They can only pray silently in their hearts.
This mysterious woman must not lose!
quite a while.
Feeling the oppressive aura of the Moon God, Ying Changge spoke briefly: “You made the worst choice in your life. Next, you will regret your choice for the rest of your life.”
“Since you want to see my power?”
“Today, I will let you get your wish!”
The words fell.
An unparalleled terrifying aura erupted from Ying Changge’s body.
This momentum is very powerful and terrifying. “Four Nine Zero”
The fluctuation of internal force belonging to the level of a martial arts master entangled his body almost without the slightest concealment, and the coercion emanating from it became more and more terrifying and vigorous.
A layer of light blue halo wrapped Ying Changge’s body, making his figure at the moment extraordinarily eye-catching and extraordinarily refined.
The terrifying air current of power seemed to forcibly distort the surrounding space, leaving traces of weak wriggling and trembling in the space.
The extremely powerful aura erupted from Ying Changge’s body, completely covering the body of Luna in front of him.
The huge secret room was almost completely affected by this exuberant momentum.
“This, this is…”
Feeling that his body was enveloped by this momentum, Luna’s face changed slightly.
She feels it.
This momentum is overwhelming…
Not a congenital late stage!
Martial arts master!
She felt the suppression of the internal force of the martial arts master.
This made Luna couldn’t help but turn pale with fright.
what happened? !
how can that be!
The seventh son unexpectedly exploded with the internal strength of a martial arts master?
This must be an illusion, right?
It’s completely unreasonable!
Isn’t the seventh son a congenital late?
In such a short period of time, he actually became a martial arts master?
What is this concept?
Luna had a shocked expression on her face, and her eyes were full of horror as she looked at Ying Changge’s figure.
this moment.
As Ying Changge no longer concealed his cultivation level, Moon God was completely shocked.
She obviously didn’t expect it.
Nearly half a month ago, the Seventh Young Master, who was still in the late innate stage, met again, and the other party had already broken through to the realm of a martial arts master!
It stands to reason.
It shouldn’t be!
Even if you look at Jianghu, there are no similar horror examples.
It’s unbelievable!
Unheard of before!
How could there be such a monster in this world?
In less than half a month, he actually broke through from late innate to martial arts master?
This is more than genius.
It’s a monster!
In just half a month, being able to break through from the late innate stage to the congenital perfection is already an unprecedented thing.
The Seventh Young Master took advantage of such a short period of time to break into the Martial Dao Grandmaster from the late Xiantian stage?
what does that mean?
Luna was stunned.
She still can’t believe it.
In just half a month, a person’s cultivation level can be improved so terrifyingly and rapidly!
All of this is too unbelievable.
It even subverted Luna’s world view.
“Wu, martial arts master!”
“how could it be possible?”
Luna’s lips moved slightly, subconsciously took half a step back, and stared at Ying Changge’s figure with horror on his face.
Ying Changge, who was surrounded by a light blue halo, looked like a banished fairy who had descended into the mortal world. He was dressed in spotless white clothes and carried a unique and otherworldly aura.
at the same time.
The imposing coercion emanating from Ying Changge was also very terrifying, making even the Moon God feel the boundless and vigorous pressure.
“Less than half a month…”
“Breakthrough from innate late stage to martial arts master?”
“I seem to have seen a miracle!”
“Do not!”
“This is a miracle!”
Luna lost his composure.
With her calm mind, she couldn’t help but lose her composure when faced with what was happening at this moment.
She couldn’t even dream of it.
In this whole world, there are still such evil monsters.
How strong is the seventh son’s talent?
The strength is simply terrifying!
Rao is a star soul with outstanding talent, such as the first genius of the Yin Yang family in three hundred years, who has been stuck in the innate realm, and has not been able to step into the realm of martial arts masters for many years.
It took only less than half a month for the Seventh Young Master to be successfully broken into the martial arts master 0 by him from the late innate stage. …
If this news gets out, the whole Jianghu will be completely detonated!
It’s too evil!
The existence of this kind of evildoer is really a blow to the dimensionality reduction of countless martial arts practitioners in the rivers and lakes.
If Xinghun heard this news, he might doubt his life on the spot.
Now Luna has doubted life.
She thought so.
Ying Changge is still in the late innate cultivation realm.
The opponent turned out to be a martial arts master!
She is in the same realm of cultivation as her!
She dare not imagine.
The cultivation realm of the innate late stage can severely injure the seventh son of the martial arts master…
How terrifying is the opponent’s strength after he becomes a martial arts master?
Thinking of this, Luna suddenly began to panic.
She felt it at first.
Even if she loses to Ying Changge, she is confident that she can retreat completely.

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