Mohism’s mechanism city can never be broken so easily.
It is understandable that the young master will retreat when he knows the difficulty, and it is completely in line with common sense.
after all.
The Mohist organ city can stand for hundreds of years without falling down, which is enough to show its horror.
“Young master is almost unscathed from head to toe, so we can make a preliminary judgment. Young master, he probably didn’t trigger the mechanism inside, so he retreated with his whole body.”
“fair enough………”
“In case the young master hastily triggers the countless dangerous mechanisms inside, it will not end well.”
Gong Shuqiu thought to himself.
He decided.
Ying Changge must have been in the tunnel and felt the horror of the Mohism mechanism, so he chose to retreat instead of continuing to break into the further mechanism city.
Meng Tian and Meng Ying, father and son, also had similar thoughts.
“Master, did you get out of it so quickly?”
“Probably because they encountered difficulties and couldn’t solve them, they left the organ city so quickly.”
Meng Tian had some guesses.
He also has almost the same idea as Gong Shuqiu.
only because.
Ying Changge came out too soon!
After staying in the organ city for less than a quarter of an hour, 397 took the initiative to exit the passage.
If it’s not a failure, what else could it be?
Young master must end in failure!
Holding the idea of ​​seeing through and not telling the truth, Meng Tian dared not ask too much, for fear of angering Ying Changge.
at the same time.
Shao Siming looked at Ying Changge with twinkling eyes, but she felt that her son didn’t seem to have that kind of frustration, but was as calm and composed as ever.
Not like!
Everyone in the quicksand organization, including Wei Zhuang, Bai Feng and Chi Lian, fixed their eyes on Ying Changge and remained silent for a long time.
“Did it fail?”
“As guessed.”
“The dangerous institutions in the Mohist institution city, how could one person be able to break through and disintegrate them head-on?”
“Even if the Seventh Young Master has supernatural powers, it is almost impossible to do it.”
“My guess turned out to be correct.”
“Seventh Young Master, after all, he is too reckless and too confident.”
“It’s not a bad thing to suffer a little setback now.”
Wei Zhuang let out a sigh.
No matter how evil the Seventh Young Master is, he still can’t break through the Mohist’s mechanism city.
The organ city has stood for hundreds of years without falling down, so how can it be broken down so easily by others?
Even the seventh son can’t do this! .
Chapter 259 Fuck! Is this the number one evildoer in the ages? 【Please customize】
“As Master Wei Zhuang guessed.”
“Seventh Young Master probably failed.”
Chi Lian’s beautiful eyes flickered.
There was a brief silence.
Meng Tian broke the deadlock again, and comforted him with concern: “My lord, it’s good that you are not injured. As for how to break through the Mohist mechanism city? We can definitely find another way.”
“It doesn’t have to be from the front to break through and disintegrate the mechanism city that the Mohists have stood for hundreds of years.”
“The mechanism city can stand in the rivers and lakes for hundreds of years without falling down, which is enough to show its own extraordinary.”
“Young master, you can’t crack the mechanism of the mechanism city, but it is completely understandable, and it is in line with common sense.”
“You don’t need to be depressed at all.”
“after all.”
“In the whole world, there is almost no one who can do this!”
“Even if it is the head of Gongshu, he can’t break through the mechanism city of the Mohist family from the front. You will fail, son, it’s just a very normal thing.”
“As long as you don’t get hurt inside, that’s the best possible outcome.”
Meng Tian also heaved a sigh of relief when he saw that Ying Changge was completely intact.
He was really worried.
Ying Changge will be attacked and killed by the authorities in the Mohism’s mechanism city, and will be seriously injured, and may even die in the mechanism city.
If so…
Then he will be in big trouble!
It’s okay to fail.
There is no need to worry that the seventh son may be injured inside.
Thinking of this, Meng Tian still felt it.
It is the best result for the Seventh Young Master to retreat in the face of difficulties.
“What failed?”
“Why do you have to find another way?”
“General Meng Tian, ​​who is this?”
Facing the words of Gong Shuchou and Meng Tian, ​​Ying Changge asked in a daze.
“Young master, don’t you take the initiative to withdraw from the Mohist mechanism city because you can’t crack the mechanism in the mechanism city for a while?”
Meng Tian said tentatively.
“Failure? Who said I failed?”
Ying Changge had a weird expression on his face.
Are you all waiting for yourself to fail?
But it’s a pity.
Let everyone down!
Not only did I not fail…
On the contrary, it directly broke through and disintegrated, the first mechanism channel of the Mohist mechanism city!
“Could it be that…~‖…”
After hearing Ying Changge’s words, Meng Tian’s pupils shrank slightly, and he was startled.
No way?
Did the son succeed?
That doesn’t make sense either!
If you’re successful, why do you want to quit?The passage out of the Mohist organ city?
In just a quarter of an hour, how could the young master crack the mechanism of the mechanism city?
After thinking about it, Meng Tian couldn’t think of a reason.
At this moment, his mind was very confused.
Everyone around was in shock.
what’s going on?
Didn’t the young master fail?
In less than a quarter of an hour, how could the young master break through the organs in the Mohist organ city?
Now that the organs of the organ city have been broken, why should they withdraw?
A pair of eyes full of astonishment and bewilderment fixed on Ying Changge’s body.
Gong Shuqiu was a little surprised in his heart, and couldn’t help asking again: “My lord, do you mean that you have cracked the mechanism in the mechanism city?”

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