Their Mohists, including all other anti-Qin elements, may suffer completely! .
Chapter 281 Stirring the Anti-Qin Alliance! Create a millennium record! 【Please customize】
The Mo family is a sensation!
Do not!
More precisely.
It was the whole organ city that caused a sensation!
All the members of the Anti-Qin Alliance have heard the news that the organ city is in danger~.
The moment they heard the news, all members of the Anti-Qin Alliance in the entire organ city felt a strong sense of urgency and crisis.
Including the Chu army, there are also countless people from the rivers and lakes gathered in the organ city.
Under the call of the Mohist leader, everyone gathered together.
Led by the Mohists, all the forces in the organ city were integrated, and all the personnel in the organ city were assembled to form an extremely large-scale power group.
“Oh my God!”
“In the end what happened?”
“Why is it suddenly necessary to gather all the personnel to form this armed force?”
“Could it be that someone wants to attack the organ city?”
“Don’t you know? The organ city is about to be breached!”
“What? This is impossible, right? Isn’t the Trick City claiming that it will never be broken by outsiders? How can someone in the Jianghu be able to crack the Trick City?”
“That’s right, the organ city is famous in Jianghu, how could it be broken by outsiders from the front?”
All of a sudden, there was a lot of talk.
In the huge organ city, there was a panic atmosphere.
Almost everyone couldn’t believe it.
The organ city that has stood erect for hundreds of years is about to be breached by intruders from the outside world!This fact has subverted the worldview of countless people.
make them deeply aware.
turn out to be……
The organ city is not as powerful as imagined!
At least.
Someone really can do it, forcibly breaking through and disintegrating the mechanism city of Mohism from the front.
at the same time.
Some people began to wonder: “Who is this person? Why have I never heard of such a terrifying existence in Jianghu?”
“It stands to reason.”
“Possessing the ability to break through the mechanism city head-on, this person’s mechanism skills must have reached the pinnacle, which is very terrifying.”
“Then this person shouldn’t be unknown anymore!”
“Could it be Gongshuchou, the contemporary head of Gongshujia? Could it be him? I heard that this Gongshuqiu’s mechanical skills have surpassed that of Gongshujia’s patriarch, Master Lu Ban.”
“Could it be the contemporary head of this public loser who breaks the organ city?”
All kinds of conjectures emerge in endlessly.
When this kind of speculation spread, it was quickly rejected by some organists: “No, it won’t be the head of the public loser, the public loser.”
“I had grievances with this public loser before, and I know how well his organization is accomplished.”
“Although his organ knowledge is indeed terrifying, with his attainment, he still can’t attack and disintegrate Mohism’s organ city that has stood for hundreds of years from the front.”
“That’s for sure.”
“This person’s mechanical skills must be countless times stronger than that of this public servant!”
This remark sounded.
It immediately shocked everyone inside and outside the entire organ city.
what’s going on?
Rao, the famous and famous public loser head, public loser, is far inferior to this mysterious existence who broke through the organ city at this moment? !
Who is this person?
It must be too scary!
When did such a terrifying monster appear in the world?
“You say.”
“Will the intruder who broke through the organ city this time be someone from the empire?”
When this speculation circulates.
Inside and outside the entire organ city, emotions of fear spread.
As members of the Anti-Qin Alliance, what they fear most is naturally the empire’s cavalry army!
Will it be the empire’s cavalry army that is about to break through the organ city?
If they are really from the empire, then they will be in big trouble!
“Could it be that what we have to deal with is the empire’s cavalry army?”
“Is this really possible?”
“We are afraid that we will be trampled by the empire’s iron cavalry army!”
A famous anti-Qin element was terrified.
Panic spread.
If this panic continues to spread, it will definitely arouse emotions such as timidity and fear in the group, and thus lose the fighting spirit and belief in fighting before the war begins.
The panic atmosphere was quickly brought under control.
Led by the leader of the Mohists and the generals of the Chu army, they quickly suppressed the atmosphere and inspired people, making the group of anti-Qin elements put aside their fear and appear to be high-spirited.
More and more people are gathering!
Many gatherings!
Mohists, Chu Jun, people from the Jianghu!
The three parties are the main forces, and they have assembled to form an extremely large force group.
A preliminary conservative estimate was made.
Nearly tens of thousands of people assembled!
This is a team of tens of thousands of people, and it can be said that the number is very large.
With the gathering of tens of thousands of people, all the anti-Qin elements felt a strong sense of confidence and confidence.
A team of tens of thousands of people…
Simply fearless!
“Even if it is the main force of the empire, we will not be afraid at all.”
“Well said!”
“What about the empire’s cavalry army? There are tens of thousands of people here!”
“If it’s really the army of the empire, then this time we can give them a little color. Do you really think the army of the empire is unparalleled? Can it be invincible?”

Organ city, the fifth organ position.
Here is the last fortress set up by the organ city!
It is also the last line of defense of the Mo family!
If the fifth organ position is broken, then one can formally set foot in the core hinterland of the Mohist organ city.
Only by breaking through the fifth organ position can we successfully reach the safe area of ​​the Mohist organ city.
Forcefully encircle and suppress these anti-Qin elements located inside the organ city!
this time.
The empire obviously held the goal of completely eradicating the anti-Qin elements.
Not one left!
Don’t let go of any caught fish!
Completely wipe out all these anti-Qin elements without exception.

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