“There is not a single survivor. There are more than two thousand companions, including our Mohist disciples, as well as various people from the rivers and lakes, as well as the Chu army…”
“They all died under this sword.”
Xue Nu’s pink lips parted slightly, her beautiful eyes widened and rounded.
Her mood was shaken wildly, like the waves of a storm, the waves rolled over and over again, and she couldn’t control the shock in her heart at all.
The scene I saw in front of me seriously overturned the world view of everyone present.
What was considered impossible by most of them happened abruptly before their eyes, making it impossible for them to deny this fact.
Someone actually did it.
Relying on one’s own strength, destroy a group composed of more than 2,000 people!
All of this sounds like a dream!
It’s like hallucinating.
However, this is a fact and it happened in front of them.
The scariest thing is…
That monster not only wiped out a group of more than 2,000 people by itself.
With just one sword, more than 2,000 people were leveled, and more than 2,000 people were wiped out of the world in an instant, without leaving any corpses behind.
Just ask.
What kind of astonishing and terrifying strength can this be done?
They dare not imagine.
Such unimaginable things seriously exceeded their thinking and understanding.
at the same time.
the other side.
Xiang Liang and Fan Zeng were also dumbfounded.
They twisted their stiff necks and looked back at the messy ruins of the battlefield behind them.
Visible to the naked eye.
Everywhere is riddled with holes!
A series of shattered cracks and cracks spread all over the place densely like spider webs, making it look extraordinarily ferocious and terrifying.
The first intuitive feeling is…
Simply shocking!
originally flatThe topography of the country was forcibly destroyed in just an instant, and the damaged wood was beyond recognition, and no complete area could be seen anymore.
Only countless broken terrain and features are left, which is very worrying to see.
If you hadn’t seen it with your own eyes…
Whether it was Xiang Liang or Fan Zeng, the two of them absolutely couldn’t believe it.
Such dilapidated messy ruins were actually caused by manpower.
Moreover, it was only one person and one sword that created such a dilapidated and hideous mess of ruins.
Who dares to believe this?
With just one sword, the entire battlefield was directly destroyed!
“I must be dreaming!”
“Everyone is dead.”
“Even the battlefield was forcibly destroyed by that shocking sword.”
“There are more than two thousand people, and even a sword can’t stop them!”
“Can you believe it?”
Xiang Liang’s lips trembled and his whole body was hairy.
Chapter 379 Shocking the audience! Like a living sword fairy! 【Please customize】
More than two thousand people!
Just gone?
Killed all by one sword?
Xiang Liang still couldn’t believe such a terrifying phenomenon that subverted cognition.
Can humans really do this?
Is this something humans can do?
I’m afraid it’s not a living fairy!
“There are more than two thousand people, and there are no bones left…”
“Killed all by one sword!”
“No one is missed!”
“What kind of terrifying power is this?”
Fan Zeng was also trembling all over, his hands and feet were cold.
His life.
This is the first time I saw it, there is actually such a terrifying power!
It can be called heaven and earth!
All two thousand people were killed by this sword.
How terrifying is this force?
it goes without saying.
“Look carefully, apart from the fact that more than 2,000 people were instantly killed by a sword, there is still a hideous crack extending 300 meters away on the ground.”
“I can’t believe it.”
“With just one sword, can you actually split a crack in the earth extending 300 meters away?”
“This is the rhythm that even the ground will be cut off by a sword!”
“Can martial arts masters achieve such amazing destructive power? Obviously they can’t do it. Even those invincible powerhouses who are hidden from the world, it is absolutely impossible to have such amazing destructive power.”
“That Seventh Young Master, what kind of monster is he?”
It’s not like they haven’t seen martial arts masters before.
However, they decided in their hearts.
Even if they are martial arts masters, even if they are invincible powerhouses in this world, they can be sure that it is impossible for the other party to do such terrifying damage.
Things that even the most invincible in the world can’t do.
But let a young man who is still in the weak crown do it.
what does that mean?
“Could it be that……”
“Seventh Young Master, his strength is far superior to the invincible in the world?!”
“Oh my God!”
“How is this possible?”
Xiang Liang and Fan Zeng were very confused.
They couldn’t help doubting life on the spot.
It’s over!
They’re all over!
The Chu army has also been wiped out.
The Anti-Qin Alliance was wiped out with a single sword!
There are not many people left, only more than 2,000 people are left struggling.
The last bit of manpower was killed.
What scares them is that…
All these people were killed by one person!
They were still instantly killed by a single sword strike!
All of this made Xiang Liang and Fan Zeng completely desperate.
I dare not even dream.
In this world, there are monsters that are so powerful!
It’s okay to fight against more than 2,000 people alone.

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