If the organ city is really breached head-on, then things will be in big trouble!
The organ city represents the habitat and place for recuperation of the Anti-Qin Alliance.
Once this place is breached, they will naturally lose their habitat.
By then 0…..
All members of their anti-Qin alliance will be in exile.
If during this period.
If they are encircled and suppressed by the empire again, they will be in danger.
The class master’s ominous premonition is getting stronger and stronger.
He vaguely felt it.
The Mo family is now facing a huge disaster crisis that is very likely to be destroyed!
This catastrophic crisis will not only affect their Mo family.
Even the remnants of the Chu State, its swordsman Gai Nie, and the anti-Qin people who are currently staying in the government city will definitely be affected and affected.
“You guys.”
“Hurry up and notify Xiao Gao, Xue Nu, and Big Hammer.”
“I don’t have time to explain too much to you.”
“Inform them immediately and let them all gather in the secret room of the agency!”
“I have a big event that I need to discuss with them.”
“This matter even involves the life and death of shutting down the city, let them rush to the scene as quickly as possible to participate in the discussion.”
“Also inform General Xiang Liang and the others, as well as Mr. Gai Nie…”
Master Ban looked anxious, and hurriedly gave instructions to several Mohist disciples beside him.
“all in all.”
“We must quickly notify the personnel of all parties and let them rush to the secret room of the agency immediately.”
“Be sure to invite all of them to arrive as soon as possible!”
“Otherwise, it will be too late!”
As the third mechanism of the Mohist mechanism city was forcibly breached, Master Ban was completely anxious.
4.9 at the same time.
Hearing the class master’s anxious shouts, several Mohist disciples woke up one after another.
They all forcibly suppressed the panic and other emotional fluctuations in their hearts, and hurriedly nodded in response.
“Yes, class master.”
Watching the backs of these Mohist disciples hastily leaving, Master Ban felt more and more heavy in his heart.
at the same time.
His old face was full of shock and panic, but also full of worry.
heI have a hunch in my heart.
this time.
I’m afraid that the entire Mohist organ city is really going to change!
An unprecedented disaster and crisis is covering the entire city of organs!
If you are not careful…
Mohism will be destroyed!
Even the Anti-Qin Alliance will most likely be completely annihilated! .
Chapter 278 If you are not careful, the Mohists will be doomed forever! 【Please customize】
Seeing the departure of several Mohist disciples, Master Ban sighed again, turned his gaze, and looked back at the third mechanism emitting black gray smoke.
His eyes looked very complicated.
What he thought was impossible before, but now it really happened before his eyes.
The class master’s eyes were lost for a while, and his mind was in a trance.
He couldn’t help but think back.
Reviews made before…
Unless God can do it?
can now.
The other party really did it!
Does this mean.
The other party is a god? !
Thinking of this, Master Ban’s throat was dry, and he stayed in the huge organ secret room for a long time without saying a word.
About half an hour or so passed.
Tread Tread!
Accompanied by the sound of hurried footsteps.
A high-jumping woman wearing a gorgeous royal blue dress walked into the secret room step by step. Her face was exquisite and beautiful, and her complexion was snow-white, like snowflakes in winter.
Come on, it is one of the leaders of the Mo family, Xuenv!
05 After entering the mechanism secret room, Xue Nu looked anxiously at Master Ban, her pink lips moved slightly: “Master Ban, what happened?”
After being notified by the disciples of the Mohist school that Master Ban had an urgent matter to discuss, she immediately rushed to the scene without stopping.
What could cause the master class to lose his composure?
“Snow Girl, you’re here.”
Seeing the figure of Xue Nu, Master Ban sighed again, but did not explain too much.
He just wanted to wait for everyone to come together, and then explain it in a unified way.
Sensing Master Ban’s heavy heart, Xue Nu didn’t ask any more questions, and chose to stand quietly by her side, her brows slightly frowned, and she fell into deep thought.
A faint pungent smell remained in the air.
When she turned her gaze, she saw the appearance of those organs being destroyed.
Xue Nu’s pupils shrank slightly, her beautiful eyes were full of emotion and shock.
how can that be? !
The core device in the organ secret room was damaged?
In the end what happened?
Before Xuenv thought about it carefully, another sound of footsteps sounded from outside the secret room.
not for a while.
Big Hammer and Gao Jianli arrived at the scene.
Duanmu Rong, Zhi Zhi and others also came to the secret room of the agency one after another.
“Master class, what happened?”
The big iron hammer couldn’t hold back the impatience in his heart, so he immediately asked questions.
“Just wait calmly.”
“I’ll explain the situation in detail when everyone is here.”
The class master raised his hand to signal, slightly suppressing the restless mood of everyone present.
But even so, the impatience of everyone present could not calm down calmly.
after all.
When Mohist disciples notified them, they mentioned a sentence.
That is……
The Mohist School is now facing a huge crisis and disaster of destruction!
Just this one sentence is enough to make them feel impatient and panicked.
Some time passed.
Juggernaut Gai Nie came to the scene.
Although he is currently very unpopular, he is still very quietly located in the corner of the secret room of the agency, standing quietly without saying a word.
Compared with the impatience of the Mohist leaders present, Gai Nie seemed much calmer.
For Gai Nie, everyone present had mixed feelings.
But no one can deny that.

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