She thought almost subconsciously.
In the whole world, no one dared to be so presumptuous in front of her.
Today, she just ran into it.
Someone really dared to say that she would kill her in front of her face!
“I am the Right Protector of the Yin Yang Family, the Protector of the Empire…”
“How dare the seventh son?”
Luna couldn’t help thinking so.
She dared not speak out.
only because……
She was also a little uneasy.
She worried that the more she said, the more she would irritate the other party.
Facing Ying Changge, Rao, who is as powerful as the moon god, also felt deep fear and palpitations.
“What am I afraid of?”
“With my strength, even if I lose, will I still be killed by the Seventh Young Master?”
“Although the Seventh Young Master once severely injured the Sword Saint Gai Nie, it was only with the cooperation of Zhang Han and the shadow guards that he was able to severely injure the Sword Saint Gai Nie.”
“With my current strength, even if I lose to the Seventh Young Master, I will never be too inferior.”
“Why should I worry so much?”
Thinking of this, Moon God forcibly suppressed the palpitations in his heart.
At this time.
Ying Changge didn’t care too much about the distracting thoughts in Luna’s mind, but went straight to the point and asked blankly, “So, tell me now, your choice!”
“Choose to be my enemy…”
“It’s better to get out of the Mohist mechanism city immediately!”
“It’s all up to you to decide.”
Ying Changge quietly waited for Luna’s reply.
If Luna wants to court death…
He doesn’t mind killing each other!
The right guardian of the Yin Yang family?
Imperial Guardian Mage?
so what?
Those who deserve to be killed will always be killed!
But it’s just a matter of time.
For Luna, Ying Changge doesn’t have any good feelings.
If the other party doesn’t know what to do and insists on stopping him, he doesn’t mind turning the other party into a cold corpse.
Martial arts master?
There are more than one or two martial arts masters who died in their own hands!
Luna is no exception!
“Do you want to live? Or do you want to die?”
“I am looking forward……”
“How would you choose?”
Ying Changge thought with a little expectation in his heart.
That’s right!
He really intends to eradicate Luna!
If Luna chooses the wrong path, he will never show mercy.
0・・・・・Ask for flowers・・・・・・・・・・・・・
As for how much turmoil will be caused in the future?
This is not what Ying Changge himself needs to consider.
He just knows.
He will never let anyone who tries to block his footsteps!
This is the same even for the guardian of the empire.
not to mention.
Luna rushing to the Mohist Trick City this time did not come with the order of the First Emperor Yingzheng, but purely with the order of the Eastern Emperor Taiyi.
In this situation.
Even if Moon God was killed, who knew Ying Changge did it?
The death of the moon god is also a death in vain.
And after killing the Moon God, the Yin-Yang family is bound to cause unprecedented turmoil.
This is also what Ying Changge can’t wait to see.
The death of the moon god will benefit thousands of people of the empire…
…………… 0
Why not do it?
For the Yin Yang family, Ying Changge did not have any good impressions.
this moment.
It is also the best time to kill Luna!
No one knew he did it.
In this way, after killing the Moon God, it will not cause any trouble to Ying Changge.
“It’s up to you whether you live or die.”
“Seize the opportunity well, and don’t let me find a reason to kill you openly.”
“You will regret it later.”
“I don’t care about your status as the right guardian of the Yin Yang family.”
“What I care about is…”
“Anyone who blocks my steps will be killed by me!”
“You are no exception.”
Ying Changge’s heart is likeThinking about this.
He doesn’t have any scruples about yin and yang family right protectors and the like.
He will kill anyone who stops him, without mercy!
While Ying Changge was waiting quietly.
The murderous aura here has also become stronger and stronger.
Feeling the icy air emanating from Luna’s body, Ying Changge seemed to have got the answer.
He smiled: “It seems that you already have a choice in your heart.”
Hearing this, Moon God’s face was serious: “Your Excellency the Eastern Emperor’s order, I dare not refuse. So, I have no choice but to do it myself, to experience whether the strength of the Seventh Young Master has increased in recent days.”
for a while.
The sword is on the verge of breaking out!
The battle seems to be on the verge of breaking out! Where.
Chapter 357 Fuck? Martial arts master? Luna panicked! 【Please customize】
The atmosphere is getting more and more oppressive!
Jing Tianming and Gao Yue looked terrified, and quickly hid at the corner of the wall.
The two of them looked at Luna with a full face of attack.
Luna is their only lifeline.
If even Luna is defeated.
Then they will be completely over!

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