Big Hammer opened his mouth and couldn’t help asking.
Who has such a terrifying attainment in mechanics?
It seems that they are casually teasing all the organs in the city.
This is too scary!
“This person is extremely dangerous!”
Xue Nu bit her pink lips lightly, thinking to herself.
The air in the secret room was filled with a pungent smell, making everyone’s faces very heavy.
After listening to the words of the class master.
They all realized it.
Next, they will all encounter a huge crisis and disaster!
If you can’t overcome the difficulties, then whether it is a Mohist disciple, or the remnants of the Chu State, or people from the rivers and lakes staying in the Mohist.
All of these people will, without exception, suffer the tragic fate of being wiped out.
“Be prepared for battle in advance, everyone.”
The master class spoke with a heavy tone.
“What you said is very true, you must be prepared to fight.”
Xiang Liang nodded solemnly.
Once the last fortress of the organ city is breached, then that is the moment when the battle breaks out.
They must prepare for the battle early, so that the battle will not break out in vain, and the anti-Qin alliance personnel in the organ city will be caught off guard.
“Everyone, please gather your respective personnel as quickly as possible.”
“This is a crisis that threatens the lives of all of us, and we must all work together to make it through.”
The class master continued to solemnly instruct.
“Master class, don’t worry, we know it well.”
Fan Zeng also has a frivolous white beard, and his brows are full of heaviness and sorrow.
The enemy is currently unknown.
The number of enemies is unknown.
I don’t know who the enemy is.
The unknown enemy is the scariest!
And they, the members of the anti-Qin alliance who stayed in the organ city, had already become the targets of catching turtles in the urn.
They can only fight passively!
There is no hiding!
There is no escape!
“I think most of them are from the empire.””If you’re not from the empire, you don’t need to take pains to crack the mechanism city of our Mohist school.”
Big Hammer said with a look of shock and anger.
“No matter who it is, in short, it is definitely not a good person.”
“Xiao Gao, Big Iron Hammer, and Xiao Zhi, you should immediately notify all Mohist disciples so that they all gather together to avoid being defeated one by one.”
The class master continued to give orders.
“Okay, I’ll let them know.”
Bandit Zhi looked dignified.
He moved his footsteps and disappeared in an instant.
Without further ado!
Must prepare early!
A big battle is inevitable, and it is about to break out in an all-round way!
With Robber Zhi’s ease, it can be used to quickly notify Mohist disciples.
“General Xiang Liang, please also inform the Chu army.”
“Let them assemble quickly.”
The master class turned to look at Xiang Liang.
“I see.”
Xiang Liang and Fan Zeng also left the secret room of the agency.
With a heavy heart, they prepared to immediately summon the Chu army to prepare for the battle.
The rest of the staff in the secret room of the agency kept (afej) silent as always.
The atmosphere here is very quiet and eerie.
“Mr. Gai Nie, I may have to trouble you to help me personally.”
Master Ban sighed helplessly, looking at Gai Nie with a bit of shame.
at first.
The moment Gai Nie came to their organ city, of course they did not welcome each other.
They also kept giving each other facial expressions, and even once suspected that the other party was a spy sent by the empire to sneak into their organ city.
But things are up to now.
They had to ask Ge Nie to help.
Because they urgently need the power of Gai Nie, the number one sword master in the world, to forcefully frighten the group of intruders who are about to break through the internal organs of the organ city.
The number one sword master in the world is naturally extremely powerful.
And this is exactly the help the Mohists need!
The master class couldn’t help but recall.
Before, they were still sneering at each other, but now, they need each other’s help.
Thinking of this, the class master felt ashamed.
“Master class, don’t worry, Gai has already gone all out.”
Gai Nie remained calm as always, and nodded in response.
What he promised will naturally be carried out, and he will not go back on his word.
Looking at his calm face and attitude at the moment, it can be clearly seen that he didn’t take the Mo family’s cynicism towards him to heart.
“Thank you, Mr. Gaine.”
The master class sighed silently in his heart.
Repaying grievances with virtue…
Their many actions towards Gai Nie not only did not make the other party angry.
On the contrary, the other party is now taking the initiative to help their Mo family.
“Mr. Gai Nie, please go and inform those people in the world.”
“Trick City, there is a problem now!”
“We need to gather all available forces to join hands to tide over the difficulties.”
The class master said.
“it is good.”
Ge Nie spoke briefly.
With one step, he left the huge mechanism secret room in a snappy manner.
“Master Ban, is the situation really this bad?”
Seeing the people leaving one after another, Xue Nu’s pink lips moved slightly, and her tone was heavy.
“The current situation of our Mohist family is even more severe than imagined!”
“A person who can forcibly break through our mechanism city from the front with a destructive posture, how terrifying is this person? It goes without saying.”
“in my opinion.”
“This is an imperial encirclement and suppression operation against our anti-Qin alliance.”
“Now, the people from the empire are about to arrive at the safe core hinterland inside our organ city, and there is only this last organ left.”
“This mechanism obviously can’t stop them.”
“only hope……”
“Before they break through this mechanism, our people can all be assembled.”
The class master felt unprecedented pressure.
Hearing this, Xue Nu’s mood sank slightly.
She fell silent.
If it is true, as Master Ban said, it is the empire’s encirclement and suppression campaign against the anti-Qin alliance.

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