no doubt.
Fighting has broken out outside!
All three of them knew this.
It’s just that Gao Yue was lucky.
“what should we do?”
“Can we just sit and wait for death? Wait quietly for the final result in this “460”?”
“I also want to do my best to help uncle.”
Jing Tianming couldn’t help but speak.
Although he was very apprehensive and apprehensive, he still forcibly suppressed the negative emotions and transformed them into fighting spirit and courage.
“Boy, stop joking.”
“Just you? Want to participate in the war too?”
“Do you know what war is?”
“The cruelty of war is far beyond your imagination.”
“Your little head, you have never imagined how cruel war is in this life. This is not a child’s play.”
“With your current strength, if you enter the battlefield, I dare to conclude that if you can’t hold on for a quarter of an hour, you will most likely be killed by the Qin army.”
Xiang Shaoyu glanced at Jing Tianming, his tone of contempt was undisguised.
Jing Tianming blushed, and retorted angrily, “Who said I couldn’t last for a quarter of an hour? I’m the first descendant of the world’s number one sword master! How could I be like you?so weak? ”
Hearing this, Xiang Shaoyu shook his head disapprovingly: “It’s alright boy, I don’t know your strength, big brother? Don’t be brave. If you go to the battlefield, you will understand these words of big brother.”
Although Xiang Shaoyu is young, he has experienced many wars.
He knows it well.
How cruel the battlefield is!
And a mischievous boy like Jing Tianming will never understand the horror of the battlefield.
“Shaoyu, don’t underestimate me.”
“Sooner or later, I will become as strong as Uncle.”
Jing Tianming was a little unwilling.
“Okay, okay, you are the best, okay? Your uncle is indeed very strong, but you are too far away from your uncle.”
“Don’t say I’ll hit you big brother, you can’t even stop big brother’s three moves, how can you fight Qin Jun? Don’t be joking, you just rushed to die in vain.”
“With your current strength, if you enter the battlefield, it’s just a burden.”
“In order to avoid you being burdensome, we’ll stay here honestly.”
“Otherwise, you will implicate your uncle.”
Xiang Shaoyu waved his hands helplessly.
Among the three, he is the most mature.
Whether it is strength, or thinking, or mentality.
He was far ahead of Jing Tianming and Gao Yue.
after all.
Born in the state of Chu, and even the young master of the state of Chu, Xiang Shaoyu was born with a heavy mission and burden, which constantly oppressed him and made him walk on the road to revive the state of Chu.
to this end.
He had to forcibly temper himself to make himself more mature!
His life experience is absolutely outstanding among most teenagers.
And although Jing Tianming had a hard time when he was young, he was definitely not like Xiang Shaoyu, who rushed to the battlefield to fight to the death when he was young.
all in all.
Compared with Xiang Shaoyu, Jing Tianming basically has no advantage in all aspects.
“Yue’er, don’t worry, I will definitely protect you.”
Jing Tianming turned to look at Gao Yue, clenched his fists and looked serious.
“Tianming, let’s listen to Shaoyu and stay here obediently, so as not to cause trouble to people outside, that would be bad.”
Gao Yue thought for a while and offered to propose.
“it is good.”
Jing Tianming nodded.
He always obeyed Gao Yue’s words.
“By the way, where is Miss Duanmu?”
Xiang Shaoyu asked suddenly.
Duan Murong led the three of them to this safe area, but the other party left this place alone.
“Sister Duanmu said that she is going outside to observe the battle situation.”
“If things can’t be done…”
“You must plan ahead!”
Gao Yue’s eyes darkened, and she explained in a low voice.
“I’m afraid the situation outside is not optimistic.”
“The organ city was breached by intruders from the outside world, which is simply unexpected 0…”
“Who would have thought.”
“An impregnable fortress like Trick City will be breached by a group of outsiders one day.”
Xiang Shaoyu was filled with emotion.
He thought so too.
As long as you stay in the organ city, you can be sure to sit back and relax.
No matter how many enemies there are outside.
As long as they hide in the organ city, they don’t need to worry about enemies from outside.
No one can imagine.
At this critical moment, the organ city was directly breached from the front.
This was beyond Xiang Shaoyu’s expectation.
“Master Ban also said before that there is no possibility of the organ city being attacked from the front by outsiders.”
“But now…”
Gao Yue sighed, her tone full of sorrow.
“I’ve said it a long time ago, old man Ban is not reliable at all.”
Jing Tianming rolled his eyes.
He doesn’t have any good feelings for the class master.
Or rather.
For all the people in the entire Mohist organ city, except for a very few people with gentle personalities, Jing Tianming basically did not have any good impressions, but felt a little repulsive in his heart.
After following Gai Nie to the organ city, Jing Tianming could of course have a keen insight into the eyes of Mohist disciples and Mohist leaders.
The eyes of these people are full of repulsion and disgust…
All of this naturally cannot escape Jing Tianming’s insight.
Wandering alone on the streets since he was a child, Jing Tianming has developed the ability to observe words and demeanor.
He can clearly feel it.
The entire Mohist school collectively didn’t like him and Gai Nie.
It is for this reason that Jing Tianming also subconsciously rejects the Mohists.
“Tianming, don’t talk nonsense, Master Ban’s organ attainments are at the top of the rivers and lakes.”
Gao Yue defended.
“Then why is the organ city being breached now?”
Jing Tianming had a strange expression on his face.
Gao Yue was speechless for a while.
She could only be annoyed for a while, and stopped talking.
“Yue’er, I was wrong, I shouldn’t have said bad things about Old Man Ban.”
Seeing Gao Yue’s angry expression, Jing Tianming hurriedly apologized.
The atmosphere became a little silent.
In less than a moment.
Tread Tread!

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