This is the core goal of the empire this time.
at this time.
Ying Changge took Meng Tian, ​​Gong Shuchou, Wei Zhuang and his quicksand organization and others, as well as Shao Siming, Yu Ziqi, and Shi Lan who followed him all the way.
last party.
It was a full 20,000 elite soldiers of the empire, who just followed behind, with a steady pace, and the team looked extraordinarily neat, with piercing eyes.
Under the leadership of Ying Changge, a group of people successfully arrived at the last fortress of the Mo family!
During this whole process, there were no accidents at all.
0・・・・・Ask for flowers・・・・・・・・・・・・・
The whole process easily broke through all the organ cities!
The so-called Mohist Organ City’s incomparably dangerous organs, but in the hands of Ying Changge, are extremely fragile and vulnerable to a single blow!
He was defeated one after another forcefully by his destructive posture.
As the institutions were destroyed one after another, Ying Changge and the group walked along the way, did not trigger any mechanism here.
There are no so-called casualties.
Along the way, it is as if the organ city is like walking on the ground as its own back garden.
In the eyes of many elite soldiers of the empire, the Mohist organ city, which is well-known in the Jianghu, is nothing more than that.
They know it.
They come to this perception simply because it’s been so easy along the way.
And this involves Ying Changge!
As a result, they subconsciously mistakenly believe that the organs in the Mohist Organ City are only so crucial.
It is because Ying Changge alone destroyed all the organs in the organ city with his strength.
. . . 0
All of them are well aware of this.
Ying Changge, who was at the forefront of the line, slowly rang out from his mouth.
All the people who followed stopped.
Including the Quicksand Organization and its 20,000 cavalry army, they all stopped under Ying Changge’s voice, and looked straight ahead.
“Ready to fight!”
As everyone’s footsteps paused for a moment, Ying Changge continued to remind.
“The whole army obeys orders…”
“Ready to fight!”
Meng Tian’s eyes froze, and he immediately opened his mouth to shout and order.
He had no doubts about what Ying Changge said.
“Now it’s far from completely breaking through the Mohist’s mechanism city from the front, and there is only the last mechanism left.”
“As long as we break through this mechanism, we will be able to officially set foot in the core hinterland inside the mechanism city, and we will also face the situation of fighting against the anti-Qin elements.”
“Before that, let me remind you all, so that you don’t have any mental preparations when you get there.”
Ying Changge’s voice resounded again.
The words fell.
Meng Tian and Meng Ying are ready to fight.
And the Quicksand Organization and others began to quietly wait for the outbreak of a big war!
The 20,000 imperial cavalry army is ready to go!
In the air around him, a murderous aura was gradually born.
It can be clearly seen.
Everyone present is mentally prepared for the battle!
The atmosphere is depressing!
Immediately afterwards.
Just under the eyes of everyone.
Ying Changge took a step forward and walked forward step by step.
In less than a moment.
He personally set foot on the last organ position of the organ city.
Just break through this last organ.
That means.
Relying on his own strength, Ying Changge managed to completely break through the entire Mohist mechanism city from the front!
This move can be described as…
The best in the world!
at the same time.
Which is equivalent to…
He alone created a shocking move that no one could follow for thousands of years!
It even broke the first record in the millennium! Where.
Chapter 282 The power of the seventh son is beyond the reach of this old man in this life! 【Please customize】
“Seventh Young Master, can you succeed?”
“Break through the Mohist mechanism city with one’s own power!”
“A fortress that has stood in the rivers and lakes for hundreds of years, can the seventh son break it?”
“If the son really did it.”
“Then there is no doubt…”
“He will create the first record in the millennium!”
“From ancient times to the present, no one can follow suit!”
“Young master, he is the only example in the millennium.”
Gongshuchou looked at Ying Changge’s back as he stepped forward, his eyes full of awe and admiration.
There is only the last organ left in the Mohist organ city.
As long as this mechanism is broken, the imperial army will also be able to successfully set foot in the core hinterland of the mechanism city.
Thoroughly launched an encirclement and suppression operation against the Mohists and other anti-Qin elements!
at the same time.
The seventh son wins Changge, and “410” will create the only record for thousands of years!
It can be said that…
Gongshuchou clenched his fists tightly, thinking a lot on his head, and staring at Ying Changge’s back with enthusiasm, his eyes full of anticipation.
It is something that generations of leaders of the public losers have been unable to do.
Will it turn decay into magic in the hands of the young master?
“There is only the last line of defense left!”
“Brother, I kept you waiting for a long time.”
Wei Zhuang’s eyes twinkled, and his face was filled with anticipation.
He can’t wait, he wants to rush into the organ city, and have a life-and-death duel with Gai Nie!
He believes.
With the terrifying ability of the Seventh Young Master, he will definitely be able to crack the last line of defense in the organ city.
The organ city can’t stop the Seventh Young Master’s footsteps at all!
“Just like the previous four organs, they will all be broken down by the Seventh Young Master with ease.”
Wei Zhuang thought to himself.
All eyes were on Ying Changge’s back.
I see.
Ying Changge stopped a hundred meters ahead.
in a moment……

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