You just practiced swordsmanship for a few days, and you want to use it against yourself?
How many years have you practiced swordsmanship?
Since childhood, he has honed his sword skills day and night!
This is how the name of today’s Juggernaut came to be.
Want to master powerful swordsmanship, how can it be done overnight?
Gai Nie disagreed with Ying Changge’s remarks.
He doesn’t think so.
In a pure swordsmanship duel, he would really be inferior to Ying Changge in front of him.
In the field of swordsmanship, Gai Nie has already stood at the top of the rivers and lakes, and his swordsmanship has already reached perfection and reached the pinnacle.
If it was a duel of pure swordsmanship, Ge Nie was confident that he would not be inferior to any swordsman in the world.
Even compared to his master Guiguzi, Gai Nie has undefeated belief.
If he added the realm of cultivation, Gai Nie would not be able to deal with Master Guiguzi.
But if it was a duel of pure swordsmanship, he would naturally have a well-thought-out plan.
not to mention.
Ge Nie doesn’t think so.
How strong is the swordsmanship of the young Ying Changge in front of him?
There is no doubt that the opponent’s exposure to swordsmanship was very short.
For a person who has been exposed to swordsmanship for such a short time, it is absolutely impossible for him to surpass himself in the level of swordsmanship.
This is Gai Nie’s self-confidence as the world’s number one sword master.
at the same time.
When the conversation between Ying Changge and Gai Nie spread in all directions.
At the same time, it attracted the attention of Wei Zhuang, Chi Lian, Bai Feng and several Mohist leaders.
Pairs of eyes gathered one after another, and they were fixed on the battlefield here.
“Seventh Young Master wants to use pure swordsmanship to start a duel with Senior Brother?”
“Is it too blindly confident?”
“If it’s just a pure swordsmanship duel, surely no one in the world can defeat Senior Brother.”
“Seventh Young Master’s strength is indeed terrifying, but it is also based on the countless strange and terrifying methods he has mastered.”
“If you want to start a confrontation with pure swordsmanship, then the advantage of the Seventh Young Master will be gone.”
“What is Seventh Young Master’s plan?”
Wei Zhuang frowned and fell into deep thought.
He still can’t figure it out.
Where did the Seventh Young Master get the courage to confront the world’s number one sword master with only pure swordsmanship?
Isn’t this asking for trouble?
“With the character of the seventh son, he will never do anything he is not sure about.”
“Could it be that……”
“Seventh Young Master is really sure that he can use pure swordsmanship to defeat Senior Brother?”
“is it possible?”
“It’s never been heard before that the Seventh Young Master’s swordsmanship can reach this level.”
0・・・・・Ask for flowers・・・・・・・・・・・・・
“At the young age of Seventh Young Master, even if he has really honed his sword skills for many years, it stands to reason that he would never be able to defeat Senior Brother.”
Wei Zhuang couldn’t understand it.
His face was still a little pale, and his eyes were focused on the battlefield ahead.
“Lord Wei Zhuang, can the seventh son win?”
“If it’s a duel of pure swordsmanship…”
Chi Lian couldn’t help asking.
If it is not a swordsmanship duel, but a life and death fight.
Well no doubt about it.
Everyone present can be absolutely sure.
Gai Nie will definitely be killed by the Seventh Prince!
No one doubts this.
after all.
….. .. 0
The strength gap between the two is really too big!
Anyone with a little discernment didn’t think that Gai Nie could defeat the monster-like Seventh Young Master.
But if it is a duel between swordsmanship, then everything is hard to say.
“Seventh Young Master himself doesn’t have a strong foundation in swordsmanship. Although his overall strength has improved by leaps and bounds during this period of time, it doesn’t necessarily mean how good his swordsmanship is.”
“I want to hone my sword skills to the point where I can defeat Gai Nie in a short period of time.”
“It’s almost impossible!”
“What’s more, according to my understanding, the level of the Seventh Young Master’s swordsmanship seems to be very ordinary, and the level of swordsmanship of ordinary swordsmen is far higher than that of the Seventh Young Master.”
Wei Zhuang shook his head.
It is as difficult as heaven to defeat Sword Saint Gai Nie with pure swordsmanship!
If it is a competition of swordsmanship, no one in the world can win Gai Nie.”What the hell is the Seventh Young Master?”
Chi Lian was puzzled.
“There may be some details that I haven’t observed yet.”
“Seventh Young Master is not a reckless person, he would choose to do this, there must be his own reasons.”
Wei Zhuang can only think so.
the other side.
Several leaders of the Mo family also expressed doubts about Ying Changge.
“Do you want to challenge the contemporary Juggernaut just by using swordsmanship?”
“Could this Seventh Young Master be crazy?”
“Don’t he know that Mr. Gai Nie’s swordsmanship is the best in the world?” Fan.
Chapter 387 Isn’t this riding on a horse called swordsmanship? Gai Niemeng circle! 【Please customize】
“But even so, he still dared to try to use swordsmanship to decide the winner?”
Several Mohist leaders looked at each other, their eyes full of suspicion.
They can’t fathom either.
So what is Seventh Young Master’s plan?
“How is Seventh Young Master’s swordsmanship?”
Meng Tian was bewildered.
The seventh son’s swordsmanship has not been very good?
But now.
Why is it necessary to fight swordsman Gai Nie with swordsmanship?
Isn’t this asking for trouble?
Meng Ying who was not far away was also very shocked.
what’s going on?
How is your master’s swordsmanship? Of course he knew it.
“Young master, this is the rhythm of losing!”
“Could it be…”

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