Sword Saint Gai Nie is so powerful!
Now that the Mohists are facing a huge crisis and disaster, they naturally need a strong combat force to help them.
Even if they don’t like Gai Nie on weekdays, they will not take the initiative to provoke each other at this critical moment.
Even the irascible big hammer did not make any remarks.
Fan Zeng and Xiang Liang, the representatives of the state of Chu, also arrived at the secret room of the agency.
With the last two people arriving at the scene, it was officially announced.
Everyone is here!
“Master class, everyone is here now, can you explain the specific situation? What kind of crisis have we encountered?”
The first to ask was Big Hammer.
Everyone was silent.
Their eyes coincidentally fixed on Master Ban, waiting for the latter’s reply.
“The Mo family is about to usher in an unprecedented catastrophe!”
“A little careless…”
“It will be forever! Destroyed once!”
The master class took a deep breath and said with lingering fear.
The sound just fell.
It caused everyone present to fall into silence.
Big Hammer’s throat was dry, and it was the first time he had seen the master class lose his composure and panic.
“what happened?”
Gao Jianli frowned.
“The organ array used by the organ city to defend against foreign enemies has been breached three times!”
“That is.”
“Currently, there are only the last two organs left to block foreign enemies.”
“The rest have already been completely breached and disintegrated!”
The teacher in the class spoke endlessly.
Immediately, many leaders of the Mohist school turned pale with fright.
As the leaders of the Mohist school, they are of course more aware than Gai Nie and Xiang Liang of how powerful the organ formations used by their Mohist organ city to resist foreign enemies are.
It is such a powerful organ array, but it was broken by outsiders today? !
how can that be? !
everyone is hard to putletter.
“Master class, are you 410 sure you’re not joking?”
“Our Mohist mechanism city has stood for hundreds of years without falling down. During this period, there are not no people who tried to break through our impregnable mechanism city.”
“But in the end, all of them had no choice but to flee in despair.”
“The organ city is a fortress that has gathered our Mohists and spent hundreds of years to form it.”
“How could it be broken from the front by outsiders?”
Robber Zhi’s eyes widened, and he subconsciously blurted out.
What he said was also the voice of all the leaders of the Mohists present.
The Mohism mechanism city has stood for hundreds of years without falling down, and it has caused countless Jianghu mechanism masters to retreat in the face of difficulties, which is naturally enough to show that the mechanism inside the mechanism city is terrible.
How could it be breached by outside intruders?
All of them are unacceptable.
in their minds.
It is impossible for the organ city to be breached.
The key is……
It is even more impossible to be attacked from the front!
Want to break through the organ city from the front?
How difficult is it?
It’s harder than climbing to the sky!
Although they are not mechanism masters and cannot understand the main structure of the mechanism inside the mechanism city, they can still understand it clearly.
How dangerous and terrifying are the organs set up by their organ city.
How could such a dangerous organ array be cracked by outsiders? .
Chapter 279 Surprise the leader of the Mohists! The Mo family was shocked! 【Please customize】
“Although I don’t want to admit it, it’s the truth.”
“I do not know either……”
“Where is the sacred thing that broke through the organs inside our organ city.”
“You can take a look at the mechanism here.”
Master Ban pointed to the three destroyed mechanisms.
Everyone’s eyes shifted.
They saw it clearly.
Three destroyed mechanisms appeared in their eyes very clearly.
“This this!”
A group of Mohist leaders stared wide-eyed in surprise.
Xue Nu pink lips parted slightly, silent.
Her beautiful and delicate face was full of frightened and gaffe-like expressions.
She had a premonition when she first arrived at the secret room of the agency.
And now.
This premonition was verified by the class master.
The organs inside the organ city were indeed breached and disintegrated by outside intruders!
“how is this possible?”
Big Hammer was shocked.
beside him.
Robber Zhi was also dumbfounded.
A group of Mohist leaders present at the scene ushered in an unprecedented shock and loss of mood at the same time.
Even Gai Nie couldn’t help frowning.
This is not good news!
An outsider actually broke through the Mohist’s organ city!
Doesn’t that mean.
A big battle is about to break out in the organ city?
Xiang Liang and Fan Zeng’s mood became heavy, and their brows were full of worry.
Their army of Chu State is still huddled in the organ city, if there is an intruder now, then they can only lead the army to fight.
This is obviously not a good choice.
But, they have nothing to do!
If the organ city is really breached from the front.
Well no doubt about it.
In the future, they will no longer have a safe habitat.
The two looked at each other, thinking so in their hearts.
They never expected.
One day, the famous Mohist Trick City will be broken down by someone from the front!
All of this is too subversive cognition!
Who in the rivers and lakes does not know that the Mohist institution is indestructible?
Who broke the organ city?

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