“It’s definitely an extremely correct approach!”
The two siblings thought to themselves.
Thousands to tens of thousands of people gathered in the huge hall.
The elite soldiers of the empire also set foot here one after another.
When they realized that no mechanism had been triggered at the scene, tens of thousands of soldiers of the empire were amazed.
They looked at Ying Changge with even more admiration.
“My son is really a god!”
“Even the well-known Mohist mechanism city can’t do anything to you, let alone stop your footsteps.”
“too strong!”
“Young master is indeed a monster!”
“The so-called Mohist organ city? It’s nothing more than that. In front of our young master, it is simply vulnerable and almost no threat.”
“Countless people who practice martial arts in the rivers and lakes all respect and respect Mohism’s mechanism city. But how could they think that the mechanism city that makes them frightened is in the hands of our son, it is a fart!”
“Thousands of organs can be cracked within half a quarter of an hour. Can you imagine what this concept is?”
“This difficulty is tantamount to finding a needle in a haystack!”
“It’s such a difficult thing, but the seventh son did it easily, and the whole process didn’t even take a single effort.”
An elite soldier of the empire looked at Ying Changge’s young figure in white with undisguised admiration and awe in his eyes.
the other side.
Ying Changge did not choose to stay here any longer after the knowledgeable Domineering had realized that everyone had set foot in the hall one after another.
He simply turned around and gave instructions to the people behind him.
“Let’s go.”
Not surprisingly……
Ying Changge and the others are getting closer and closer to the core hinterland of the Mohist organ city!
The elite army of the empire launched an encirclement and suppression operation against the anti-Qin elements, and it will be officially launched soon!
Ying Changge stepped forward.
Gongshuchou, Meng Tian, ​​Wei Zhuang and others followed closely.
Each followed Ying Changge’s footsteps with amazement, shock, and awe.
After what happened just now, all of them no longer doubted.
Seventh son…
It is really possible to forcibly destroy all the organs of the Mohism Organ City from the front!
Relying on one’s own strength, completely break through and disintegrate the Mohist mechanism city!
I thought it was a fantasy.
until now.
They suddenly woke up.
This is not a dream!
Seventh Young Master is really able to do it, this can be called a shocking and terrifying act.
at this point.
No one could have imagined it before.
Including Gong Shuchou, he doesn’t think that the young master can really break through the city of organs without moving forward.
But now.
Things he couldn’t even imagine.
It is being transformed into reality step by step!
In the hands of Seventh Young Master, turn decay into magic!
Think here.
Gongshuqiu was excited.
He vaguely realized.
He is very likely to be witnessing the birth of the only record in the millennium!
The Mohist mechanism city that no one has ever been able to break through…
Soon to be today.
It was forcibly breached from the front!
This is a terrifying event that is enough to detonate the rivers and lakes!
“What public losers can’t do…”
“Will you see it on the seventh son?”
Breaking through the Mohist organ city, this is the publicWhat the losers have always wanted to do.
after all.
The public loser has been feuding with the Mo family for many years.
The public loser has always wanted to prove that the domineering mechanism is far better than the Mohist mechanism.
Public defeat thinks.
He might actually have to see it for himself.
The public losers have been completely unable to behave in hundreds of years.
Now, it is about to be realized by a young man who is not a mechanism engineer!
A city of traps that public losers cannot break through!
About to be defeated by the Seventh Young Master alone!
Such a shocking move is definitely enough to set off a huge turmoil in the entire Jianghu!
“Seventh Young Master is setting a record!”
“The first record in thousands of years!”
“No one has ever been able to break through the Mohist’s mechanism city from the front, and this record will be broken by the seventh son himself today!”
Gongshuchou clenched his fists subconsciously, his eyes full of anticipation.
He couldn’t wait to see it.
The Trick City, which the Mo family is proud of, was forcibly destroyed and breached from the front by an outsider, the Seventh Young Master.
By the time.
What wonderful expressions will those hateful guys of the Mo family show?
It’s really exciting!
Ben old man…
You are screwed!
The organ city that your Mo family is proud of is about to be breached by an outsider!
0・・・・・Ask for flowers・・・・・・・・・・・・・
Now, your complexion must be very exciting!
Didn’t you say that the organ city is impregnable? Will it never be attacked from the front by outsiders?
Really looking forward to it.
Waiting for you to see the scene where the seventh son is alone and forcibly breaks through your organ city from the front.
The greatest pride in the hearts of you Mohist disciples…
In fact, in front of the Seventh Young Master, he was simply vulnerable!
The greatest pride of the Mo family will also be trampled and rubbed on the ground by the seventh son.
Mohism’s dignity?
What is this thing?
The dignity of the Mo family is only worthy of being trampled under by the Seventh Young Master!
The so-called notorious Mohist organ city?
But that’s all!
. . . 0
In front of the Seventh Young Master, these organs in the organ city are so fragile and pitiful.
“Our public losers have been planning for hundreds of years, but we can’t break through the city of organs…”
“But the Seventh Young Master did it effortlessly!”
“what does that mean?”

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