“In the past, Prince Dan of the Yan Kingdom reallyIt’s pitiful. ”
“Die twice!”
“For the first time, the feigned death was in the hands of Wei Zhuang, and he escaped by feigning death. From then on, he abandoned the identity of Prince Dan, and thus became a generation of giants of the Mohist family.”
“But this time, he shouldn’t be able to escape by feigning death.”
“Even his head was trampled and exploded. This is a terrible end.”
Ying Changge stated slowly.
With a smile on his face, he is constantly stating things that seem to be devilish.
The sound spread far and wide.
All of a sudden.
A group of members of the Anti-Qin Alliance were overwhelmed by the smiling Ying Changge.
“Is this Seventh Young Master a devil?”
“In the face of such a terrifying existence, can we really repel them?”
“I don’t want even the corpse to be destroyed after I die, and there will be no bones left in the end!”
“It’s too miserable for the giant of the Mohist school. The top powerhouse of the generation is an invincible existence who has reached the level of a martial arts master~‖!”
“In the end, he was trampled on and his head exploded.”
“That’s horrible!”
There was a lot of talk.
The leader of the Mohist school became more and more angry.
One of the irascible commanders couldn’t help the anger burning in his heart, his eyes were bloodshot, and he couldn’t help but let out a burst of furious shouts.
“I kill you!”
A figure took the lead in attacking.
Take a closer look.
This is a burly man with a bear-like figure, shirtless, with obvious muscle lines, and his body is filled with a sense of violent power.
He carried a bronze hammer, which was very large and heavy.
It’s a big hammer!
At this time, the one who couldn’t hold back the anger in his heart and suddenly attacked was the big iron hammer, one of the leaders of the Mohist school.
He, who has always been irritable, could no longer bear the anger in his heart, so he raised the Thor’s Hammer in his hand, and launched an attack on Ying Changge in front of him.
Step out.
The figure of the big hammer kept approaching Ying Changge.
His eyes were bloodshot, his face was full of anger, and he launched an attack with murderous intent.
“No matter what, I will kill you, you damn brat!”
The big hammer roared angrily.
at the same time.
When they noticed the movement of the sledgehammer, Gao Jianli, Robo Zhi and the others all changed their expressions: “Not good!”
“Brother Tie, don’t be impulsive!”
Xue Nu’s pupils shrank slightly, and her pretty and beautiful face was full of fear and worry.
Gai Nie held the wooden sword tightly, took a deep breath, and fixed his eyes on the figure of the big hammer.
The sledgehammer who was furious and attacked alone was obviously too reckless and impulsive.
On the opposite side is a full 20,000 elite army of the empire!
There are also many top powerhouses in the quicksand organization watching!
The key is……
The young seventh son standing next to Meng Tian is the most terrifying and dangerous powerful existence in the audience!
And the target of the sledgehammer’s attack is actually this terrifyingly powerful Seventh Young Master?
This is so stupid!
Is it really impossible to tell the difference in strength between the enemy and ourselves?
This seventh son…
But even Gai Nie, the sword master of his generation, dare not confront a powerful existence head-on!
How dare the big hammer challenge such a strong man?
Is this fatal?
“It’s over!”
Xiang Liang and Fan Zeng looked anxious and helpless.
No one thought of it.
The big hammer will suddenly attack violently.
But if you think about it carefully, it can be regarded as excusable.
Big Iron Hammer has a violent personality, and the Mohist giant once had great favors for him.
Faced with the matter that the head of the giant of the Mo family was trampled on by someone just now, the big hammer could not help but violently attack and kill, which is completely in line with common sense.
But the problem is…
Sledgehammer, you have chosen the wrong target!
Who you choose is not good.
Why did Mao choose the monster Seventh Young Master as his target?
Don’t you think your life is too long?
Tired of life?
Even if Meng Tian is chosen as the target of the attack, there is still a certain success rate.
But why did you choose the Seventh Young Master, a terrifying existence that even the sword master Gai Nie has no confidence to shake?
Is there a second possibility besides sending him to death?
“‘〃Big Hammer, why are you always so confused when it comes to critical moments.”
“Whoever you choose as your target, don’t choose the seventh son.”
“Don’t you know?”
“Seventh Young Master, he is a fierce man who can severely injure and defeat Sword Saint Gaine!”
“With your strength, are you sure you can shake the opponent? Instead of giving the opponent the head?”
“You are really brainless!”
Xiang Liang and Fan Zeng sighed sadly in their hearts.
Looking at the back of the big hammer attacking angrily, they already had a premonition in their hearts.
It’s over.
The big hammer this time…
I’m afraid it’s really going to be cold!
As soon as he made a move, he tried to challenge the most terrifying strong man in the audience!
Big Iron Hammer, do you really think that you yourself are the sword master Ge Nie?
Do not!
More precisely.
That terrifying monster, even the Sword Saint Gai Nie dared not act rashly.
Why do you want to shake the other party?
Isn’t this courting death?
“A crime…”
Everyone, including Ge Nie, felt a heavy burden and pressure.
There are so many people in the audience, no one chooses miscellaneous.
He just chose the strongest player in the audience!
Picked a monster as target!
Isn’t this sending you to death?
I can’t stop it!
“Everyone, this battle is inevitable.”
“Please also take action at the same time!”
Gao Jianli gritted his teeth and held the Shuihan sword tightly in his hand.

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