Ying Changge didn’t want to give the phantom sound treasure box to her at all.
in this way.
No matter how much you say, I’m afraid it won’t be able to change the other party’s original plan.
It would be better to step back and take a step back for the time being.
After returning to Yinyang’s house, I will report to His Excellency Donghuang about the Phantom Sound Treasure Box.
This matter is very involved.
When it comes to the Phantom Sound Treasure Box, His Excellency Donghuang will definitely be alarmed.
This matter is no longer something she can solve alone.
“Bring Gao Yue back for now, as for the Phantom Treasure Box…”
“His Excellency Donghuang will definitely find a way to take it back.”
“Right now, it’s not appropriate to break skin with Seventh Young Master.”
“You must bear it!”
Luna had a plan in mind.
For the Phantom Sound Treasure Box, of course she is bound to win it.
There is no need to rush.
There is still a lot of time in the future, and a series of plans can be adopted for the seventh son.
Outnumbered now…
In the organ city.
Except for the Seventh Young Master alone, there are also Meng Tian, ​​the Quicksand Organization and others.
If there is a conflict with the Seventh Young Master, then the matter will not end.
In order to take the overall situation into consideration, Luna had to forcibly suppress the idea of ​​taking back the Phantom Sound Treasure Box.
“Since this object is predestined with you, my lord, the phantom sound treasure box will be under your control for the time being.”
“Just hope, young master, remember to keep this thing properly.”
“It must not be lost.”
Luna looked serious.
“Don’t worry, no one can take back from my hand, what belongs to me!”
“Under the sky…”
“No one can do it!”
Ying Changge said meaningfully.
Want to take away the Phantom Sound Treasure Box from your own hands?
Looking around the world, is there really anyone who can do it?
With the terrifying strength he currently possesses, even if he is besieged by several invincible powerhouses, he is confident that he can defeat them forcefully.
Not even the invincible powerhouse in the world could take the Phantom Sound Treasure Box from him.
Just ask.
Who else in the world can do it?
No one!
“In that case, my son, I will go first.”
Luna exhaled softly.
sheReally did not expect.
You will see the Phantom Sound Box here!
At this moment, she is returning home like an arrow.
She couldn’t wait to lead Gao Yue back to Yinyang’s house, so that she could convey to His Excellency Donghuang’s ears the fact that she encountered the phantom sound treasure box in the mechanism city today.
The phantom sound treasure box, the yin and yang family is bound to get it!
It must be taken back!
“Wait a moment.”
Just as Moon God was about to take Jing Tianming and Gao Yue away, Ying Changge suddenly interrupted.
“Young master, what is this?”
Luna frowned, his expression full of confusion.
She had some ominous premonition in her heart.
just like……
Something big is about to happen!
as predicted.
Luna’s guess is very accurate.
I see.
Ying Changge faced the direction of Jing Tianming and Gao Yue, and said in a somewhat indifferent tone: “I suddenly changed my mind. The previous negotiations with you, Moon God, are now void.”
Want to win the phantom sound treasure box?
Challenge your bottom line one after another?
Constantly trying to be presumptuous in front of yourself?
That being the case…
That’s embarrassing!
Flip the table by yourself!
I won’t play these fancy and dirty routines with you!
The Yin Yang family wants to take Gao Yue back?
Since it’s what the Yin Yang family wants to do…
Ying Changge will naturally try to stop it!
Originally, the negotiation was good, and he didn’t mind letting Gao Yue follow Luna back to Yinyang’s house.
can now.
After the unpleasant incident that erupted just now, Ying Changge changed his original mind.
He suddenly decided.
Kill Gao Yue on the spot!
Kill Jing Tianming!
Make all the plans of the Yin Yang family come to nothing!
No matter why the Yin-Yang family took Gao Yue back…
Ying Chang only knows 490 songs.
What he wants to do is to destroy all the things that the Yin Yang family is trying to do.
Gao Yue became the target of Ying Changge to destroy!
“I don’t care what schemes and plots your Yin Yang family has…”
“all in all.”
“Now, you hear me clearly!”
“The two of them are my spoils!”
“And you, including the Yin Yang family behind you…”
“They are not qualified to point fingers at my spoils in front of me.”
“Your behavior just now disgusts me very much.”
“So, I don’t want to hand them over to your Yin Yang family.”
“I want to kill them with my own hands! Kill them all!”
“You, do you understand?”
Ying Changge’s face was expressionless, and every word contained a strong killing intent.
The temperature of the surrounding air seemed to plummet, becoming extraordinarily cold and harsh.
Biting cold.
Open your heart!
The icy cold air breeds, sweeping and spreading in all directions.
Faced with Ying Changge’s completely emotionless remarks.

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