The two thought to themselves.
Could it be…
People from the Empire? !
If it is the army of the empire, then things are even more difficult.
“The mechanism city that our Mo family has always been proud of cannot stop this mysterious and terrifying existence.”
“Now there are three organ positions, which were forcibly destroyed by him.”
“If nothing else…”
“In the next time, he will continue to destroy the remaining two organ formations. Thus, he will officially set foot in the core security hinterland inside our organ city!”
The teacher in class said earnestly.
“Damn it!”
“Who the hell?!”
“Who has the ability?”
“Destroy the mechanism city that our Mohist has stood for hundreds of years from the front and disintegrate…”
“This ability is too terrifying!”
The big hammer was shocked and angry.
“At present, the exact identity and origin of the other party are not known.”
“all in all.”
“We must prepare for the worst. If it is an intruder from the empire, then we will have to face it this time.”
Master Ban’s heart sank, and he truthfully expressed his thoughts.
He hoped it wasn’t the result.
But, I have to say.
This is the most realistic result!
Also the same…
The worst situation they are about to face!
“In my judgment.”
“The person who broke through our mechanism city, his mechanism attainments are unprecedented!”
“The organ city can’t stop him!”
“We also need to plan early to avoid being attacked by surprise.”
The master class sighed helplessly.
“A unparalleled organ achievement?!”
The faces of everyone present changed drastically.
They took a deep look at Master Ban, and they could see the solemnity on the latter’s face.
This is no joke!
These are words from the heart of the class teacher.
This person’s mechanism skills are already so strong that even the master class is ashamed!
It’s unbelievable!
everything is too muchSo amazing!
“As Master Ban said, we must prepare early to face foreign enemies.”
Gao Jianli forcibly suppressed the shock in his heart, and took the initiative to agree.
“that’s right.”
Duanmu Rong nodded her chin lightly.
She secretly glanced at Gai Nie’s direction, but Gai Nie was still in deep thought and didn’t pay attention to Duanmu Rong’s inadvertent look.
“The Mo family is currently facing an unprecedented crisis and disaster. Please trouble everyone so that we can work together to overcome this difficulty.”
“On behalf of the Mohist community, I am grateful!”
Master Ban looked in the direction of Xiang Liang, Gai Nie and others.
“‘ 〃 Master class is too serious.”
“We will do our best to join hands with Mohist disciples to resist foreign enemies together!”
Xiang Liang nodded heavily.
“Gai is also willing to do his best.”
Gaine said.
Seeing this, the master class relaxed his tense mood a little bit.
But before he could continue speaking.
There was another slight sound.
Bursts of gray-black smoke suddenly curled up from the fourth mechanism, and soon filled the air of the huge secret room and floated wantonly.
The pungent smell of smoke spread in all directions.
Visible to the naked eye.
The fourth mechanism in the secret room also burst into faint flames, which led to the continuous birth of gray-black disgust.
Then the atmosphere became silent!
The atmosphere is weird!
The whole audience was silent!
A famous Mohist leader had a dry throat, and his face was dull, astonished, and shocked.
Master Ban’s eyes widened again, staring blankly at the fourth mechanism that was constantly smoking, his lips trembled slightly, his whole body was hairy, and shuddered.
“The fourth and fourth agencies…”
“It was breached too!”
“What amazing efficiency is this?!”
“When did the mechanism array in our Mohist mechanism city become so vulnerable?!”
“In less than a quarter of an hour, it was tragically destroyed by people.”
Master Ban couldn’t help but completely doubt life.
He opened his mouth and continued to speak.
“That is to say.”
“At this moment, there is only the last fortress left in our Mohist organ city!”
“Once this last fortress is breached, then this group of intruders from the outside world will officially set foot in the core hinterland of our organ city!”
“This is a huge disaster that can seriously threaten our entire Mohism, and even forcefully dominate the collective survival of our Mohism!”.
Chapter 280 What kind of monster is this? Shake all directions! 【Please customize】
“My, my God!”
“It’s the first time I’ve seen it.”
“The mechanism of our Mohist mechanism city will be destroyed by someone with such a strong posture!”
“It’s simply devastating!”
“What kind of monster is this?”
Robber Zhi was deeply moved and lost his composure.
Gray-black smoke curled up and spread in the air in all directions, causing all the Mohist leaders present to fall into a state of extreme shock.
The organs inside the organ city are the key to the organ city’s ability to stand in the rivers and lakes for hundreds of years without falling down.
But now.
The organ that has kept the entire Mo family stable for hundreds of years was unexpectedly destroyed and cracked by outside intruders so quickly.
How can this make them believe?
The organ city is the biggest pride of their Mo family!
The greatest pride in their hearts was trampled on the ground and rubbed continuously.
How does this embarrass them?
“Who the hell?!”

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