Looking at thousands of years…
Who can follow such a shocking move?
No one can imitate this shocking act of terror!
It’s amazing!
Wei Zhuang, Meng Tian, ​​and Gong Shuchou were all shocked.
Especially public defeat.
As a mechanism engineer, he understood it more deeply than everyone present.
Like the Seventh Young Master, it took only a dozen or so breaths to easily destroy a dangerous position full of traps without any effort, what a miraculous and terrifying thing.
It can be said to be a fairy tale!
Everything seemed dreamlike!
It’s like dreaming!
Before, Gongshu Qiu thought that the Seventh Young Master only took half a quarter of an hour to destroy an agency position, which was enough to call it unprecedented.
It can even be called unprecedented!
Never thought.
this moment.
This unprecedented record was once again broken by the Seventh Young Master himself!
half an hour?
no no no!
This time, it was time for a dozen breaths!
It can be said to be a blink of an eye!
In just the blink of an eye, they didn’t notice Seventh Young Master’s movements the whole time, and all the organs here were destroyed and paralyzed.
“Seventh Young Master, he is countless times more terrifying than the old man!”
Gongshuqiu thought to himself.
“Let’s catch up quickly.”
“We can’t fall behind.”
Meng Tian, ​​who was belatedly aware, finally woke up with a start.
He hastily led 20,000 elite soldiers of the empire to follow the back of Ying Changge who was drifting away in front of him.
With Meng Tian’s actions, everyone’s shocked mood eased slightly.
But they looked at Ying Changge’s back, but they still couldn’t conceal the deep awe and horror.
What they have seen today is enough to make them remember deeply in this life.
This is a memory that will never be erased!
As one person after another set foot on this agency position, and did not trigger any agency mechanism during the whole process…
Everyone was shocked and amazed again and again.
“The organs here are really all destroyed.”
“Young master, he is really a monster!”
“Just pass through here at will, and easily destroy all the organs here!”
“You don’t even need to leave any time to observe.”
“You don’t even need to observe, it’s as if you can directly penetrate the core of the mechanism here!”
“Thus destroying it on the spot and instantly paralyzing all organs…”
The people who passed by here all left their feelings of awe and admiration for Ying Changge in their hearts.

at the same time.
the other side.
Mohist, the central control room of the organization.
The master class went back and forth, walking in the huge mechanism secret room.
As can be seen.
There was a bit of sadness in his brows, his expression was a little anxious, and there was always an ominous premonition in his heart.
410 “It’s just that I’m worrying too much!”
“The sudden damage and failure of the first mechanism is just a coincidence.”
“That’s right!”
“It must have been a mere accident.”
The master class stretched his furrowed eyebrows.
Just when he was in this mood.
under his gaze.
A group of flames suddenly burned in the core device of a mechanism, and the blazing fire continued to rise.Winding around, a burst of gray-black smoke was emitted.
The pungent smell then spread and filled the huge secret room.
The gray-black smoke completely enveloped the entire secret room.
The strong and choking smell wafted into every corner of the secret room.
“how can that be?!”
When he saw the waves of gray-black smoke curling up, Master Ban’s eyes widened, and his eyes were full of emotions such as shock and horror.
This is already the second organ that has been damaged!
Just ask.
What exactly does this mean? !
Of course, Master Ban is well aware of this.
In the organ city, the second organ position is specially used to block outside intruders…
It was also destroyed? !
The same thing happened twice in a row.
Could this still be called a random event? !
Do not!
It is by no means accidental!
It’s not a coincidence!
This is inevitable! .
Chapter 274 Unacceptable! Incredible class master! 【Please customize】
This is the second time!
This is not the first time!
The sudden failure of the first mechanism can be explained by coincidence.
Think of it as a random event!
The same thing happened a second time.
Can this be explained by coincidence and chance?
What a joke!
This is no coincidence!
This is inevitable!
It is an inevitable phenomenon that the mechanisms and devices have been damaged and failed twice in a row!
That is.
The internal organs of the Mohist Organ City are now being destroyed by outside intruders!
Thinking of this, Master Ban involuntarily widened his eyes, which were filled with emotions such as shock, shock, loss of composure, and disbelief.

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