What is this concept?
How strong is the enemy’s strength?
All of this caused fear in the hearts of countless Mohist disciples.
They are timid.
Seeing the figure in white with blood on his right hand, they couldn’t help but feel panic, wanting to retreat, want to retreat, want to evacuate from the battlefield.
Ying Changge instantly killed the Mohist leader’s big hammer, which brought great fear and deterrence to all members of the Anti-Qin Alliance on the scene.
With his own strength, he strongly deterred all the anti-Qin elements in the audience!
A few were outraged.
More people felt a deep sense of fear!
As strong as the Mohist commander’s big hammer, they were instantly killed by a single encounter.
What would happen if they were replaced?
They can be sure.
They will also be instantly killed!
The strength gap is really too big! .
Chapter 309 Across the battlefield alone! No one dares to stop! 【Please customize】
“Even the commander of the big hammer was killed in one move.”
“How can we be an exception?”
“If this kind of monster is thrown into the battlefield, we are afraid that we will be crushed unilaterally!””Who can stop this monster?”
“Can Mr. Gai Nie do it? Let alone whether he can do it, Mr. Gai Nie is blocked by Wei Zhuang.”
“On our side, no one can stop this Seventh Young Master.”
“Once he intervenes in the battlefield, it will definitely be enough to cause a series of overwhelming crushes!”
“It’s over, it’s over!”
Panic boils.
The death of the big hammer ignited the fear of everyone present.
Originally, although everyone had heard that the Seventh Young Master was so powerful that even the Sword Master Gai Nie was not sure how to deal with it.
But just hearing about it, of course they don’t have a deep concept.
until just now.
They have seen it firsthand.
The scene where the big hammer is killed in one move.
They woke up suddenly.
This Seventh Young Master is actually so powerful!
Simply unimaginable!
They started to panic.
Fear completely dominated their bodies and minds.
“It turns out that the Seventh Young Master is so powerful.”
“Who can stop him?”
“Is there really anyone who can stop this terrifying monster?”
“Don’t forget, the Seventh Young Master just now blocked the full blow of the commander of the big hammer with one hand!”
“Have you ever seen such a monster?”
The panic of the Anti-Qin Alliance became much stronger.
Recalling the scene they witnessed just now, they couldn’t help but shudder.
Even the strongest in their cognition category can definitely not block the full blow of a martial arts practitioner with their bare hands.
But it was done by the young man in white in front of him.
How strong is the opponent?
Strong beyond imagination!
“Facing this monster, can we really win?”
Someone asked weakly.
His voice was filled with fear and fear.
No one could answer his question.
Most of the people present were in panic.
Sensing that the atmosphere at the scene had become weird, the leaders of the Mohists and Gai Nie, Xiang Liang and others sank in their hearts, their faces became more gloomy and ugly, and the pressure increased.
The big hammer was instantly killed with one move, which really seriously affected the morale of their side.
This moment.
Needing to face such a powerful and terrifying existence will inevitably cause some people to completely lose their fighting spirit and faith.
Ge Nie’s face was heavy.
“Brother, it seems that your situation is not very good.”
Wei Zhuang looked playful.
Hearing this, Gai Nie remained silent.
The atmosphere is depressing!
The cold body of the big hammer lying on the ground, the blood quickly melted into the ground.
Ying Changge shook his right arm to wipe off all the blood on his hand.
He raised his head slowly, a pair of gray and white eyes fixed in front of him without emotion.
Wherever I go…
No one dares to watch!
Thousands of Mohist disciples, even a few with angry faces, could only dare to be angry and dare not speak out, and did not dare to take any action at all.
More Mohist disciples fear Ying Changge!
Heart-piercing fear!
There were also those angry Mohist leaders who were also staring at Ying Changge angrily.
Xiang Liang and Fan Zeng clenched their fists tightly, tense.
They worry.
Next, the Seventh Young Master will also intervene in the battlefield.
Once this kind of terrifying existence intervenes in the battlefield, the balance of the battle situation they managed to maintain will be forcibly broken.
Only when they really witnessed the scene where the sledgehammer was killed in seconds, can they realize it deeply.
How terrifying is the Seventh Young Master who severely injured Sword Saint Gai Nie!
All of a sudden.
Because of Ying Changge’s act of instantly killing the big hammer with one move, the battle on the scene fell into a strange situation.
The Anti-Qin Alliance did not dare to act rashly.
Almost all of them looked at Ying Changge’s figure full of trepidation, apprehension, and fear.
This moment.
In their eyes, Ying Changge is an extremely terrifying god of death!
“Next, you can act as you like, and you don’t have to follow me anymore.”
“I want to walk into the core hinterland of the Mo family alone to do a very important thing.”
Ying Changge gave instructions to Meng Ying, Shao Siming and others behind him.
“Yes, my son.”
Meng Ying didn’t dare to ask too many reasons, and immediately nodded in response.
Shao Si Ming nodded his chin lightly.
The two brothers and sisters Yu Ziqi and Shi Lan also bowed their heads.
They were not worried at all that Ying Changge would be in danger in the Mohist’s Trick City.
They don’t think so.

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