How to find Xiang Shaoyu?
He already had detailed plans and arrangements in mind.
Watching Ying Changge’s back gradually drifting away, the expressions of several Mohist leaders in the battlefield changed slightly.
They each looked at each other, eyes full of shock and anger.
“This guy, he probably wants to find the class master and the others?!”
Robber Zhi couldn’t help blurting out.
“Not good!”
Snow Maiden bit her pink lips lightly.
“No matter what his purpose is, we have no spare power to stop him.”
“It’s only strange…”
“We are too weak!”
“So, the top priority is to deal with the Qin army in front of us. The horror of that monster’s strength is far from being something we can distract to stop.”
“You should all be aware of this.”
Gao Jianli calmed down a little, and sighed helplessly.
Hearing this, Robber Zhi and Xue Nu could only remain silent.
As Gao Jianli said.
Even if they knew that the opponent’s purpose was to target the class masters in the core area of ​​the organ city, what could they do?
Can they stop each other?
This is a terrifying existence that even Sword Saint Gai Nie can forcefully injure!
How can they stop each other’s footsteps?
The only person who has the strength and qualifications to block the opponent from the front is the sword master Gaine.
“We are too weak!”
“I’m really not reconciled!”
“Watching helplessly, this damn guy broke into the core hinterland of our organ city.”
“Even, class master and the others may suffer misfortune, but there is nothing we can do.”
Robber Zhi gritted his teeth, with a look of unwillingness.
“As long as we repel the Qin army in front of us, it will be victory!”
“Others, let’s make plans after we repel the Qin army.”
Gao Jianli slowly lifted the Shuihan sword in his hand, and stared at Baifeng sharply.
“you’re right.”
Robber Zhi restrained his mind and concentrated his energy on preparing to deal with the enemy in front of him.
“I hope Master Ban and the others can protect themselves and don’t run into that monster.”
“That’s over!”
Xuenv could only pray silently in her heart.
No one can think of it.
Ying Changge’s goal was not from the beginning to the end, the Mohist high-ranking people like Master Ban who were powerless.
0・・・・・Ask for flowers・・・・・・・・・・・・・
Xiang Shaoyu!
Even Xiang Liang and Fan Zeng couldn’t think of this point.
Even Meng Tian, ​​Meng Ying, and Shao Si Ming who have been following Ying Changge all the time, they are absolutely unpredictable.
My son’s goal…
It turned out to be a boy? !
If Xiang Liang and Fan Zeng knew, their young master Xiang Shaoyu was already being targeted by a terrifying monster.
I’m afraid…
They may be about to jump over the wall on the spot.
Xiang Shaoyu is the key to revive Chu!
At least.
In their eyes, only Xiang Shaoyu has the qualifications to revive Chu.
One can imagine.
…. …… 0
Xiang Shaoyu’s importance to them.
No one could have predicted that the terrifying existence that was strong enough to severely injure Sword Saint Gai Nie would actually target a young man in his weak years!
After a while.
The war broke out again!
Without Ying Changge’s strong deterrence, the battle will naturally start again.
The two sides fought in full swing.
Fighting continues!
The screams kept ringing!
The cold bodies fell one after another.
There are the bodies of members of the Anti-Qin Alliance, as well as the bodies of elite soldiers of the empire.
This is war!
Both sides will die!
Wei Zhuang confronted Gai Nie again.
The quicksand organization once again fought fiercely with the digital leaders of the Mohist school.
Meng Ying then also intervened in the battlefield, throwing himself into the battlefield to start a fight with the disciples of the Mohist school.
The battlefield became chaotic.
Meng Tian led his army to face the Chu army led by Xiang Liang!
This battle seems to be re-enacting the war between Qin and Chu back then!
The sound of fighting resounded through the sky.
The ear-piercing sound of weapons colliding with weapons spread in all directions.
Both sides were red-eyed.
Desperate to kill the opponent!
time flies.
The war is heating up.
A pile of corpses piled up like a mountain.
Corpses are everywhere!
Blood flowed like a river!
The strong and pungent smell of blood wafted in the air and spread wantonly.
“Kill them all!”
“Brothers, go!” Fan.
Chapter 312: The Hinterland of Trick City! The protagonist trio! 【Please customize】
the other side.
The Mo family, the innermost hinterland of the organ city.
Several young teenagers and girls were staying in the huge secret room with worried expressions on their faces.
“Shaoyu, you said there won’t really be an accident outside, right?”
Gao Yue looked at the boy next to him with some worry.
The boy was wearing a dark blue loose robe, his face was a little immature, but he was resolute, and his young face was full of maturity that did not match his age.
Hearing Gao Yue’s voice, Xiang Shaoyu pondered for a moment, then said in a low voice, “If you heard me right, it was the sound of fighting outside just now.”
The sound that came from the outside just now naturally couldn’t escape the hearing of the three of them.

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