He couldn’t even dream of it.
Seventh Young Master, he actually solved it in only half a quarter of an hour.
Destroy thousands of mechanisms!
The whole process only takes half an hour!
What is this concept?
I dare not imagine public defeat and hatred.
all in all.
All of this has completely overturned his previous cognition.
The people in the quicksand organization couldn’t help swallowing their saliva.
They also looked surprised and shocked.
“That’s it?”
“Didn’t it mean that there are at least a thousand organs hidden?”
“Seventh Young Master took half an hour to destroy thousands of organs with ease? Is this possible?”
“Such a short time…”
“It’s such a shocking move!”
“Oh my God!”
Chi Lian’s pink lips moved slightly, her beautiful eyes widened and rounded, revealing the deep sense of shock in her heart.
Bai Feng also looked confused.
real or fake?
In half a quarter of an hour, thousands of mechanisms were solved?
Is that human being?
It’s just a monster!
Do not!
Monsters are not so scary!
Thousands of extremely dangerous organs in the Mohist Organ City were destroyed so easily?
If this news gets out, the whole Jianghu will be completely detonated!
The incomparably dangerous Mohist Trick City was unexpectedly treated by the seventh son as his back garden, and he broke through all the traps here without any effort.
“Strange, monster!”
Bai Feng stared blankly at Ying Changge’s back.
Rao is as calm as Wei Zhuang, and he is also inevitably shocked.
“It only took half an hour…”
“Cracked thousands of Mohist institutions constructed by Mohist disciples who condensed hundreds of years of blood.”
“It must be fake, right?”
Wei Zhuang was deeply moved, and his eyes were lost for a while.
He was dumbfounded.
The head of the dignified Quicksand organization was dumbfounded by Ying Changge’s astonishing feat.
“Master Gongshu, didn’t you say it would take at least half an hour?”
A weak voice sounded.
Gong Shuchou was speechless for a while.
How would I know…
Seventh Young Master can be a monster to such an extent!
If I had known earlier, I wouldn’t have underestimated the Seventh Young Master so much!
“‘ 〃 Deciphering thousands of organs in half an hour, what kind of concept is this?”
Meng Tian was in a trance.
Shao Si Ming’s beautiful eyes flickered, and the beautiful face hidden under the veil also rippled and rippled.
As indifferent as she was, Ying Changge’s astonishing feat caused huge emotional waves.
As for Yu Ziqi and Shi Lan, the two brothers and sisters were even more stunned and stiffened on the spot.
who I am?
where am i
where is this place?
what happened?
The heads of the two siblings were buzzing.
They just feel that the whole world view is about to collapse.
turn out to be……
There really is such an almighty monster in this world!
This moment.
They saw it with their own eyes.
prestigeThe prominent Mohist Trick City contains countless dangerous traps inside, but it is not even qualified to put Seventh Young Master between his teeth!
This, who dares to imagine?
“In just a short period of half a quarter of an hour, I managed to (Mode’s) forcefully destroy more than a thousand organs…”
“Dare to ask.”
“What kind of monstrous behavior is this?”
“Master Patriarch, I am an eye-opener today.”
“In this world…”
“There really are monsters!”
Gong Shuqiu’s incomparably shocking mood could not be calmed down for a long time.
At this moment, Ying Changge’s behavior is a feat.
In his eyes…
It’s like a miracle!
Let him, the mechanism master whose attainment of mechanism technique is already almost the best in the world, have to lose his composure for it.
Almost without exception, everyone present, including Meng Tian, ​​Meng Ying, Wei Zhuang, etc., was still in an extremely shocked emotional state.
Pairs of eyes full of shock, awe, and admiration all gathered involuntarily at the figure in white in the hall in front of him, unable to move from it any longer.
Seventh son…
It is worthy of being the number one evildoer in the ages! .
Chapter 270 Shocked! Seventh Young Master is indeed a monster! 【Please customize】
“What are you standing there for?”
“General Meng Tian, ​​lead the army and follow me forward.”
“Don’t just stand around.”
When Ying Changge’s voice sounded again, it echoed in the huge hall.
Everyone woke up with a start.
The first was Meng Tian, ​​who immediately gave an order to the 20,000 elite soldiers of the empire: “The whole army obeys the order, follow the son and continue to advance!”
Everyone in the Quicksand Organization also stepped forward and walked forward.
They officially set foot in this dangerous place full of institutions.
With a slightly apprehensive mood, he took a step forward.
Smoothly and steadily, the footsteps landed on the floor tiles.
No mechanism was triggered during the whole process!
It’s like walking in an ordinary passage that can no longer be ordinary.
The second step, the third step…
Everyone present took steps one after another and formally entered the hall.
Gong Shuchou, Shao Siming, Meng Tian and the others walked forward without stopping at all, constantly approaching the place where Ying Changge was.
During this process, they did not trigger any mechanism at all.

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