If only considering him alone, of course he can penetrate the entire mechanism city easily and unimpeded.
But he is not prepared to do so.
after all.
He didn’t want to face tens of thousands of anti-Qin elements alone.
How many anti-Qin elements are dormant in the city of Mohist institutions?
At least tens of thousands!
do not forget.
The number of disciples of the Mohist school is already quite a lot, plus, there are also troops led by the remnants of the remnants of the Chu State, as well as people from all corners of the country who gathered from all over the world.
Counting these people together, the number should be close to 10,000.
There are also countless Mohist leaders, as well as the sword saint Gai Nie, a top powerhouse.
Although now, with the terrifying power that Ying Changge possessed, even if he really had to deal with these people, there was no possibility of him being defeated.
But it’s still a hassle.
He can stand invincible against tens of thousands of anti-Qin elements by himself, but he can never wipe out all the anti-Qin elements.
These anti-Qin elements can’t beat Ying Changge, but they can still take the opportunity to escape.
And no matter how strong Ying Changge is alone.
He also could not prevent these anti-Qin elements from fleeing.
If he missed the chance to kill Xiang Yu and others because of this, that would be the biggest loss for Ying Changge.
Ying Changge never forgot.
His core purpose and goal is not to wipe out these little minions who are anti-Qin elements.
Important roles such as Xiang Yu, Fan Zeng, and Xiang Liang.
They are Ying Changge’s primary target.
If he missed the opportunity to kill these important figures because of the extermination of these anti-Qin elements, Ying Changge would regret it too late.
It is in consideration ofthese situations.
He had no choice, and broke into the organ city alone to kill the Quartet.
Even though he does have this strength, he still feels that he should be more on the safe side.
Letting the tens of thousands of elite soldiers of the empire come to surround the anti-Qin elements in the Mohist institution city is the safest way in his mind.
“My top priority now is to destroy all the organs in the passage of the Mohist Organ City along the way.”
“Destroyed the mechanism here, and cleared an absolutely safe passage. Let the elite soldiers of the empire safely cross the passage and rush to the core hinterland inside the mechanism city.”
“This is what I’m going to do.”
Ying Changge thought to himself.
After making a decision in his heart, he began to concentrate on manipulating the perfect level of knowledge-colored domineering.
Spread out the perfect-level arrogance and arrogance, and constantly investigate the hidden agencies around.
Find the central control device of that group organ!
It is the core goal of Ying Changge!
As long as you find it, it will be so easy for 380 to destroy the mechanism of this entire passage.
Ying Changge traveled all the way across the dangerous passageway full of organs, but from the beginning to the end, he did not trigger the mechanism of organs everywhere in this passageway.
This dangerous passageway, which is full of institutions in the Mohist institution city, has already been regarded by Ying Changge as his back garden, and he walks through it like walking on the ground.
If outsiders were to see Ying Changge’s feats of behavior at the moment, they would be frightened stupid on the spot.
How dangerous are the institutions in the Mohist institution?
This point is known to almost everyone in the Jianghu.
If an outsider breaks into it, he will surely die!
Not even bones left!
It can be imagined from this.
In the eyes of countless people in the outside world, these institutions in the Mohist institution city have such a terrifying deterrent power.
But just today.
Rumor has it that the extremely dangerous Mohist institution city was trampled on by Ying Changge, an outsider, as if it were his own back garden!
Just ask.
What is this concept?
It is simply unimaginable!
Time flies.
Hard work pays off……
After spending less than half an hour, Ying Changge finally successfully found the location of the core control devices of all organs in the entire passage.
“found it!”
“It’s not in vain that I’ve searched so hard for so long…”.
Chapter 254 Armed Color Domineering Shows His Power Again! break! 【Please customize】
The golden candlelight fluttered, and the scattered golden spots were printed on the ground.
Ying Changge paused for a moment, quietly sitting on the edge of the wall.
He was facing the wall, with a perfect level of arrogance and arrogance, which almost completely enveloped the wall.
And here…
It was the place he had found, the exact place where the control device of the central authority was stored.
As long as the central control device is destroyed, hundreds of thousands of interlocking mechanisms in this entire passage will naturally be completely paralyzed and disintegrated.
No matter how delicate and mysterious the mechanism is, it will be affected by this central device.
It is also the existence of this device that allows all the organs of the entire passage to be connected. Whenever any organ is touched, it will cause the operation of all organs in the entire passage.
Everything is because of this central mechanism.
“As long as it is destroyed, General Meng Tian will be able to lead an army of iron cavalry to formally set foot in the organ city.”
“Maybe the Mohist organ city can’t accommodate a full 100,000 iron cavalry army, but it is still more than enough to accommodate tens of thousands of elite cavalry soldiers.”
“My purpose is to destroy all the organs along this road and leave an absolutely safe passage for all the cavalry soldiers of the empire.”
Ying Changge was thoughtful.
Within the envelope of his perfect knowledge-colored arrogance, all the gears and main structures of the surrounding organs will be deeply penetrated by him without being able to hide.
It is with this perfect level of knowledge and knowledge that he can do it easily.
From these hundreds of organs, trace the line connecting these organs, and finally find the core central organ device.
All organs in this channel will be connected to this organ device.
simply put.
This is a transit point.
If the transfer station is destroyed, the institutions here will be paralyzed.
This is Ying Changge’s goal.
“let’s start……”
Ying Changge slightly suppressed the many thoughts in his head, and didn’t think too much about it.
The most urgent task is to destroy this central mechanism.
And let the tens of thousands of cavalry troops of the empire be able to smoothly enter the passage in the Mohist mechanism city.
Thinking of this, Ying Changge used his perfect domineering power to carefully analyze and observe the central mechanism hidden in the wall.
Countless secret messages about mechanism devices, as well as three-dimensional illustrations after dissection…
It appeared in Ying Changge’s mind very clearly.
Including its weaknesses and loopholes, it also gave Ying Changge a clear insight without reservation.
not for a while.
Under the perfect level of knowledgeable domineering investigation, Ying Changge quickly and smoothly grasped the weaknesses and loopholes of the entire central mechanism.
“Preliminary conservative estimate…~‖…”
“It only takes about ten breaths to successfully crack the mechanism here.”

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