Just like just now.
The mechanism of the peripheral channel is paralyzed, and the mechanism device connected to the peripheral channel will start to smoke, thus losing control over the peripheral mechanism.
Master Ban fixed his eyes on one of the mechanisms, his eyes were bloodshot, and his eyes were full of tension and apprehension.
This mechanism is located next to the mechanism that was smoking just now.
That is…
The core device of the second group organ connecting the Mohist organ city!
The first organ was destroyed and paralyzed.
The class master wants to see it.
Whether the second organ will also be damaged.
If next, the second organ is also damaged.
That symbolizes.
Things are going in the worst direction.
on the contrary.
If the second organ has not been damaged for a long time.
This incidates that.
The damage to the first mechanism just now was just a coincidence.
“It must be just a coincidence!”
Master Ban clenched his fists subconsciously, feeling extremely uneasy.
He fixed his eyes on this mechanical device, and his eyes could no longer move away from it.
Chapter 258 Failed? Seventh Young Master can’t do it either? 【Please customize】
at the same time.
the other side.
In the outer passage of the organ city.
On the walls on both sides of the passage, the golden candlelight hangs above, exuding a golden halo, and the halo scattered by the curling candlelight floats wantonly with the weak air current.
Even under the light of the candlelight, it still looks like you can’t see your fingers.
There is no sunlight shining in from the outside world, making the air temperature here extraordinarily cold and harsh.
Tread Tread!
A burst of steady footsteps, full of rhythm, slowly resounded through the silent passage.
A young man in white was walking out of the dark passage step by step in the direction of the entrance.
His footsteps are very casual, as if walking in his own back garden.
No one can imagine.
The passage where he walked so casually was, in fact, the Mohist’s prestigious Trick City!
It is still an extremely dangerous place full of organs!
Who would dare to believe this?
The notorious Mohist Trick City, 05 is actually treated like a back garden by a young outsider?
Like walking on flat ground?
Simply unimaginable!
The dangerous mechanism of the Mohism Organ City is famous all over the world and well-known in the Jianghu.
It made countless martial arts practitioners frightened, and became an absolute forbidden zone that no martial arts practitioner dared to trespass without authorization.
Even if he was as strong as a martial arts master, he would not dare to set foot in the Mohist mechanism city easily.
This is the mighty power of the organ city!
As can be seen.
What a terrible deterrent the Mohist institutions in the city have created for the world.
The incomparably dangerous passages of the Mohism Trap City are lurking everywhere, and there are countless deadly traps that are enough to crush people’s bones…
But it was being crossed randomly by people, as easily as walking on the ground.
The whole passage has become a back garden!
No danger!
If this scene falls into the eyes of outsiders, I’m afraid it will completely detonate the whole world!
How could an outsider use the Mohist Trick City as their own back garden?
What is this concept?

at this time.
Ying Changge walked through the passage in the organ city step by step, and returned in the same direction as he came.
He is not at all like the one who just set foot here, with a neat and steady pace.
He randomly ran around in every corner of the passage, trying to trigger the hidden mechanism here.
Along the way, almost out of the passage, Ying Changge didn’t trigger any mechanism.
From a distance, Ying Changge could already see that bright light flickering.
He knows it.
There are only tens of meters left from the entrance.
“The so-called Mohist organ city…”
“That’s all.”
“Before that, how dangerous did I think it was? In fact, that’s it.”
Ying Changge couldn’t help shaking his head.
I can’t figure it out.
What is so terrible about the Mohist Trick City, which has made countless martial arts practitioners in the rivers and lakes frightened?
That’s it!
But mediocre!
Possessing a perfect domineering level of knowledge and knowledge, Ying Changge can ignore all organs in the world.
The Mohist institution city has already begun to suffer!
Walking out from the entrance of the bright passage ahead, Ying Changge’s face was calm and natural, and no mechanism was triggered along the way.
Since all the organs here have been paralyzed, naturally they can no longer be triggered by people.
And let the whole passage become absolutely safe!
There is no danger of triggering the mechanism.
After walking out of the passage entrance…
Pairs of blank and curious eyes.
Meng Tian, ​​Shao Siming, Meng Ying, Wei Zhuang, Gongshuchou and others, they have all been waiting quietly at the entrance of the passage.
And when they saw Ying Changge’s appearance, all of them showed curious expressions one after another.
“My son, what’s the matter?”
Gong Shuqiu was the first to ask the question.
He looked at Ying Changge curiously, and he was quietly relieved when he saw that the former was unharmed.
The young master was not injured in the organ city.
Otherwise, things will be in big trouble!
However, seeing that Ying Changge was not injured, Gong Shuchou had basically made up his mind.
The young master probably retreated in the face of difficulties.

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