A smile appeared on Ying Changge’s face.
He already knew this mechanism like the back of his hand.
All the secrets of the agency will be clearly seen by him without hiding.
It’s time to start taking down this institution.
Ying ChanggeSlowly raising his right hand, with a single thought, the terrifying power in his body began to circulate rapidly, and surging innate qi gathered in his right arm.
This power is transformed into a more violent power!
next second.
A layer of black liquid-like substance quickly wrapped around Ying Changge’s right arm, exuding an extraordinarily cold and imposing aura.
A black liquid substance that transforms into a black solid.
Armed color, start!
A layer of black armed armor wrapped around Ying Changge’s entire right arm.
Feel as rich as black jade!
Incredibly smooth!
The right hand is wrapped with a perfect-level armed armor, so that Ying Changge can feel that the entire right arm is full of unparalleled terrifying power.
If you move it, you can easily smash the wall next to it and collapse it.
This is the terrifying aspect of the perfect-level armed color domineering!
Contains endless power and destructive power!
Ying Changge clenched his right fist slightly.
He could feel that the power wrapped in his fist could almost wantonly destroy everything in the world and shatter everything.
“Everything is already ready.”
Ying Changge leaned directly towards the wall next to him with his right hand wrapped in black armor.
Wisps of gray smoke, curling up like water vapor, emanated from the armed armor that wrapped Ying Changge’s right arm.
One hand grabs directly to the edge of the wall.
Accompanied by a slight sound.
The extremely hard wall was pierced by Ying Changge’s right hand.
It’s just like……
Pierced a piece of tofu!
No hindrance!
There is no muddy water in the whole process.
For Ying Changge at this moment, the passage in the Mohist organ city does not even have any obstacles.
With ease, a hole the size of a fist can be penetrated directly.
Even weaker than tofu!
Before Ying Changge could use any force, his right hand directly tore the surface of the wall.
This made him very surprised.
“‘ 〃Is this the power of Armed Color Domineering?”
“It’s simply terrifyingly strong!”
“No wonder…”
“Even these magical weapons on the list of Fengbeard’s swordsmanship can destroy and destroy at will.”
“This amazing destructive power is too amazing.”
Ying Changge was filled with emotion.
Even though he had been aware of the power of armed color for a long time, when he realized the horror of this power again, he couldn’t help being deeply moved and amazed.
The wall of this passage was directly scratched through by him with one hand.
have to say.
Such destructive power is almost indestructible! (good money)
Breaking down the wall gave Ying Changge the feeling of reaching into the lake with his hands. There was no obstacle in the whole process, and he grabbed his right hand into the wall very easily.
Ying Changge extended his right hand again.
At this moment, his entire right arm was completely covered by the armed armor, and the wall naturally couldn’t hinder his movements, but was continuously torn and broken inch by inch.
There were bursts of clear and pleasant voices, spreading in all directions.
In this silent passage, the pleasant voice is particularly harsh.
I see.
A series of broken cracks, cracks spread all over the surface of the entire wall, and the dense traces are like spider webs, making people creepy.
Countless stone fragments were scattered, collapsing and falling from the wall.
Ying Changge felt that his right hand seemed to have grasped a gear-like object.
Chapter 255: The Mohist Mechanism? This is the result? 【Please customize】
“found it!”
The smile on his face grew wider.
This gear-like object is the transfer station that maintains all the organs of the entire passage.
All organs need to go through the operation of this gear, so as to ensure that the whole body can be moved by a single hair.
simply put.
This gear is actually the center device of the mechanism that Ying Changge mentioned before!
The key to be able to dominate the operation of all organs in the entire channel.
There are hundreds of organs in the passage, and they have to go through the operation of this gear in order to exert the original power and effect of the organs.
Once it is damaged, the rest of the organs in the channel will naturally be paralyzed, thus losing their original effectiveness.
It is very important to the organs here in the channel!
In short.
It is the most important core in the channel!
The real core of the organ!
Thinking up to this point, Ying Changge grabbed it with his decisive right hand without the slightest hesitation.
The gear-like object held in his hand was directly crushed and broken by the right hand wrapped around the colored armor.
No matter how hard the gears were, they couldn’t parry the astonishing destructive force emanating from Ying Changge’s right hand covered in armed armor.
not for a while.
A harsh sound of broken gears can be heard.
Accompanied by a light sound.
The gears are broken.
Scattered into countless fragments and wreckage, they were completely destroyed in the wall.
“It was finally resolved.”
“The mechanism of the entire passage is completely disintegrated and paralyzed by me.”
“Next, let General Meng Tian lead an army of tens of thousands of iron cavalry to set foot in the passage from the entrance of the Mohist Trick City.”
“They don’t need to worry anymore, these crisis-ridden organs in the channel will be triggered.”
Ying Changge thought to himself.
The wreckage of the broken gears in the wall fell from the sky one after another, and when they hit the ground, there were pleasant sounds one after another.

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