His eyes widened, and he couldn’t help but lose his voice on the spot.
“how is this possible?!”
“The first and third mechanisms…”
“It was actually destroyed by someone!”
The original silent atmosphere of the secret room was broken by the class master’s voice full of gaffes.
Chapter 276 What kind of monster is this? Scared out! 【Please customize】
The atmosphere became even more eerie!
The class master’s voice full of gaffes spread in all directions.
In the huge secret room, Master Ban’s voice echoed.
The air here is also filled with a strong pungent smell.
Gray-black smoke curled up, floating in all directions from the core device of the third mechanism.
Several Mohist disciples were also stunned, staring at the gray-black smoke with dumbstruck eyes.
Like the class master, they fell into an extremely terrifying state at the same time.
“No, impossible!”
“Will not!”
“I must be hallucinating!”
The master class shook his head, his face full of shock and horror.
He couldn’t believe what he saw in front of him.
only because……
All of this seriously overturned his worldview.
Make him unbelievable!
“How could the third mechanism be destroyed by someone?”
The teacher in class had a dry throat.
what does that mean?
Of course he knew it.
This symbolizes.
The third organ position of the Mohist Organ City has been forcibly destroyed by outside intruders from the front, resulting in the paralysis of more than 2,000 organs.
That’s why.
will cause…
The third organ device in the control room of the organ center completely uncontrollably raised flames and swirled around, resulting in thick gray-black smoke emerging.
But all of this made the master class unacceptable.
after all.
How could the organs of the Mohist Organ City, which he was most proud of, be destroyed by outside intruders? !
It is absolutely impossible for the master class to accept such a terrifying phenomenon that subverts cognition.
“I must be dreaming!”
Master Class’s lips trembled slightly, staring blankly at the gray-black smoke.
He is constantly looking for excuses to comfort himself.
It is a pity……
No matter how much he comforted himself, the scenes he witnessed would inevitably have an unprecedented impact on his mind.
The master class couldn’t believe it in his dreams.
The organ positions in the organ city were destroyed three levels in succession!
That is.
There are only the last two organs left in the organ city to defend against foreign enemies!
the first threeThe organs have been forcibly destroyed by that mysterious and terrifying existence!
“This this!”
“How could there be such a monster?”
“The Mohist organ city is supposed to be invincible and impossible to be breached.”
“But at this moment, what exactly do I see?”
Master Ban’s worldview has been shaken violently.
all the time.
He thinks very confidently.
There is no possibility of being breached by outsiders in the organs of the Mohist institution.
until today.
He finally saw it with his own eyes.
The amazing scene where the organs in the organ city were breached one after another!
“That’s an institution that took hundreds of years of hard work of the Mo family to build together!”
“Even the old man himself can’t break through!”
“Why is he just an outsider?!”
The master class felt powerless and frightened.
Several Mohist disciples responded one after another: “Master Ban, is the third organ position broken by outsiders? This, can’t it?”
The voice fell.
The master class was completely unable to answer for a while.
Although he couldn’t accept it, it was an indisputable fact.
The facts in front of him did not allow him to question them.
“There are such terrifying monsters in this world!”
“Where is he sacred?”
“He actually has such a terrifying attainment in mechanism art, and even managed to break through the mechanism of the mechanism city from the front.”
“Looking at Jianghu, when did such a strange and terrifying existence appear?!”
Countless thoughts in the class master’s head were flying wildly.
After a while.
His pupils shrank slightly, thinking of a more terrifying key point.
“and many more?!”
“If I’m not mistaken.”
“When the second mechanism was destroyed, it happened half a quarter of an hour ago.”
“what does that mean?”
Master Ban opened his mouth, his eyes were wide and round, full of shock and fear.
how is this possible? !
No way?
I must be crazy!
The second organ was breached half a quarter of an hour ago.
But half an hour later…
The third organ was breached and disintegrated again!
0・・・・・Ask for flowers・・・・・・・・・・・・・
Does this represent.
That mysterious and terrifying existence easily destroyed the third organ in just half a quarter of an hour? !
Thinking of this, Master Ban’s head seemed to be hit hard by a heavy object, and his thoughts became blank.
He couldn’t help rolling his throat and swallowing saliva.
It can be clearly seen.
His mood at this moment, just like the emotions emerging on his old face, was full of deep shock, fear, and horror.
“Half, half an hour?!”
“The Mohist mechanism city’s third mechanism array is used to defend against foreign enemies…”
“Just being completely destroyed by an outside intruder in half an hour?!”
. . . 0

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