A slight sound spread.
The bronze gear shattered and turned into countless wreckage…
for a while.
Smoke and dust billowed all around, covering Ying Changge’s figure.
quite a while.
Dispersed with the smoke.
Ying Changge withdrew his armed arrogance in a single thought, turned around, faced Meng Tian and the others who were in a daze and astonishment behind him, and directly ordered: “Let’s continue walking.”
They didn’t wait for everyone’s reaction.
He then took care of himself and walked towards the farther passage step by step alone.
only left……
The wreckage of gear fragments scattered all over the place scattered in every corner.
There is also the hideous and terrifying deep pit on the ground, which was directly collapsed by a foot, forming a semicircular pit with a diameter of several meters.
A series of dense spider web cracks spread all over the place.
This scene is creepy.
Tread Tread!
The sound of Ying Changge’s footsteps followed, and he walked further away step by step.
Everyone stared blankly at his back.
The atmosphere is silent!
The whole audience was silent!
The silence seemed to be able to hear the faint sound of the beating heart.
With the back of Ying Changge drifting away, Meng Tian and others suddenly woke up.
“This this!”
Meng Tian’s throat was dry and he couldn’t help swallowing his saliva.
His eyes were wide and round, and he stared blankly at the 4.9 shattered and sunken ground in front of him, he couldn’t look away for a long time, his face was full of deep horror.
“This is solved?!”
Sitting next to Meng Tian, ​​Meng Ying was also dumbfounded, and subconsciously blurted out.
Seventh Young Master has just set foot here, and it’s only a dozen or so breaths away!
This destroys all the organs here? !
real or fake?
Could this be a dream?
What amazing efficiency is this?
A dozen breaths directly destroyed a dangerous place full of traps!
This is also scary!
It’s just a monster!
Everyone present was shocked, staring at Ying Changge’s receding back in dumbfounded.
Their shocked mood was unable to calm down for a long time.
Like a tumbling ocean current, wave after wave of crazy surges…
Chapter 273: I’m Shocked Again! Shock class master! 【Please customize】
“My, my God!”
“This solves a mechanism!”
Gong Shuqiu was even more shocked.
He thought so.
Solving a mechanism in half a quarter of an hour is already a miracle!
This miracle was broken again by the Seventh Young Master!
It only took a dozen breaths of time to forcibly destroy an organ position!
no doubt……
Accomplished with the mechanism of public defeat and hatred.
Of course he could see it.
The number of organs here is even more than the place just now.
It stands to reason.
In this way, if you want to crack the difficulty of the mechanism here, it will inevitably be difficult.Just go up.
But in the hands of the Seventh Young Master, instead of increasing the difficulty, it plummeted.
The mechanism that originally took half a quarter of an hour to destroy.
Seventh Young Master only took a dozen or so breaths!
Simply destroy them all!
What is this concept?
Everything is seriously impacting the world view of public defeat and hatred.
He couldn’t help 05 doubting his life on the spot.
“What kind of monster is this?”
Gongshuchou stared blankly at Ying Changge’s back.
I turned my gaze.
He looked again.
The broken and sunken floor tiles, and the floor tiles are surrounded by fragments of debris.
It all shows.
Seventh Young Master, he has really destroyed all the institutions here!
Let all the organs here be paralyzed.
“Seventh Young Master obviously just walked in for less than a moment…”
“This has destroyed all the organs here?”
“real or fake?”
“I must be hallucinating?”
Everyone in the quicksand organization was also deeply moved, their eyes and pupils widened, and they lost their composure completely.
Destroying thousands of organs in half a quarter of an hour just now is not the limit of the seventh son? !
Now it is constantly breaking through the limit!
Now it only takes a dozen breaths…
It directly destroyed a mechanism position in the Mohist mechanism city!
If it spreads, who would believe it?
I’m afraid he will be regarded as a lunatic by countless martial arts practitioners in the world!
This is the organ city of the Mo family!
The organ city that has stood in the rivers and lakes for hundreds of years!
How could it be that someone just spent a dozen breaths of time, crossed through it, and easily destroyed a position full of organs?
“Are you sure it’s not a hallucination?”
“Seventh Young Master, he just solved all the organs on the scene?”
Including Wei Zhuang, they were all in a state of bewilderment.
A group of people froze in place, their throats were dry and they were unable to speak.
All of them present, almost without exception, the collective ‘Shuangshuang…’ was scared dumb by Ying Changge.
What is high efficiency?
This horse riding is called high efficiency!
In the short time of a dozen breaths, a dangerous organ position was destroyed!

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