And lead to.
It angered Ying Changge in front of him.
At this moment, it is very difficult to take Gao Yue away.
But helpless.
Donghuang Taiyi’s order cannot be disobeyed.
As the right protector of the Yin Yang family, Luna certainly did not dare to disobey the orders issued by the Eastern Emperor Taiyi.
Gao Yue, you must bring her back to Yin Yang’s house!
This is the order Donghuang Taiyi gave her.
Knowing that Gao Yue is the daughter of Concubine Yan, the Moon God will naturally not let Gao Yue be killed, but will do her best to bring Gao Yue back to the Yinyang family.
Even at all costs!
With such thoughts in mind, Luna raised her scalp and headed forward, her beautiful eyes looked at Ying Changge, who was murderous and painful beside her, and her vermilion lips parted lightly.
“‘ 〃Young master, you and I should have talked about things, how can you go back on your word?”
“As your son, you should disdain such despicable things as reneging on your word.”
“If Moon God offended you before, I would like to invite son (Manuo’s) Haihan. It was absolutely not my intention. I would like to sincerely apologize to you for this.”
Luna took a deep breath, her tone full of apology.
In fact.
It’s just that she was afraid!
She was afraid that Ying Changge would be angry, so she would tear up the terms of the deal just now, and wanted to keep Gao Yue!
If that’s the case, things are really in trouble.
By the time.
Even she couldn’t think of a better solution to deal with this predicament.
“Apologize? You don’t have to.”
“I don’t want your apology.”
“what I want……”
“It’s the life force of the two of them.”
“Now, you can go!”
“Don’t continue to show off your skills in front of me. I’ll just say it once, these two people are my trophies, no one can tell me what to do!”
“Whatever I want to do, no one can stop me!”
“including you!”
Ying Changge’s expression was flat.
Chapter 355 How dare you stop me? I will kill you together! 【Please customize】
The Yin Yang family still wants to take Gao Yue back?
Now, Ying Changge will not give the other party any more chances.
Since the other party has voluntarily missed the opportunity just now, then he will not give the other party a second chance.
Gao Yue must die!
Jing Tianming must kill!
Even if Donghuang Taiyi, the leader of the Yinyang family, came in person, it would not be able to save the fate of these two people’s death.
Ying Changge decided.
In the whole world, no one can stop it!
After reaching the level of a martial arts master, Ying Changge became confident.
He can be fearless of all strong men in the world!
Now even if he breaks face with the Yin Yang family, it will not have any impact on him.
How dare a mere yin and yang family dare to act presumptuously in front of him?
If the Yin Yang family is not pleasing to the eye…
Sooner or later, the entire Yin Yang family will be leveled!
Just like today’s Mohists.
“As for your claim that I’ve turned my back on my promise?”
Ying Changge suddenly laughed.
After a little stern expression, the corners of his mouth slightly turned up: “So what? I’m just going back on my word, what can you do? Are you going to stop me?”
These words are very powerful!
Incomparably overbearing!
It showed Ying Changge’s high spirits and majesty.
Words just fell.
Luna also looked at Ying Changge more solemnly.
She heard it.
Ying Changge seemed to have made up his mind.
To kill Gao Yue and Jing Tianming!
Even her face, has no effectuse.
Immediately, Luna felt deep remorse in his heart.
You shouldn’t have offended the Seventh Young Master Ying Changge for the phantom sound treasure box.
Big trouble now!
It’s all over.
Do you really want to give up His Excellency Donghuang’s order?
Do you really want to let Concubine Yan’s daughter be killed?
For a moment, countless thoughts flew wildly in Luna’s head.
She didn’t know what to do.
If she wanted to continue saving Gao Yue, she felt that she would definitely have a dispute with Ying Changge and confront her.
And this was clearly not what she wanted to see.
She was vaguely aware of it.
Now with her strength, she may not be able to do anything to the Seventh Young Master Ying Changge in front of her.
Unless it was absolutely necessary, she really didn’t want to have a conflict with Ying Changge.
after all.
She has no certainty of victory.
With her character of planning first and then acting, she rarely does things that are not absolutely sure (afej).
If it was not a last resort, she would never want to fight Ying Changge.
She is not confident.
With her strength, she can really defeat Ying Changge.
Even she herself didn’t know if it was an illusion.
She always feels.
All the time, you can feel a faint sense of crisis from the seventh son Ying Changge in front of you.
Is this an illusion?
She doesn’t know.
She only knows a little.
That is……
The seventh son Ying Changge is very strong!
Strong and unfathomable!
Nearly half a month ago, he was able to forcefully injure the Star Soul!
How far has the other party grown?
Luna is unknown.

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