“is it possible?”
The class teacher’s face became a little pale.
Unable to contain himself, he began to tremble weakly.
A deep sense of fear flooded into his heart in an instant, making his hands and feet cold.
“In the third organ of the organ city, there are more than 2,000 organs hidden in total, and each organ is constructed with the efforts of the Mohists of the past.”
“Furthermore, these organs are interlocking. Once any organ is triggered, it will pull all the other organs to operate simultaneously.”
“If you want to break through the organs here, you must find the most core key from more than two thousand organs!”
“How high is the difficulty factor here?”
“It’s as difficult as finding a needle in a haystack!”
The more the class teacher thought about it, the more frightened he became.
“It’s such an extremely difficult thing, but today, it only took half a quarter of an hour for an outside intruder to do it.”
“What kind of concept is this?!”
After sorting out many clues and details, the sense of shock in Master Ban’s heart obviously became stronger and more vigorous.
It only took half a quarter of an hour to destroy more than two thousand organs?
Is this really not a dream?
What kind of monster is this?
Even the resurrection of the first giant of the Mohist school doesn’t have such terrifying attainments in mechanism skills, right?
It stands to reason.
It’s almost impossible for this to happen!
But the facts are happening right in front of our eyes, and Master Ban cannot allow too many questions about Fan.
Chapter 277: Crisis Arrives! The Mo family is about to change! 【Please customize】
“The scariest thing is…”
“The interval of half a quarter of an hour also includes the time for him to walk all the way to the third mechanism formation after he broke through the second mechanism formation.”
“simply put.”
“The time for this monster to break through the third mechanism may be far more than half a quarter of an hour, and it will be shortened several times on this basis!”
The teacher in class was shocked.
How much time did that take?
Half an hour is short enough!
The ultimate truth is actually…
It took a monster less than half a quarter of an hour to break through the third mechanism of the mechanism city? Take advantage of the trend to crack the mechanism array formed by more than two thousand organs?
It always sounds like a dream!
Rao is the master of the class who is well-informed, and was frightened dumb by what he was going through now.
Is it possible…
Are there really gods in this world? !
If it is not “410”, how to explain the current situation?
“Ban, class master, what shall we do?”
A famous Mohist disciple, Liushen Wuzhu, looked at him one after another.Master Xiang Ban’s eyes were full of tension, fear, and apprehension.
As can be seen.
Their bodies and minds have been fully dominated by fear.
“How to do?”
The class master constantly adjusted his mentality, forcibly suppressing the sense of shock in his heart.
I thought.
This outside intruder can only break through the two organs in front of the organ city at most.
But the final result subverted Master Ban’s expectations.
The opponent not only took advantage of the trend to break through the third organ.
And the scariest thing is that…
The opponent still took advantage of the extremely short time!
It is many times shorter than half a quarter of an hour!
This alone overturned the worldview that Master Ban had worked so hard to construct in his life.
His mentality has completely collapsed.
Faced with such a terrifying mysterious existence, Master Ban finally felt panic and anxiety.
If no action is taken…
he thinks.
It is very likely that the opponent really wants to forcibly penetrate and break through the Mohist mechanism city from the front!
Looking at the rivers and lakes for hundreds of years, what no one can do will be revealed from the hands of this mysterious and terrifying existence.
And the Mohist mechanism city will also become the back garden of this mysterious existence!
Thinking of this, class master felt an endless sense of crisis.
“He must be stopped!”
“We can’t let him continue to behave indiscriminately!”
“Do not!”
“Currently, we don’t know how many intruders from the outside world have come.”
“We must not act rashly before investigating this news clearly.”
“and also……”
“Who is this mysterious and terrifying existence?”
“Why have you never heard of such a terrifying monster with such a powerful organization?”
“It stands to reason that an existence with such a transcendent mechanical skill shouldn’t be unknown in the rivers and lakes.”
The master class was very heavy.
He felt unprecedented pressure!
This pressure naturally comes from the mysterious existence that is constantly trying to break through the organ city at this moment!
Class master in this life.
He has never encountered such a terrifying existence!
It only took less than half a quarter of an hour to crack the third mechanism of the mechanism city!
This is just too scary.
“Just judging from the mechanism skills he has shown so far, he has broken through the first three organs of the organ city.”
“It can be absolutely certain.”
“This person’s mechanism skills can be called unparalleled in the world!”
“The organ attainments are number one in the world!”
“The number one mechanism technique for thousands of years!”
The class master made an evaluation in his heart.
Highly rated!
But he doesn’t think it’s an exaggeration.
on the contrary.
He felt that this evaluation was very appropriate for this mysterious and terrifying existence.
The other party definitely has the qualifications for this extremely high evaluation.
“This person wants to break through the organ city, he must have his purpose!”
“He came here just to deal with our Mohists or other people from the world.”
“It’s even possible.”
“He is actually the representative of the empire!”
“This is an important message for the empire to target our Mohist organ city!”
The class teacher’s complexion changed drastically.
The more he thought about it, the greater the pressure in his heart.

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