Luna only felt hairs all over his body.
At this moment, she suddenly realized it belatedly.
Just now, she seemed to have made a huge mistake!
That is……
Take the initiative to provoke the Seventh Young Master Ying Changge! .
Chapter 354 No one can stop me from doing what I want! 【Please customize】
There was a chill in the air.
The murderous aura emanating from Ying Changge’s body was almost undisguised, spreading and covering the entire secret room inside and out.
Like a substantive murderous aura, covering the audience.
Jing Tianming, Gao Yue and others were in this oppressive atmosphere, which made their hair stand on end, and they looked at Ying Changge with fear in their eyes.
This is……
The talk broke down?
It was so good, why did the conversation suddenly collapse?
In the end, are they still going to die?
I thought I was going to survive from a desperate situation!
Just a joke?
They have already seen the hope of survival, now, push them into the fire pit again?
“Yue, Yue’er.”
Jing Tianming looked at the pale Gao Yue beside him, his lips trembled slightly.
He seemed to think of it.
The main reason for the collapse of this negotiation…
It was because Gao Yue suddenly mentioned the Phantom Treasure Box.
This angered that terrifying monster!
As a result, the mysterious woman’s face is useless.
If Gao Yue wasn’t so impulsive, she would mention the Phantom Treasure Box.
They have now escaped the city alive.
But the matter has come to this point, and there is no room for regret.
Gao Yue was also confused.
She thought so.
Relying on the face of the moon god, she can ask Ying Changge face to face and take back the phantom sound treasure box that belongs to her.
Because of her short sentence, the negotiation broke down on the spot.
Seeing the aggressive appearance of the Moon God before, she thought that the energy of the Moon God was enough to frighten the terrifying young man in front of her.
It was with this thought that she dared to question Ying Changge confidently and wanted to take back the phantom sound treasure box that belonged to her.
But never expected.
Just such a sentence completely changed her and Jing Tianming’s future fate.
Her heart was filled with remorse.
If she had known this, she shouldn’t have mentioned the Phantom Treasure Box.
it’s good now.
Talk broke down!
What will happen to them next?
I’m afraid…
Can’t escape this disaster!
“It’s over, it’s over~‖.”
Gao Yue was devastated, staring blankly at the figure of Luna with her red eyes.
She can only hope in the end.
The mysterious older sister can be a bit tougher.
She and Jing Tianming will definitely die!
There is no doubt about this.
After provoking that horrific monster, except for this mysterious woman in front of them, no one can save them from the dire straits.
“I shouldn’t have mentioned the magic sound treasurebox…”
“Everything is my fault!”
Gao Yue, who was full of confidence, turned extremely pale, almost bloodless.
His heart was full of remorse.
Who would have thought.
In a word, her destiny will be completely changed.
If she knew this earlier, of course she wouldn’t dare to be so presumptuous in front of the other party!
“elder sister……”
Gao Yue stared blankly at the Moon God, her pink lips parted slightly, with an expression of attack and longing.
She hoped so much.
Luna can stand up for the two of them!
at the same time.
Faced with Ying Changge’s murderous remarks, Luna also fell silent.
She can feel it.
It originated from the majestic killing intent emanating from Ying Changge’s body.
Murderous intent!
She has a hunch.
If she really wanted to continue interfering in this matter in the future, she might really be regarded as an enemy.
This murderous aura was so strong that it almost made the Moon God feel a burst of trepidation.
“Young master, he really has murderous intentions!”
Luna’s throat was dry, thinking so in his heart.
She also felt a little regretful.
If she had known earlier that the Seventh Young Master had such a temper, she shouldn’t have pushed forward.
it’s good now.
A terrifying monster has been completely angered by her.
How should it end now?
Even the witty Moon God couldn’t think of a solution.
As for the phantom sound treasure box?
Luna completely cut off his mind.
She didn’t dare to try to anger Ying Changge anymore.
If you continue to add fuel to the fire at this moment, things will get out of hand.
And she was not sure that she could stop Ying Changge.
“After all, I was still dazzled by the little benefits in front of me.”
“I regret it…”
“You shouldn’t, you shouldn’t, you shouldn’t ask the seventh son for the phantom sound treasure box.”
“Now that the Seventh Young Master has been angered, the task of bringing Gao Yue back to Yinyang’s family will also increase in difficulty and become extremely difficult.”
Luna is deeply troubled.
At this moment, she realized it deeply.
Gradually, things began to develop into a situation that she couldn’t handle.
The originally good situation was completely reversed because of the phantom sound treasure box.
Because of the greed in her heart!

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