Looking inside and outside the organ city, there is really someone who can threaten the life of his son.
There is no such possibility!
How terrifying is your son’s strength?
Of course they know it.
Ying Changge wanted to act alone, and Meng Ying didn’t feel any worries.
After instructing Mengying and others to move freely, Ying Changge simply stepped forward and walked towards the front battlefield step by step.
Seeing Ying Changge’s actions, all the anti-Qin elements in the battlefield felt panic.
Step by step…
Ying Changge officially set foot on the battlefield.
All the anti-Qin elements, without exception, saw Ying Changge’s figure, and they did not dare to act rashly, let alone attempt to attack.
A strange scene was born.
But wherever Ying Changge goes…
All the anti-Qin elements shy away and dare not try to approach at all!
Even if Ying Changge’s figure is only a little closer, it is enough to make many anti-Qin elements completely unable to contain the fear in their hearts and tremble, pale and bloodless.
“‘What is he going to do?”
“Is he going towar? ! ”
Xiang Liang and Fan Zeng’s hearts tightened.
The angry leader of the Mohists held the weapon in his hand tightly, staring at Ying Changge all the time, and was mentally prepared to fight at any time.
But right under their eyes.
Ying Changge has no intention of participating in the battle at all, but directly crosses (the King’s) from the battlefield.
The huge battlefield…
Countless anti-Qin elements.
They could only helplessly, watching Ying Changge cross the battlefield with ease.
from beginning to end.
They didn’t dare to act rashly at all!
Ying Changge walked across the entire battlefield step by step, almost as if walking in his own back garden.
During the whole process, no one dared to try to stop it!
This group of anti-Qin elements who have seen Ying Changge’s terrifying strength, of course they don’t want to seek their own doom by provoking Ying Changge, a terrifying existence that can instantly kill the leader of the big hammer!
This also leads to…
The situation on the battlefield has become especially weird!
Ying Changge strode across the entire battlefield, but wherever he passed, all the anti-Qin elements retreated one after another, not daring to approach at all.
It also includes the leader of the Mo family who is full of anger and killing intent!
They are exactly the same as other anti-Qin elements, they dare not approach Ying Changge Qi during the whole process.
Chapter 310 Only one person, shocking all the anti-Qin elements in the audience 【Please customize】
Although there was a cloud of anger in their hearts, the leaders of the Mo family did not dare to act rashly.
They are also afraid!
The original battlefield situation was already very pessimistic.
If at this moment, they still take the initiative to provoke the monster Qi Gongzi.
The situation they face will be infinitely more severe!
after all.
This monster, the Seventh Young Master, was the top expert who killed the big hammer in a flash, and it was even the existence that severely damaged and defeated the sword saint Gai Nie.
If this kind of monster intervenes in the battlefield, they really can’t think of it.
What else can I do…
Can stop each other!
Who will stop each other?
In the Anti-Qin Alliance, apart from the current Sword Saint Gai Nie, the strongest is Gao Jianli.
But can Gao Jianli stop him?
With Gao Jianli’s strength, there is absolutely no possibility of blocking the opponent.
This point, the rest of the Mohist leaders are well aware.
“Do not impulse!”
Gao Jianli tightly held the Shuihan sword in his hand, staring at Ying Changge’s figure with anger and fear.
He had to remind Xue Nu and Robber Zhi next to him, to prevent the two of them from being reckless and impulsive to take the initiative to attack the monster because of their anger.
If this is the case, then the battle situation will be even more difficult and troublesome!
Although it is still unknown what the monster Seventh Young Master is planning.
But they can only try their best to prevent each other from participating in the battlefield.
Once this terrifying monster joins the battlefield, it will be a nightmare for the Anti-Qin Alliance.
No one can stop the other side!
“Damn it!”
“I really want to kill him immediately!”
Robber Zhi clenched his fists tightly, his eyes were bloodshot and angry.
Full of anger but nowhere to vent.
He didn’t dare to do it easily.
Although he was angry, he still had a lot of reason left.
The remaining rationality made him understand.
If he really took action against the Seventh Young Master, then the next anti-Qin alliance would face a one-sided crushing situation.
And then.
Even their last shred of hope will be wiped out!
“It’s not the best time to shoot him yet.”
Snow Maiden’s pink lips moved slightly, her voice was cold and embarrassing.
Although they were angry in their hearts, their reserved rationality kept preventing them from taking action against Ying Changge.
It can be said that…
Dare to be angry but dare not speak!
no way.
Ying Changge’s strength is too strong.
It was so powerful that they were all afraid and terrified of it.
Under the furious but fearful gazes of several Mohist leaders.
Ying Changge crossed half of the battlefield step by step.
During this process, no one dared to block his footsteps.
Wherever I go…
Everyone stays away!
All anti-Qin elements, without exception.
Even the leader of the Mohist school had to retreat from the edge, not daring to clash with Ying Changge at this critical moment.
“What is his plan?”
“Proactively intervene in the battlefield, but do not intend to break out of battle.”
“What does he want to do?”
Xiang Liang and Fan Zeng were tense, their eyes full of solemnity.
Can’t figure it out!

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