Like walking on the ground!
It’s like walking in your own back garden!
When they experienced all this in person, their emotional shock became stronger and more intense.
“The organs in the 410 are really all destroyed.”
“It only took half a quarter of an hour to be destroyed by the Seventh Young Master!”
Gongshuchou walked towards the direction of Ying Changge step by step, still amazed in his heart.
Is this a monster?
Can’t afford to provoke!
Thousands of Mohist institutions were paralyzed in half a quarter of an hour…
With this terrifying ability, even the public and the enemy can only catch up in the dust, and they can’t afford any thoughts of contesting.
In contrast to Ying Changge.
Public defeat and hatred only feel.
He himself is a frog in a well!
The gap is too big!
Nothing compares!
“The seventh son is too evil.”
“In contrast, the old man looks like a fledgling young man.”
“This is the first time I have experienced such a sense of powerlessness.”
“Only when facing the Seventh Young Master directly, the old man will feel how small and insignificant he is.”
With countless thoughts in his mind, Gong Shuchou came all the way to Ying Changge’s side.
I turned my gaze.
He carefully observed the traces left by Ying Changge’s direct defeat of the stone pillar just now.
The huge stone pillar was directly pierced by an arm from the middle!
Recall the scene just now.
The public loses the hatred and the hair is all over.
The Seventh Young Master not only has terrifying talent and aptitude, but also has unfathomable strength!
It was the first time in his life that he saw it.
Unexpectedly, someone was able to forcibly destroy such a hard stone pillar wall with just bare hands.
What kind of terrifying power is this?
Simply unimaginable!
Just being bare-handed is so terrifying, but what if you hold a weapon?
This is simply a humanoid monster!
Gong Shuchou naturally didn’t dare to say these words, but just looked at them with lingering fear, and was shocked by the hideous traces left on the stone pillar.
One click…
It penetrated this hard stone pillar!
What kind of martial arts is this?
Practicing hard work horizontally?
Even if it is a master of hard skills, it should not be so scary.
Bottom line.
In the end, we can only think about the loss of public hatred.
It’s because the seventh son is too much of a monster!
As for monsters, they naturally cannot be figured out with common sense.
at the same time.
Wei Zhuang and everyone in the quicksand organization also came to Ying Changge’s side one after another.
Along the way, the shock in their hearts could not be cooled for a long time.
After walking for so long without triggering the mechanism, they suddenly realized.
As expected, all the organs here have been destroyed!
It only took half a quarter of an hour for the Seventh Young Master to destroy all of them!
There are thousands of institutions, all without exception, which have been destroyed.
It is therefore (afej).
The group of them can be so relaxed, trampling on this place as if it were their own back garden, without worrying about triggering the mechanism here.
“Seventh Young Master is indeed a monster!”
“Thousands of institutions were destroyed in half a quarter of an hour. Looking at the rivers and lakes for thousands of years, this move is enough to be called unprecedented!”
Wei Zhuang was amazed again and again.
until now.
The shock in his heart did not weaken at all.
“This is the reason why the son can be in half a quarter of an hourIn a short period of time, forcibly destroy the core key of thousands of organs? ”
Chi Lian, Bai Feng and others looked at the stone pillars beside them.
When they saw the trace of a hole pierced through the stone pillar, they felt horrified.
How did this trace come about?
Of course they know it.
Everything, they just witnessed with their own eyes!
This dark hole was obviously pierced by the Seventh Young Master with one hand just now!
No weapons were used at all.
And this is the reason why Chi Lian, Bai Feng and others were most shocked.
“Without even using a weapon, he pierced through the stone pillar with his bare hands!”
“What kind of terrifying power is this?”
Chi Lian’s pink lips trembled slightly, feeling an unparalleled shock and palpitation in his heart.
I turned my gaze.
She looked at Ying Changge, unable to contain the deep awe and fear.
She thought so.
After all the previous things, she has been able to roughly judge the level of Ying Changge’s strength.
until just now.
When I witnessed it with my own eyes, the scene where Ying Changge directly pierced through the stone pillar with one hand.
She suddenly woke up.
She has always been sitting in a well and watching the sky!
Who ever thought.
The strength displayed by the Seventh Young Master is just the tip of the iceberg!
“Seventh Young Master is indeed a monster!”
Chi Lian thought with lingering fear.
And Bai Feng looked at Ying Changge’s eyes, and he couldn’t hide the awe in his eyes.
Rao, the head of the Four Heavenly Kings of the Quicksand Organization, naturally couldn’t contain the panic in his heart when faced with such a terrifying monster.
Regarding the traces of holes on the stone pillars, Meng Ying and Shao Si Ming did not have much emotional change.
They already knew.
The terrifying combat power of my son with bare hands!
The young master is a savage man who has received the hundred-step flying sword of Sword Saint Gaine with his bare hands!
It is also a monster that gathers energy and turns the star soul into a blade with bare hands!
in this way……
Isn’t it normal to destroy a stone pillar with bare hands?
Except for the two of them, the rest of the people who had never seen Ying Changge’s unarmed unleashed terrifying power were naturally shocked and terrified.
Yu Ziqi was in a state of panic when he was with Shi Lan’s two brothers and sisters.
Chapter 271 Monster! Horror evildoer across the ages! 【Please customize】
“The Great Elder asked us to follow the Seventh Young Master…”

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