all in all.
If a conflict does break out.
She had a premonition in her heart.
Her chances of winning may be very slim.
“You, did you understand what I said?”
Ying Changge meant something.
“My lord, are you really unwilling to give the Yinyang family a face?”
“Really intend to kill these two people?”
“You might as well tell you the truth, Your Excellency Donghuang personally ordered this matter. If you are willing to give in, Your Excellency Donghuang will definitely thank you very much.”
“The Yin Yang family will also treat you as a guest of honor, young master.”
“not to mention.”
“These two people are of no use to you, my lord. Why don’t you want to hand them over to the Yin Yang family? Isn’t this the best of both worlds?”
Luna took a deep breath, her voice very heavy.
“Oh? An order from the Eastern Emperor Taiyi?”
“None of my business!”
“and also……”
“Dare to let you act presumptuously in front of me just because of his order?”
“You Yinyang family are really brave.”
“Don’t say it was the order of the Eastern Emperor Taiyi, even if his deity stood in front of me in person, I would never give him a little bit of face.”
“Is this answer clear enough?”
Ying Changge smiled lightly.
Hearing this, Moon God Liu frowned, and her pretty face sank slightly.
She already knows.
The matter has come to this point, and there is no way to end it properly.
If she intends to take Gao Yue away, conflicts and fierce battles will inevitably erupt with Ying Changge in front of her.
in front of her.
There are only two options.
One, he chooses to leave alone and returns to Yinyang’s house in despair.
Second, continue to complete the tasks ordered by His Excellency Dong Huang, and clash with Ying Changge, what will be the final result? This is an unknown.
She doesn’t count on it.
I can persuade Ying Changge with words.
Because she knows.
This is meaningless!
The other party was obviously determined and wanted to keep Jing Tianming and Gao Yue completely.
Nobody’s words are going to work right now.
“If I haven’t said it clearly enough.”
“I can explain it to you again in simpler terms.”
Ying Changge had an intriguing smile on his face, and his tone was cold and sharp, “Now, I will give you three breaths, and you will disappear in front of me immediately! Get out of here! Get out of the Mohist city!”
The cold and emotionless voice echoed in Luna’s ears.
Even Luna himself almost forgot.
How many years has it been since no one has dared to shout around like this in front of her?
She experienced it again after a long absence.
The feeling of being called and drank.
The dignified right protector of the Yin Yang family and the powerful protector of the empire, in front of Ying Changge, it can be said that he has lost all face.
“Young master, you are too rude.”
There was a bit of coldness in Luna’s eyes, and a little anger was born in his heart.
Being scolded in person like this, she naturally felt deeply ashamed.
who is she?
She is the right protector of the yin and yang family!
Even the First Emperor Yingzheng regarded her as a guest.
But she was scolded mercilessly by Ying Changge, how could she be embarrassed?
As the right protector of the Yin Yang family, Luna, her pride naturally does not allow her to be scolded like this.
“Excuse me?”
“That’s really sorry.”
Having said that, Ying Changge paused for a moment.
He spoke again expressionlessly.
“If you, Moon God, wish to stop me.”
“I’ll kill you too!”
“You can give it a try, do I have the guts?”.
Chapter 356 Swords are on the verge! The battle is on the verge of breaking out! 【Please customize】
The words just fell.
An extremely surging and strong killing intent suddenly burst out from Ying Changge’s body.
Fierce killing intent filled the audience.
Let the surrounding air temperature plummet, become extraordinarily cold and eerie, creepy.
Almost substantive murderous intent, XiVolume inside and outside the huge secret room.
Under this murderous aura, whether it was Jing Tianming or Gao Yue, both of them could only lie on the ground with weak limbs and trembling uncontrollably.
The impact of this murderous aura on them was too strong.
They are still young, shrouded in this almost substantive murderous aura, they will inevitably feel panic, and their bodies continue to tremble violently.
“Okay, what a terrifying murderous aura!”
“I can’t breathe!”
“How many people did you kill to have this terrifying ~ murderous aura?”
Jing Tianming’s hair was covered with hairs, and his bones were terrified.
Gao Yue’s situation is not far behind.
She was also trembling, and the fear in her heart that could not be controlled was infinitely magnified.
This murderous aura seemed to ignite the most feared thing in her heart, causing goose bumps to rise all over her body, her face was pale and bloodless, and she could only lie on the ground trembling.
And when he felt the killing intent between Ying Changge’s words, Luna was also deeply moved by it.
she knows.
Ying Changge is serious!
This is no joke.
The other party is really intent on killing!
If she intends to stop the other party, she must prepare for the outbreak of battle in advance.
Do not!
More precisely.
Be prepared for a desperate fight!
Because this battle is very likely to be a fierce battle of life and death!
“Seventh Young Master really wanted to kill me.”
“How dare he?!”
Luna took a deep breath, only feeling her heart pounding.
Even she doesn’t know.
It had been so many years, no one had dared to show such a strong killing intent in front of her.
As the right protector of the yin and yang family, she has a high position and authority, and most of the people she encounters on weekdays are flattery.

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