air.”
Ying Changge paused for a moment.
beside him.
Whether it is Meng Tian, ​​or Meng Ying, Gong Shuchou, Shao Si Ming and others, they all looked at the passage leading to the inside of the organ city with emotion on their faces.
“Let’s go.”
Ying Changge stepped forward and returned to the carriage.
from today.
Gai Nie, the world’s number one sword saint, was removed from the world.
The Mohists no longer exist!
Anti-Qin Alliance, soilCollapse!
“The whole army obeys orders…”
“Let’s go back to Xianyang!”

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