He stepped forward without hesitation, and at the same time burst out a wave ofExtremely surging and terrifying innate qi, alone, rushed to the battlefield ahead alone.
Chapter 300: I Can Only Do My Best, and Gee Is Not Sure! 【Please customize】
As Gao Jianli took the initiative to intervene in the battlefield, it was officially announced.
This battle…
Officially opened!
Due to the fury of the big hammer, he took the lead in attacking and killing.
And lead to.
This battle broke out without warning!
No one expected it.
The battle will begin in this way.
“Mr. Gai Nie, please help me.”
Xiang Liang looked at Gai Nie with a pleading face.
“Gei must go all out.”
“Whether Gei can repel the enemy in front of him is not very sure.”
“Just do your best.”
Gai Nie holds a wooden sword, his eyes are solemn and serious.
Even though he is the number one sword master in the world, he still doesn’t have much confidence in this battle.
Wei Zhuang alone is enough to stop him.
Not to mention.
There is also a powerful presence on the scene that is more terrifying than Wei Zhuang!
Facing Wei Zhuang, Gai Nie has a 90% chance of winning.
But if facing that Seventh Young Master…
So sorry.
He believes that his own odds of winning may not even reach 30%.
Despite the pressure in his heart, Gai Nie did not choose to back down, but took the initiative to attack with a wooden sword in his hand, and then participated in the battlefield ahead.
The war broke out!
The leaders of the Mohist sect took action one after another!
Under the reckless and impulsive behavior of the big hammer, this battle broke out very suddenly.
“I’m going to fight too!”
Robber Zhi twisted his arm and removed some of the weight-bearing objects tied under his feet.
On weekdays.
In order to hone his more powerful lightness kungfu, he would often tie heavy objects to his body.
He is about to participate in the fierce battle before him, so he naturally has to go all out and use his best state to enter the battlefield.
boom! boom!
A series of extremely fast and heavy iron pieces were thrown from Robber Zhi’s body.
After throwing away the heavy object, he felt a lightness all over his body.
Just a thought…
Step out.
next second.
Robber Zhi left only an afterimage in place, and appeared more than ten meters away out of thin air.
This is the speed of the King of Thieves!
The speed was so fast that it left an afterimage on the spot, and thus appeared in an area more than ten meters away out of thin air with lightning speed.
This speed can be said to be the best in the world!
After Bandit Zhi participated in the battlefield, Xuenv also intervened in the battlefield.
Although she is a girl, her strength should not be underestimated, at least she is more than enough to deal with the elite soldiers of the empire.
Xiang Liang and Fan Zeng also had serious expressions on their faces, fully concentrating on participating in the battlefield.
Both of them raised their arms and shouted loudly.
“The sons of the state of Chu…”
“Follow me to fight against the enemy!”
“Kill all the troops of the Great Qin Empire!”
The loud voice was deafening and resounded through the sky.
Under the leadership of Xiang Liang.
A group of Chu soldiers quickly followed his footsteps, each armed with sophisticated weapons and equipment, their eyes were sharp and full of murderous intent, and they responded one after another.
“Kill all these damned Qin soldiers!”
“Today, even if you die, you have to drag these Qin troops to the back.”
have to say.
In terms of morale, the Chu army is still quite vigorous.
Compared with the disciples of the Mohist school and other people in the world, the Chu army is as powerful as a rainbow.
As the only remaining remnants of the Chu State, most of them have experienced many battles.
He also used to be hired on the battlefield, whether it is strength or psychological quality, it is far from what Mohist disciples and others can compare.
Under the leadership of Xiang Liang.
Almost without any timidity, the Chu army went straight up, and was about to start a life-and-death fight with the 20,000 elite army of the empire.
Even in the face of a huge gap in numbers, the Chu army did not flinch or fight timidly.
The number of Chu troops here is about 3,000.
Facing the emperor (afej) country, there are 20,000 elite soldiers!
The weird thing is…
Instead of retreating, the Chu army actively fought the attack with enthusiasm.
have to admit.
This group of Chu troops are the best of the well-trained elite!
Although there are not many of them, the combat power they can unleash as a whole is absolutely terrifying!
A total of 3,000 Chu troops followed Xiang Liang and Fan Zeng into the battlefield.
at the same time.
With the outbreak of war.
The Mohist disciples also reacted, holding their own weapons, forcibly suppressing the fear in their hearts, gritting their teeth and forcibly encouraging their courage.
“It’s just a group of Qin soldiers, and it’s not like they haven’t killed them before.”
“Brothers, let us fight to the death with them!”
“The giant was so humiliated by them, how can we stand by and watch?”
“We must avenge the giant!”
Thousands of Mohist disciples also launched an attack one after another. They all participated in the battlefield and started a round with the Chu army. The two sides jointly launched an attack.
“what should we do?”
“Do you want to fight?”
Many people from the remaining Jianghu asked weakly.
It can be clearly seen.
There is still a deep sense of fear in their hearts, and they have not been able to suppress this sense of fear so far.
This fear comes from the 20,000 elite soldiers of the empire ahead!
Also sourced from…
That Seventh Young Master who was so powerful that he could be called a monster!

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