“how is this possible?!”
“Really destroyed?!”
“This this!”
The class master completely lost his composure.
Before that, of course, he hadn’t thought of it at all.
The first group defense agency at the outermost edge of the agency city was actually seriously damaged by “397”.
Based on the scene he witnessed right now, Master Ban can make a certain judgment in his heart.
In the channel at the outermost edge of the organ city, there are more than 500 organs, all of which have been paralyzed and disintegrated, and no longer have any effect.
only because……
The central device connecting these more than 500 organs has suffered serious damage.
This leads to.
All other organs connected to the central device were naturally paralyzed at the same time.
All this seriously impacted the mind of the class teacher.
He couldn’t help being stunned on the spot.
What happened?
Why is this defense mechanism damaged?
What happened in the passage outside the organ city?
Why would it lead to serious damage to the institution?
Everything made the head teacher’s mind extremely chaotic.
He stood still on the spot, dumbfounded, his eyes widened and rounded.
“Ban, class master, how are you doing?”
The Mohist disciple couldn’t help but speak out.
Seeing Master Ban’s shock and loss of composure, he was also quite shocked.
It was the first time he saw it.
The calm and calm master class actually showed such a gaffe expression.
“Let me calm down!”
The class master constantly adjusted his breathing, trying to restore the tense and terrified mood to the original state.
But no matter what, his shock and horror couldn’t cool down.
He stared blankly ahead.
That smoking mechanism…
He sniffed the pungent smell that hung in the air.
All the things I have experienced right now have refreshed Master Ban’s cognitive outlook.
He deeply remembers.
Some time ago, he personally checked the organs on the periphery of the passage.
He can be sure.
The organs there will definitely not be easily damaged, at least there will be no problems within ten years.
But right now.
How to explain all this?
“This this……”
The master class opened his mouth and was speechless for a while.
He can’t think of it himself.
What kind of explanation can explain all this.
“Could it be that when I checked last time, I carelessly ignored the mechanism there?”
“But I clearly remember that the mechanism there can last at least ten years without damage.”
“If it’s not for internal reasons…”
“Could it be that.”
“Is it the interference and influence of external factors that caused the central device of the agency to be severely damaged, and more than 500 agencies were paralyzed at the same time?”
“is it possible?”
The class master’s throat was dry, and his face was full of shock.
External factors interfere?
If it is really external factors interfering…
what does that mean?
Of course the master class knows it well.
But soon.
He quickly vetoed the astonishing guess that had just arisen in his heart.
“Do not!”
“Will not!”
“It will never be because of the interference of external factors that the more than 500 organs in the peripheral channel are paralyzed.”
“It must be an internal reason.”
“That’s right!”
“It must have been subconsciously ignored when I checked last time.”
“It must be a coincidence.”
Master Ban forcibly suppressed the shock in his heart and continued to comfort himself.
If it is because of external factors that cause the agency to be paralyzed…
That means.
Now some outsiders have broken into their Mohist organ city.
The scariest thing is…
This outsider has successfully broken through and disintegrated, and all the organs in the outer passages of their Mohist organ city have been defeated and paralyzed!
Break through and disintegrate the mechanism that their Mohists are proud of from the front!
Just ask.
Is this really possible?
The class master is always unbelievable.
Immediately, he vetoed the shocking conjecture in his heart.
Their Mohist organization is the best in the world 0…
How can it be broken by outsiders?
All the organs in the Mohist Organ City have condensed the hard work of their Mohist for hundreds of years, and have been improved by countless generations of Mohist tycoons.
How could this kind of mechanism be breached by outsiders?
The greatest pride of the Mohist school is the Mohist mechanism technique!
One can imagine.
The class master who is the master of Mohism’s contemporary mechanisms.
How could he accept it.
An unknown outsider trampled on the greatest pride of their Mo familystep on the ground?
“It’s just a coincidence…”
“I don’t need to pay too much attention.”
“Later, I have to personally check the organs of the peripheral passages. At that time, I will know what is the reason that caused all these organs to be paralyzed.”
The class teacher thought so in his heart.
His shocking mood gradually cooled.
He stared intently at the devices in the mechanism control room…
Every device here is connected to different organ groups in the organ city. It can be easily opened or closed anytime, anywhere.
at the same time.
These devices will also display the status of the connected organization groups.
Once the external organ groups are damaged and paralyzed, the devices here will also be damaged and smoke.

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