The key is.
Also won!
Easily killed more than 2,000 people in seconds!
This is what makes Xiang Liang and Fan Zeng the most unbelievable.
“What kind of monster are we facing~‖?”
Xiang Liang and Fan Zeng looked at each other, and they could see deep fear and despair in their eyes.
at the same time.
The Quicksand Organization and Gai Nie couldn’t help but fix their eyes on the battlefield.
“Is this the power that human beings can explode?”
Bai Feng was stunned.
He is also unpredictable.
Seventh Young Master broke out with all his strength, and he was able to be so powerful that it was unimaginable.
Instantly kill two thousand people with one sword!
If it spreads, who would believe it?
I’m afraid the whole rivers and lakes will be completely detonated!
“too strong!”
“Like a living sword fairy!”
Chi Lian’s pink lips trembled slightly, her beautiful eyes stared blankly at the white-clothed figure on the battlefield.
Formidably powerful.
She can be sure.
She had never seen such a powerful existence in her life!
The seventh son, Ying Changge, is definitely the most terrifying existence among all the strong men she has ever seen in her life, not one of them.
Even Wei Zhuang, the leader of the quicksand organization, is far behind.
this moment.
Even if she didn’t want to admit it, she had to admit it.
Compared with the seventh son, Wei Zhuang, the two are not strong at the same level at all.
At least.
It was absolutely impossible for Wei Zhuang to fight against more than 2,000 people by himself, let alone to wipe out more than 2,000 people and take away more than 2,000 lives in an instant with just one strike.
From Chi Lian’s point of view, all of this is like what happened in a dream.
“It’s unbelievably strong!”
Canglang King, Hidden Bat and others shuddered.
Compared with Wei Zhuang who they respect the most in their hearts.
They have to admit it.
The strength of the seventh son, Ying Changge, is bound to surpass that of Wei Zhuang countless times!
The gap is really too big!
from their perspective.
The Seventh Young Master Ying Changge in front of him is not like a person, but more like a sword fairy!
A living sword fairy who does not belong to the mundane world!
“Really let the seventh son do it, and destroy it aloneA group of more than two thousand people. ”
“What kind of concept is this?”
“Only a living immortal can do such a shocking act.”
“The seventh young master, on the other hand, forcibly relies on his own strength to use human power to reach the gods!”
“He did something astonishing that only a fairy can do!”
“What is an evildoer? The Seventh Young Master is it!”
“Seventh Young Master, he is the real strong man!”
“` 〃…”
Everyone in the quicksand organization was shocked.
“Brother, did you see it?”
“That’s real power, and that’s what I’m after.”
Wei Zhuang took a deep breath, and it took him a while to suppress the shock in his heart.
Even if his mind is as calm as his, when he witnesses such an astonishing and terrifying power, he can’t help being deeply moved and lost his composure.
at the same time.
There was a frenzy in his heart.
This kind of power to the extreme is the greatest pursuit in his life!
This power is as strong as a fairy!
“Seventh Young Master, even stronger than before!”
“The current Seventh Young Master has become a truly invincible existence!”
Gai Nie opened his mouth, his eyes stared blankly at Ying Changge’s figure.
He feels it.
The current Seventh Young Master has become countless times stronger than when he fought against him back then!
Seeing the terrifying power erupted by the shocking sword just now, Gai Nie deeply understood it.
What is real power!
this moment.
Ge Nie suddenly woke up.
Feelings…(Lee’s Zhao)…
His so-called title of the world’s number one sword master is just a joke.
Compared with the shocking sword of the seventh son, his sword master is not even qualified to lift the opponent’s shoes.
“If I were to meet that sword head-on, how would I respond?”
Gai Nie couldn’t help but think so.
He came to a desperate conclusion.
If he really met that shocking sword from the front.
The only thing he can do is…
Just stand and wait to die!
Can only wait to die!
There is no second possibility.
Even Gai Niejie, who is known as the world’s number one sword saint.
But when facing Ying Changge’s horrific and world-shattering sword just now, he could only feel his own insignificance and fragility from the bottom of his heart.
Gai Nie felt it.
He, and Seventh Young Master…
The two are completely two levels of contrast!
There is no comparison!
The gap is like a chasm.
How different! .
Chapter 380: As expected of being the number one evildoer of all time! 【Please customize】
“Brother, what do you think will happen if you face the Seventh Young Master?”
Wei Zhuang asked suddenly.
“Win or lose…”
“The odds of winning are close to zero!”
Ge Nie’s tone was low.
If he hadn’t seen the world-shattering sword just now, he felt that his chances of winning could still be kept at least 30%.
But when you really see it with your own eyes.

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