He was stunned.
Alien intruders? !
Are you trying to destroy the institutions in the Mohist institution city?
More precisely.
The opponent has already succeeded in destroying two Mohist mechanism cities in succession?
how can that be? !
“I must be dreaming?”
“This this!”
“What’s the situation? What happened in the organ city?”
“Two organ positions in succession suffered serious damage and failed. Someone must be trying to destroy the organs in the organ city.”
“He, who is so sacred?!”
Master Ban opened his mouth, his lips trembled slightly, and his heart was deeply moved.
At this time, his old face covered with wrinkles couldn’t help showing an incomparable shock.
At first he thought so.
It was just a coincidence that the first mechanism was damaged and failed.
At that moment just now, the second mechanism was also destroyed.
this moment.
He suddenly woke up.
This is not a coincidence, but someone is really destroying the organs inside the Mohism Organ City.
There were already two organ positions, which were destroyed by this intruder.
All of these have seriously overturned the class teacher’s cognition.
He couldn’t even dream of it.
The Mohist mechanism city will be breached from the front by outside intruders one day!
The organs of the internal organ city are actually forcibly destroyed by outsiders!
What is this concept?
all in all.
All that is happening right now, Master Ban can’t help but doubt his life.
“This is impossible~‖!”
“The organs in the Mohist Organ City were created after hundreds of years of hard work by the Mohist School. How could they be destroyed by outsiders?”
“This must be fake!”
“I do not believe!”
The head teacher of the class went blank, shaking his head constantly trying to veto this amazing truth.
As a mechanism engineer of the Mohist school, his greatest pride in his life is the Mohist mechanism city, which is an impenetrable defensive fortress!
This is the pride of all Mohist disciples!
This moment.
The greatest pride in his heart was being trampled and rubbed under his feet.
How can the master class accept this?
The Trick City, which the Mohist is most proud of, was forcibly destroyed by outsiders one after another?
is it possible?
The class master is unbelievable.
The organs in the Mohist organ city should be impeccable!
Otherwise, it is impossible for the organ city to stand in the rivers and lakes for hundreds of years without falling down.
It is impossible for anyone to break through the institutions in the Mohist institution city.
Even the Mo family’s deadly rival, the loser, can’t do this.
It is precisely because of this that Master Ban feels so out of his composure about what is happening right now.
Things no public loser can do…
Today, it was actually done by an unknown outsider? !
“no, I can not.”
“How could the organs in the organ city be destroyed so easily?”
“And it was destroyed from the front!”
“There are hundreds of mechanisms there, and each mechanism is very delicate and mysterious, and they are all interlocking with each other.”
“As long as any one organ is touched, it will cause the operation and reaction of other organs.”
“In this case.”
“It’s as hard as heaven to break through the mechanism there!”
“Even the old man is not sure to destroy the mechanism there head-on.”
“How can a mere outsider do something that even this old man can’t do?”
It is precisely because it is too clear how subtle and mysterious the organs in the organ city are that makes Master Ban act so crazy at this moment.
He knows the organ city too well.
When he saw that at this moment, the organs in the organ city were tragically destroyed one after another, it made Master Ban’s mentality face the fate of collapse.
Gray-black smoke billows up, filling theIn the huge secret room.
The pungent smell drifted away.
The few Mohist disciples present naturally quickly noticed the commotion here. They all looked at Master Ban in shock and blurted out subconsciously.
“` 〃 Class Master…”
“The second organ position seems to have suffered serious damage and has failed!”
A famous Mohist disciple turned pale with shock.
“I know.”
The teacher in class was shocked and couldn’t calm down for a long time.
His eyes were full of horror, and he stared closely at the mechanism that kept emitting gray-black smoke.
All that he was witnessing now made Master Ban’s mentality collapse.
It never occurred to him.
The organ city that he was most proud of in his heart was broken into and disintegrated.
This is amazing!
Until now, Master Ban still finds it hard to believe.
The incomparably exquisite and mysterious mechanism in the mechanism city will be breached by outsiders!
Everything seriously impacted Master Ban’s heart, making him look a little pale, and he began to tremble violently uncontrollably.
“Master Ban, could it be (is it) an intruder from the outside world? Has already broken into our organ city?”
“No way?”
“How could intruders from the outside destroy the organs of our organ city one after another?”
“This is completely unreasonable!”
“In the whole world, how could anyone be able to break the mechanism of our Mohist school?”
“This this!”
All the Mohist disciples present were filled with horror.
Do not volt!
Even they can no longer explain all this by coincidence.
It can still be said to be a coincidence that the organs in the first organ position were disabled.
However, the position of the second agency was also severely damaged…
This cannot be explained by coincidence.
There are foreign intruders!
Someone is constantly destroying the institutions in their Mohist institution city!
Only in this way can the phenomena they are witnessing now be explained.
Chapter 275 Unless it is God? Master class doubts life! 【Please customize】
“Someone can actually destroy the mechanism of our Mohist mechanism city?”

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