Only a few traces of the dark red 4.9 color left behind can reveal the horrible event that happened here just now, which can be called Shura’s hell.
There were more than 2,000 anti-Qin elements at the scene…
In an instant, everything was wiped out!
No bones left!
Even the corpses were crushed and disappeared.
Only the bloodstains left on the ground showed that they were still alive just now.
so far.
It can also be officially announced…
The remaining 2,000 anti-Qin remnants were wiped out by the entire army!
The world-shattering sword that was erupted by Ying Changge was instantly killed!
Not a single fish slipped through the net!
No one will be left alive!
All died tragically under Ying Changge’s sword.
Was instantly killed!
It was just a face-to-face meeting, but Ying Changge managed to kill more than 2,000 anti-Qin elements with a single sword from a distance of a hundred meters! .
Chapter 378 This must be a dream, right? incredible! 【Please customize】
The atmosphere is weird!silence!
The whole audience was silent!
Pairs of eyes full of horror, shock, and disbelief gathered in the battlefield ahead.
All eyes were fixed and concentrated.
After seeing clearly the terrifying traces left on the battlefield, everyone around felt an unprecedented sense of shock.
The people who had been fighting fiercely stopped their current offensive abruptly.
Including several Mohist leaders, without exception, they each withdrew from the battlefield, staring at the hideous and messy ruins remaining on the battlefield with horror and shock on their faces.
Gao Jianli was stunned.
Snow Maiden was dumbfounded.
Robber Zhi’s eyes widened even more.
what’s going on?
what happened?
Why did more than 2,000 members of the Anti-Qin Alliance disappear in an instant?
What happened just now? !
But only in the blink of an eye.
A total of more than two thousand people disappeared on the battlefield out of thin air?
Do not!
More precisely.
A total of 2,000 people, all of them turned into a bloody mist?
All were killed in seconds?
How is this possible? 05?
Can anyone explain.
What happened to all this?
“I’m hallucinating, right?”
“I must be dreaming!”
Robber Zhi’s lips trembled slightly, his face was full of frightened colors.
He obviously couldn’t accept the truth of what was happening in front of him at this moment.
only because……
This fact is too subversive cognition!
It’s unbelievable!
“That’s more than two thousand people!”
“A total of two thousand people, how could they all be killed in an instant?”
“Will not!”
“That monster only made one sword in the whole process.”
“With one sword, more than 2,000 people were instantly killed? Is this really possible?”
“I must be crazy!”
Robber Zhi’s throat was dry, and he felt hairy all over his body.
have to admit.
The scene in front of him seriously impacted his worldview.
He couldn’t even dream of it.
One day, there will be such a shocking horror phenomenon.
More than two thousand people were instantly killed by a single sword at the same time.
Who can believe this?
With just one sword, more than 2,000 people were wiped out in an instant? !
Let more than two thousand people die without a whole body, or even no bones left in the end?
Isn’t this really a dream?
How could someone be so powerful?
This is completely unreasonable!
The expressions of Gao Jianli and Xuenv were also shocked.
Almost the same mood as Robber Zhi.
They were also stunned.
before that.
Of course they didn’t think that Ying Changge could fight against more than 2,000 anti-Qin elements by himself.
But now.
The result was beyond their expectations.
A total of more than two thousand people, not only died, but also suffered the fate of being instantly killed by a sword.
Just for an instant.
More than 2,000 people died suddenly, with no bones left.
Who would dare to believe this result?
Even if they witnessed it with their own eyes, they couldn’t accept this terrible event that subverted their cognition.
“how is this possible?!”
Gao Jianli’s throat was dry, and he subconsciously blurted out.
He tightly held the Shuihan sword in his hand, and his face could not conceal the deep shock and loss of composure.
Fight against more than 2,000 people by yourself?
Do not!
This is one-sided crushing!
With his own power, he killed more than 2,000 people in an instant!
This is what makes Gao Jianli the most unbelievable.
In this world, how could someone have such a terrifying ability?
Can human beings really do it?
I’m afraid it’s not a living immortal Buddha!
Just one sword instantly killed a full 2,000 people!
What is this concept? !
Unable to phenomenon!
“My, my God!”
“They’re all dead.”
“No one is missed!”

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