From the beginning to the end, they couldn’t figure out each other’s purpose.
have to say.
The opponent did not take the initiative to intervene in the behavior of the battlefield. For them, this is the biggest good news so far.
They dare not imagine.
If such a terrifying monster intervenes in the battlefield, what a terrible and desperate situation they will face!
“Order, don’t do anything to this monster.”
“Although I don’t know what his plans are, but right now, it’s the best news for us that he doesn’t take the initiative to intervene in the battlefield.”
Xiang Liang whispered to Fan Zeng.
Fan Zeng nodded in approval.
Wherever Ying Changge passed by, all anti-Qin elements retreated tens of meters away.
Pairs of eyes full of panic, fear, and fear all fixed on Ying Changge’s body in unison.
This is how the weird scene happened.
(afej) Where Ying Changge walked step by step, a spacious passage tens of meters wide appeared.
In the densely populated battlefield, such an empty fork appeared strangely.
Even Gai Nie could only stare at YingChangge, but did not dare to take the initiative to intercept the opponent’s footsteps.
This scene clearly fell into the eyes of the personnel of the empire.
Mengying stared at Ying Changge’s back with eyes full of awe and admiration.
“As expected of a son!”
“Just randomly intervening in the battlefield alone is enough to be strong enough to cause a terrifying deterrent to all the anti-Qin elements on the scene!”
“With my own strength, I will deter all the anti-Qin elements in the audience from acting rashly!”
“Too strong!”
“Too overbearing!”
Mengying’s eyes sparkled brightly, and the sense of admiration in her heart became stronger and stronger.
“Incomparably overbearing!”
The eyes of many members of the quicksand organization went blank for a while.
They stared blankly.
Accompanied by the place Ying Changge passed by, the group of anti-Qin elements all involuntarily withdrew, giving way to a spacious passage.
What kind of terrifying power is this?
Simply unimaginable!
With his own power, he forcibly frightened nearly 10,000 anti-Qin elements in the audience!
This scene is really shocking.
Even this group of calm killers from the Quicksand Organization were all shocked by this scene.
“This is the real top powerhouse!”
“Alone, it is enough to easily shock the audience!”
Bai Feng was in a trance.
Seeing the terrible deterrence that Ying Changge posed to the scene, Bai Feng finally understood.
What is a real strong man?
The Seventh Young Master in front of him is the real strong man!
There was no hands-on action during the whole process, but it was still strong enough to deter everyone in all directions!
The strong should be like this!
This is what Bai Feng remembered as a real powerhouse should have the power.
Even if Wei Zhuang, the head of the quicksand organization, is compared with him, he is far inferior!
“Seventh Young Master’s power is too strong!”
“Only one person, deter all anti-Qin elements in the audience!”
Meng Tian looked excited.
the other side.
The eyes of Shao Siming, Yu Ziqi, Shi Lan and the others flickered as they watched Ying Changge’s back as he drifted away, their expressions were full of awe.
In the eyes of everyone.
Ying Changge traversed the entire battlefield!
From the east of the battlefield, all the way across the west!
A spacious and empty road was created directly following the places Ying Changge passed through.
Wherever he went, no one dared to approach him!
The entire battlefield was easily pierced through a passage by Ying Changge.
The scariest thing is…
He didn’t make a move during the whole process.
The terrifying deterrence alone is enough to make those anti-Qin elements back away, take the initiative to give way, and let Ying Changge pass through here smoothly.
Chapter 311 Deterring the audience! Fierce battle broke out! 【Please customize】
“These guys…”
“It’s very interesting.”
“At first, I thought that I should warm up a little bit and kill a few people to stand up.”
“I didn’t expect that they would give up a ~ path so wisely.”
“It does save me – a bit of time.”
Ying Changge smiled, thinking to himself.
There was hardly anyone obstructing him, allowing him to easily and quickly cross the entire passage here.
If no one stopped him, he would naturally not make a move.
after all.
He never forgot.
His main target is Xiang Shaoyu, the future Overlord of Western Chu.
As for these so-called anti-Qin elements?
Then leave it to Meng Tian and the others to deal with it.
Ying Changge didn’t want to waste too much unnecessary time on these irrelevant people.
Even if these people were killed, it would not be able to increase the fusion degree of Ying Changge’s template.
His target has always been Xiang Shaoyu!
Even if it is the leader of the Mohist school, it is not Ying Changge’s primary goal.
After walking out of the battlefield, Ying Changge paused for a moment.
He turned around slowly, facing the direction of the battlefield behind him.
Aware of his actions at the moment.
All the anti-Qin elements on the battlefield, including the leader of the Mohists, Xiang Liang, Fan Zeng and his sword master Gai Nie, felt a tremendous pressure.
This pressure comes only from Ying Changge!
Just one person is enough to give all the anti-Qin elements a great sense of oppression!
This is the strength displayed by Ying Changge, which caused terror and awe to all the anti-Qin elements on the scene.
“These guys…”
“Let’s leave it to General Meng Tian and you to deal with it.”
“As for me, there is one more important thing that needs to be done personally.”
The corners of Ying Changge’s mouth moved slightly, talking to himself in a low voice.
He turned around again, stepped forward without hesitation and gradually left the battlefield.
The direction he is going now is the direction to rush to the most core area inside the Mohist mechanism city!
Under the domineering investigation of the perfect level of knowledge, he can clearly understand most of the architectural structures of the huge Mohist family he is currently in.

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