It can be clearly observed from the mechanism control room!
And at this time.
The white-haired old man who is patrolling in the control room of the mechanism is the prestigious master of mechanism skills in the Jianghu, the master of the class.
He is also one of the current leaders of the Mohist school, and he is also the most prominent leader of the entire Mohist school after the giants of the Mohist school.
“The quicksand organization is watching…”
“But they haven’t launched an attack for a long time. What are their plans?”
The class master frowned and fell into deep thought.
Almost everyone in the organ city knows about it.
The quicksand organization outside the organ city is eyeing their organ city.
The weird thing is…
The Quicksand organization has not launched an attack against their organ city at all these days, which is confusing.
It is completely impossible to see through the intention of the quicksand organization.
After a moment of careful contemplation, Master Ban couldn’t think of a reason.
He could only suppress the many chaotic thoughts in his head, with a confident smile on his face: “However, even if the quicksand organization has the ability to reach the sky, they can only stare at the place outside the organ city.”
“As long as the disciples of the Mohist school don’t leave the organ city in the near future, they can rest easy.”
“Even if it is the quicksand organization that is notorious in the rivers and lakes, there is nothing we can do about our Mohism’s organ city.”
In this regard, the class master is very confident.
He decided.
It is impossible for the Quicksand Organization to deal with their Mohist Trick City.
This is condensed, a defensive fortress built by the disciples of the Mohists for hundreds of years.
How could it be broken by a mere quicksand organization?
This is simply a joke!
The class master can be sure.
In the whole world, no one can do anything to the Trick City of their Mo family.
Even if the empire sent an army of 100,000 cavalry, they would be helpless.
“But it’s not the way to go on like this.”
“We can’t let the disciples of the Mohist school stay in the mechanism city forever without leaving home.”
Thinking of this, Master Ban frowned slightly.
Now it’s more than patience.
It depends on whose patience is more tenacious.
“Better than patience? I believe that with quicksand to organize these people’s personalities, it is absolutely impossible for them to be permanently stationed outside the organ city.”
The master class sneered.
They can live in the organ city for several years.
But how long can the quicksand organization stay outside the organ city?
As long as the other party’s heart is completely wiped out, the other party will naturally leave in despair.
For a while, the class master thought a lot.
at this time.
Tread Tread!
There was a sound of hurried footsteps approaching quickly.
“Master class, it’s not good!”
“The big thing is bad!”
A voice full of anxiety and panic sounded from outside the door, and it kept approaching.
I see.
A man dressed as a Mohist disciple quickly walked up to Master Ban.
“When did you make such an announcement?”
“What’s the proper way to be frizzy?”
0・・・・・Ask for flowers・・・・・・・・・・・・・
“what happened?”
The class master’s old wrinkled face was very calm, and he scolded with a slightly authoritative tone.
The Mohist disciple calmed down a little, and hurriedly told the truth: “Master Ban, the first group defense mechanism in our organ city seems to have suffered serious damage!”
“The organs there are completely useless, as if everything is paralyzed.”
The words fell.
The class teacher’s pupils shrank slightly: “What?!”
The first line of defense is damaged?
what happened?
He remembers it clearly.
Some time ago, he had comprehensively inspected all the organs in the entire organ city.
………. 0
The end result is…
All organs in the organ city are in good condition, and there will be no problems for at least ten years.
But now.
It has only been more than half a month, and the first defense mechanism has been damaged?
This is not in line with common sense!
what’s going on?
“Quick! Tell me about the situation in detail.”
The master class suddenly realized.
There may be something else hidden about this matter!
Inexplicably, he had an ominous premonition in his heart.
But the specifics can’t be mentioned for a while.
All right, how could the organs in the organ city be damaged?
He had tested it before with no problems.
Why is it suddenly broken?
All of this made Master Ban feel gradually.
There is an invisible big hand that is manipulating things to develop in the worst direction.
“I don’t know what’s going on.”
“It felt like suddenly, in the control room, the device connected to the first mechanism suddenly burst into smoke.”
“I don’t dare to judge myself, so I can only come to inform you immediately.”
“Go and have a look.”
The Mohist disciples seemed very panicked.
Hearing this, Master Ban frowned even more.
in his heartSlightly sinking, I always feel that something very bad is about to happen.
It is impossible for the organs in the organ city to be damaged inexplicably.
Something must have happened that affected these institutions! Where.
Chapter 257 Class Master Shocked! incredible! 【Please customize】
“Go, take me to have a look.”
Master Ban took a deep breath and forcibly suppressed the shock in his heart.
Under the leadership of this Mohist disciple, Master Ban came to another secret room.
not for a while.
Following the guidance of Mohist disciples…
The master class saw it smoothly.
There is a device that is emitting gray-black smoke.
This pungent smell almost filled the entire secret room.
Due to the lack of air circulation here, the entire secret room was filled with this pungent and choking smell, which could not dissipate for a long time.
When he saw the scene of the device emitting smoke, the master class involuntarily changed his expression, and his face was full of horror.

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