“Young master himself forgot, the fact that his sword skills have not been very good?”
Meng Ying thought strangely in her heart. “Five Twenty”
In the battlefield.
Gai Nie slowly raised the wooden sword in his hand and pointed it at Ying Changge, expressionless.
Although he was also very confused.
However, he is not going to sit still!
All these mysteries can be revealed after the fight.
Then you will know the ultimate intention of the Seventh Young Master!
Gai Nie took the initiative to attack.
The battle broke out so far!
After defeating Wei Zhuang, Ge Nie’s state obviously declined a lot.
But his swordsmanship is still very sharp and powerful.
Holding the wooden sword and circulating the innate zhenqi, the sword blade was entangled with sharp sword qi, which made Ge Nie exude a terrifying edge.
The monstrous edge soared straight into the sky.
As the number one sword master in the world, Gai Nie’s sword skills are naturally very powerful!
Wisps of sword energy wrapped around the wooden sword, and as he swung the wooden sword in his hand, this extremely sharp sword energy burst forward and rushed forward, attacking Ying Changge.
Facing Gai Nie’s attack, Ying Changge maintained a calm and composed posture as always, always calm and unhurried, holding the famous sword “Yuan” in his right hand.
The cold touch gave Ying Changge an extremely familiar feeling.
at the same time.
Countless experience in sword fighting floated in my head…
These experiences naturally come from the blind swordsman.
Information about the blind swordsman’s mastery and comprehension of swordsmanship flooded Ying Changge’s mind at this moment, allowing him to trigger this extremely familiar swordsmanship at will!
It’s like an instinct carved into the bone.
When Gai Nie attacked, Ying Changge also made a move.
The Yuanyuan sword in his hand was suddenly chopped off without hesitation.
Wisps of sword energy were forced out from the sharp blade of the Yuanyuan Sword.
call out!
It exploded with a piercing sound.
With a sharp slash, he forced out from the Yuanyuan Sword and rushed towards Gai Nie’s area.
Ge Nie’s face changed slightly, and his figure flashed.
Slash passed Ge Nie’s side…
Just the breath from the aftermath made Gai Nie feel horrified.
“This power…”
“It’s too scary!”
Ge Nie’s pupils shrank slightly.
From this slash, he smelled the threat of death.
If he didn’t dodge in time and was hit head-on by this slash.
he thinks.
Even if he does not die, it is very likely that he will be semi-crippled.
“Seventh Young Master’s swordsmanship is not as simple as I imagined.”
“The sword energy just now is definitely not something that ordinary swordsmen can display.”
“Only when one has comprehended swordsmanship to a very high level, can he display such fierce and terrifying sword energy, and use his energy to control the sword to kill the enemy in the air!”
Gai Nie felt a deep shock.
He obviously didn’t expect it.
Seventh Young Master at such a young age has such terrifying and excellent swordsmanship!
This is too amazing!
How old is the seventh son?
Still in the year of the weak crown!
How could it be possible for the Seventh Young Master in his weak years to be so powerful in swordsmanship?
This is completely unreasonable!
Ge Nie’s head was a little confused.
Just that burst of sword energy just now is definitely not something that ordinary swordsmen can erupt.
Seventh Young Master’s swordsmanship level must be quite high and excellent.
It is impossible for ordinary swordsmen to burst out with sword energy!
Seventh Young Master did it!
what does that mean?
it goes without saying.
at this time.
As Ge Nie dodged the slash, the slash passed by Ge Nie.
This slash hit the ground more than ten meters away.
One bang 0…..
Like thunder!
Resounded through the sky.
The entire land was struck by this slash, and a ferocious crack was forcibly split, extending nearly ten meters away, looking particularly terrifying and imposing.
There were bursts of crisp and pleasant sounds, and the ground shattered and cracked.
The traces of the cracks spread in all directions, densely packed like spider webs.
The ground trembled violently.
This slash seemed to tear the ground apart.
Dust curled up, and smoke billowed into the air.
The atmosphere at the scene became especially weird!
There was no sound!
Pairs of dull, astonished, and horrified gazes gathered on Ying Changge involuntarily.
Even Gai Nie, who was attacking, couldn’t help stopping his movements abruptly.
He looked back.
Looking at the hideous and terrifying cracks behind, and the cracked ground, the entire ground was directly pierced by that slash.
riddled with holes!
Simply shocking!
Ge Nie opened his mouth. There was a moment of silence.
He dare not imagine.
If he was hit head-on by this slash, what would happen to him?
I’m afraid I can’t even find the body!
There must be no bones left on the spot!

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