In the environment of this silent passage, this pleasant sound is particularly harsh.
After the gear of destructive power, Ying Changge slowly withdrew his right hand.
While withdrawing his right hand, there were more and more traces of cracks in the wall, which became more and more obvious.
at last.
When Ying Changge completely retracted his right arm.
Pleasant sounds sounded from the wall, and there were more and more cracks in all directions, and they became more and more ferocious, densely spreading all over the surface of the wall.
(afej) With a bang.
The entire wall directly shattered and cracked, scattered countless stone debris, smashed on the ground in a disorderly manner, and a cloud of dust was raised and then curled up.
There was also a pungent dusty smell in the air.
A humming sound resounded wantonly in the huge passageway.
As early as the moment when the wall completely collapsed, Ying Changge had already stepped back several steps, giving way to a spacious area to meet the scattered stone remains.
He was completely unaffected by the crumbling wall.
“Accidentally, a wall was destroyed.”
“What a sin…”
“If I had known earlier, I shouldn’t have made such a fuss.”
“Armed domineering is really a powerful means.”
Ying Changge couldn’t help laughing.
The result this time was quite good.
Destroyed the organ center device in the passage, paralyzed hundreds of organs in the entire passage, and made these organs all useless.
In this way.
Meng Tian and the others will be able to pass through this passage smoothly and safely.
“turn out to be……”
“The organs in the Mohist organ city are nothing more than that.”
“In vain, I thought how difficult it was, but it turned out to be only this level.”
In a single thought, it was easy to forcibly paralyze the mechanism of the entire passage, which made Ying Changge feel a little disappointed.
Mohist mechanism?
This is the result?
What a disappointment!
With emotion in his heart, Ying Changge turned around and returned to the original passage.
He wanted to try to verify it.
Following the destruction of the mechanism in the center just now, have all the organs in the passage really been paralyzed?
All of this has to be tried before a conclusion can be drawn.
Just in case, Ying Changge planned to try it himself.
With this in mind, he resolutely stepped on the floor tiles in the passageway at random, and kept touching the walls with organs on both sides.
There is no movement at all!
No matter how Ying Changge tried to start the mechanism here, it seemed as if the mechanism here had ceased fire, and there was no movement during the whole process.
In half a quarter of an hour.
Ying Changge probably walked around the passage at random, but also couldn’t trigger the mechanism in this passage.
In the process.
Not only the traps hidden in the floor tiles, but also the traps buried in the walls on both sides, and the traps hidden in the ceiling, all became the targets that Ying Changge actively tried to trigger.
From the beginning to the end, none of the organs were in operation.
After trying this, Ying Changge understood.
As expected…
All the organs here are paralyzed!
Without exception!
With the destruction of the central device just now, the organs of the entire passage suffered the fate of being completely paralyzed.
This, of course, was expected by Ying Changge.
He wasn’t too surprised by this.
Everything is in line with the original expected range.
“It’s time to inform General Meng Tian and the others.”
Ying Changge had an intriguing smile on his face.
Turning around slightly, he slowly followed the original path to get out of the passage.
When Ying Changge and Ying Changge first broke into the passage.
The difference is…
When he walked out of the passage.
It is no longer necessary to deliberately pay attention to the mechanism of the agency.
When he broke into the passage before, he had to deliberately follow the rules of the mechanism in the passage all the time, and avoid the mechanism triggered by all the organs.
In contrast to today.
This passage, which is full of hidden organs inside, has become a truly non-threatening back garden!
All internal organs suffered from being completely cracked and paralyzed.
Naturally, there is no need to follow the rules of the agency.
Because no matter what to do next…
Even if it’s dancing in the passages of organs everywhere.
The mechanism here will never be triggered by anyone again!
Relying on his own strength for the whole process, and it took only a quarter of an hour, Ying Changge easily paralyzed all the organs of the entire passage.
This move can be described as…
This group of Mohist disciples is absolutely unimaginable.
The organs in the city that they have been proud of for generations are actually being breached and disintegrated by an outsider at this very moment!
no doubt.
If we let them know the truth at this moment…
There are thousands of disciples in the entire Mohist school.
They will definitely be without exception, and can’t help but doubt life on the spot.
Chapter 256 Surprise the Class Master! what happened? 【Please customize】
Mohists. In the organ city.
Organ core control room.
A white-haired old man bent over, looking at the main control device in the operation room of the huge mechanism with a leisurely face, with a frivolous white beard, appearing extraordinarily calm and calm.
He was wearing a dark golden loose robe, and the strange thing was that his left hand was actually a mechanism arm made of mechanisms.
Here is the core mechanism control room of the Mohist mechanism city!
That is.
Most of the organs in the Mohist Organ City can be operated from here.
at the same time.
The status of all organs in the organ city will also be displayedHere, the Mohist disciples who are here can have a clear insight into whether there is any damage to the organs in the organ city.
To know.
The Mohist institution city has a huge area, vast and boundless, and there are thousands of different institutions inside to prevent outsiders from breaking in.
If there is no main core control room, then obviously, it becomes a very huge project to detect the damage of the organs in the organ city at any time.
And with the agency core control room, it is possible to see the main situation of these agencies in the agency city all the time.
Are the organs in the organ city damaged…

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