How could Qigongzi’s swordsmanship be so strong as 4.9?
Just a burst of sword energy is enough to bring about astonishing destructive power.
This is too unbelievable!
Never heard of it before.
Seventh Young Master’s swordsmanship is so terrifying!
Who is the fake news!
Did you agree that the Qigongzi is good at swordsmanship?
Isn’t this riding a horse called swordsmanship?
“Just the burst of sword energy can cause such an astonishing and terrifying destructive power in the air.”
“What a frightening level of swordsmanship is this, a world-shattering move?”
Ge Nie only felt his scalp go numb.
Rao is the number one swordsman in the world, and he stands on the ceiling of swordsmanship.
But when you see it with your own eyes.
At the moment of the terrifying power caused by this slash, he still can’t help but feel the panic and anxiety from the bottom of his heart.
Chapter 388 Is the seventh son so strong in swordsmanship? Let people live? 【Please customize】
Not only Gai Nie was dumbfounded.
Wei Zhuang and Liusha organized everyone outside the battlefield, and they were also frightened stupid at the same time.
what’s going on?
what happened?
The sword energy was released from the air, more than ten meters away, almost cutting off the ground with a sword?
Just ask.
What kind of astonishing swordsmanship attainment is this, the terrifying sword slash that can be erupted?
This power is too fierce!
Pairs of eyes full of shock were fixed on the ground where the slash fell just now.
Visible to the naked eye.
A hideous and terrifying crack was left on the ground. Ten meters away, the whole land seemed to be split open and severed by someone.
No one can imagine.
This turned out to be an astonishing destructive power caused by a sword energy.
I’m afraid I’m not dreaming, are I?
A beam of sword energy that is tens of meters away can still cut through the ground?
What kind of terrifying swordsmanship is this?
“My, my God!”
Chi Lian’s pink lips parted slightly, and her beautiful eyes 05 widened and rounded.
She was stunned.
Watching helplessly.
A complete piece of land was forcibly split open just like that by someone using sword energy from the air.
If this sword energy hits a person’s body…
What will happen?
I’m afraid that even the body will be cut off and crushed by a sword on the spot!
Who can block such a terrifying and destructive sword energy?
“This, this is what Master Wei Zhuang said.”
“Seventh Young Master’s swordsmanship is not very good?”
Chi Lian stared blankly at Wei Zhuang beside him.
Wei Zhuang’s face was also dull, astonished, and shocked.
He was just as dumbfounded.
what’s going on?
Didn’t the seventh son say that he is good at swordsmanship?
But who can explain.
What is going on with this astonishing and terrifying sword energy right now?
If he hadn’t mastered extremely high swordsmanship attainments, how could it be possible to cut out such amazingly destructive sword energy?
Who said that Qigongzi’s swordsmanship is not good?
Someone is spreading fake news!
This sword energy alone is enough for Wei Zhuang to judge.
Seventh Young Master’s swordsmanship attainments are absolutely terrifying.
Otherwise, it would be absolutely impossible to urge such a terrifying sword slash.
Ke Weizhuang still couldn’t figure it out.
The Seventh Young Master is clearly still in his weakest years, so at such a young age, how can he reach such a world-shocking level of swordsmanship?
This is completely unreasonable!
“Master Wei Zhuang…”
“That’s what you said, the seventh son’s swordsmanship is very good?”
Yinbat and Wushuanggui couldn’t help looking at Wei Zhuang.
They were stunned and astonished.
The destruction caused by this terrifying sword slash also endowed them with unprecedented fear and shock.
Wei Zhuang was speechless for a while.
He didn’t expect it either.
Seventh Young Master’s swordsmanship attainments are so high!
It’s so strong that it’s unfathomable!
Even leaving aside all the strange abilities, the pure swordsmanship mastered by the seventh son alone is already very powerful and terrifying.
Wei Zhuang never expected this.
after all.
Ying Changge was too young.
Wei Zhuang’s original idea was simple.
How could such a young Seventh Young Master possess such powerful swordsmanship?
But the final result and the truth caused Wei Zhuang’s world view to collapse on the spot.
In this world, there really are such monsters that do not conform to common sense.
At such a young age, his swordsmanship attainments are not inferior to him, not inferior to Sword Saint Gai Nie.
What is this concept?
How many years of swordsmanship have they practiced before they can reach today’s level of swordsmanship?
And how many years has the seventh son cultivated?
According to Wei Zhuang’s understanding.
“Seventh Young Master has been exposed to swordsmanship for no more than a year!”
“In less than a year, can you improve your swordsmanship to this level?”
“I’m afraid I’m crazy! ”
“What’s going on?”
Wei Zhuang couldn’t help doubting his life on the spot.
In contrast to Ying Changge.
His proud talent in swordsmanship seems to have been reduced to a ridiculous joke all of a sudden.
Including the dignified swordsman Gai Nie.

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