Everyone has already launched an attack, are they going to sit still?
“Damn it!”
“Fight with Qin Jun and the others!”
“No it’s deathwhat? I grow up so big, still afraid of death? ! ”
“If you’re afraid of death, you won’t go out of your house and go wandering around the rivers and lakes.”
“If you die at worst, you will still be a good man eighteen years later.”
“Brothers, I will join the battle first!”
Many martial arts practitioners with free and easy personalities participated in the battlefield one after another with their own weapons.
With their enthusiastic encouragement, most of the rest of the terrified Jianghu people also gritted their teeth, suppressing the panic in their hearts.
“that’s right!”
“Isn’t it just death? What’s there to be afraid of?”
“I dare to go out and walk the rivers and lakes, I have never been afraid!”
“Brothers, fight with these damn Qin Jun!”
“Anyway, no matter what, we won’t be able to escape the organ city today. Why don’t we drag a few Qin soldiers on our backs and go to Huangquan together before we die.”
A group of martial arts practitioners then went into the battlefield.
There are still some people who practice martial arts who dare not participate in the battle.
There are only a small number of about hundreds of Jianghu people left.
They trembled and waited in place, motionless.
They have been scared out of their wits.
Facing the outbreak of the fierce war in front of them, they didn’t even have the courage to participate in the battlefield, so they could only tremble and stiffen in place.
Chapter 301: The Juggernaut Makes His Move! All parties are fighting fiercely! The war broke out in full swing! 【Please customize】
“They’re crazy!”
“The empire dispatched 20,000 elite soldiers!”
“How dare they fight the Qin army of the empire?”
“It’s over!”
“We will all die here, in Ji~Guancheng.”
“I regret…”
“At the beginning, why did I obsessively agree to the Mo family and rush to the organ city to participate in this so-called anti-Qin alliance?”
“If it wasn’t for the wrong choice at the beginning, I wouldn’t have suffered the catastrophe I am today.”
The remaining ones who did not dare to participate in the battle were not only scared out of their wits, but also full of remorse in their hearts.
I regret it at the beginning!
You shouldn’t have come to the organ city to participate in this so-called anti-Qin alliance.
This is just great.
Forced to a desperate situation by tens of thousands of Qin troops!
Even the giants of the Mohists are dead.
The Mohist giant, the main person in charge of the anti-Qin alliance, died tragically at the hands of the empire.
Just ask.
What kind of fate will meet them next?
Just imagining it makes them shudder.
at the same time.
the other side.
Faced with the sudden violent attack by the Anti-Qin Alliance.
Wearing dark gold armor, Meng Tian waved his big hand with a blank expression on his face: “The whole army obeys the order, kill!”
Holding a bronze sword in his hand, Meng Tian led a full 20,000 elite soldiers of the empire into the battlefield, and was about to start a head-on collision with the Mohist disciples and the Chu army ahead.
Wei Zhuang also slowly took out his saber.
Demon Sword Shark Teeth!
Wei Zhuang, who was holding shark teeth, looked expectantly at Gai Nie, who was approaching constantly.
The corners of his mouth were slightly raised, and his face was full of anticipation and desire.
“Brother, I have been waiting for this day for too long.”
“Finally, I have a chance to fight you again!”
“This battle…”
“It is not only the outcome, but also the decision of life and death!”
For this battle with Gai Nie, Wei Zhuang waited too long.
Today, he can finally get his wish!
The feet kicked suddenly.
The floor tiles under his feet were cracked and broken.
Wei Zhuang’s body was like a flying arrow, he took the initiative to rush towards Gai Nie with shark teeth in his hands, at an extremely fast speed, and he was about to start a fierce collision with Gai Nie.
“Xiaozhuang, is winning or losing really that important?”
Gai Nie raised his brows, holding the wooden sword, he still didn’t show any timidity.
“Of course it’s important!”
“If practicing martial arts is not for winning or losing, it will be meaningless.”
Wei Zhuang sneered.
He stared at Gai Nie with gloomy eyes, and changed the topic: “However, a person like you who always wins will never understand my feelings!”
“I must win you!”
“Even once, I will defeat you!”
An extremely surging and terrifying aura erupted from Wei Zhuang’s body, and the innate qi flowed wildly and entwined around his body.
Wei Zhuang, who was holding shark teeth, exuded a sharp killing intent all over his body.
Murderous intent!
The incomparable imposing coercion swept across all directions.
“Brother, come on!”
“Let me meet you.”
“After all these years, have you made any progress?”
“To know.”
“I’m completely different from what I was back then!”
Wei Zhuang laughed wildly.
“Now, it’s not the right occasion for you and me to decide the outcome.”
“If you want, I would like to pick a suitable time to start a real duel with you.”
Ge Nie frowned, and opened his mouth.
In this situation, he has no time to confront Wei Zhuang.
If he is blocked by Wei Zhuang.
Then there is no doubt…
The rest of the battlefield is about to suffer!
Apart from him, no one can stop the seventh son who is as strong as a monster.
Gai Nie is well aware of this.
Now he wants to try to discuss with Wei Zhuang.
Delay the duel between the two for a period of time.

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