In less than a moment.
Ying Changge had already walked to a place more than 30 meters away from this passage, and there was almost no pause in the whole process.
Even so, he still didn’t trigger the mechanism here.
not difficult to see.
The agencies here do not pose any threat to Ying Changge.
A slight breeze blew, rolling the golden candles hanging on the walls on both sides, and then fluttering, changing the shape of the golden light scattered on the ground.
“I should also inform General Meng Tian and the others, and let them follow the route I passed, and let an army of 100,000 cavalry cross the entire passageway full of institutions.”
Ying Changge was thoughtful.
In this way, it couldn’t be easier to break through the Mohist Trick City and lead an army of 100,000 cavalry into the Trick City.
Presumably the Mohist disciples must have never dreamed of it.
The Mohist mechanism city they are proud of will appear so vulnerable in front of an outsider!
It was easy, and Ying Changge broke all the traps here!
“It is necessary to leave an accurate route in advance, so that General Meng Tian can follow these routes to cross passage 0…”
Ying Changge had a plan in mind.
He faced the end of the dark passage.
The most urgent task now is to capture the correct path of the entire passage first!
In this way, a safe passage can be left, and Meng Tian, ​​who was given to the latecomer, led the empire’s 100,000 cavalry army to pass through this safe passage.
Thus, they reached the inner core area of ​​the Mohist organ city.
Although the internal space of the Mohist organ city may not be able to accommodate hundreds of thousands of imperial cavalry troops, it is still very easy to accommodate at least tens of thousands of elite soldiers of the empire.
As long as tens of thousands of elite soldiers of the empire are mobilized, these so-called anti-Qin elements inside the organ city will naturally become targets of encirclement and obliteration.
And the remaining imperial cavalry soldiers…
Then you can stay on the periphery of the Mohist organ city.
Let them surround the area with a radius of hundreds of miles to prevent the Mohist disciples from escaping.
In this battle, we must ensure that all anti-Qin elements are wiped out!
And this is also Ying Changge’s primary goal.
The main goals of his trip are to…
Xiang Yu!
Fan Zeng!
Xiang Liang!
Sword Saint Gai Nie!
The leader of the Mohists!
These are the primary targets of Ying Changge’s obliteration.
If all these people are killed, then Ying Changge can be sure.
His template fusion degree will inevitably be raised to a higher level!
It is bound to be able to unlock smoothly in 4.9, the fourth ability of the blind swordsman!
As for the fourth abilitywhat?
Then I don’t know.
All in all, any ability from a blind swordsman is naturally the best of the best.
Ying Changge was looking forward to it.
After exhaling lightly, Ying Changge suppressed many thoughts in his head.
He took another step, step by step towards the end of the dark passage ahead.
Unimpeded all the way…
It doesn’t mean.
There are no traps in this passage, it’s just that he has evaded these traps very cleverly.
The organs that have not been triggered will naturally not reveal their whereabouts.
Walking all the way hundreds of meters away from the passage, Ying Changge didn’t trigger any mechanism.
Chapter 253 Push the Mohist Trick City! Treat it as your own back garden! 【Please customize】
“The places I walked just now, add up to a good deal.”
“Preliminary conservative estimate,”
“I probably avoided five hundred traps!”
Ying Changge had a weird expression.
He made a comprehensive calculation of the organs along the way.
Including the ground, walls, ceilings and other places, the number of organs after comprehensive conversion is as high as more than 500.
He has not triggered the extreme of these mechanisms all the way.
Too hot for a sword.
Naturally, he easily evaded these organs.
“Does this count as pushing the entire Mohist mechanism city all the way?”
Ying Changge thought with great interest.
He began to think.
If the mechanism in this passage can be destroyed, then it will be much easier for Meng Tian to lead an army of tens of thousands of cavalry to break into the Mo family.
In this way, it can be ensured that there will be no accidents.
after all.
If the mechanism here is not damaged…
Tens of thousands of elite soldiers of the empire broke in at the same time. Even if they knew where there was a mechanism, there was still a risk of triggering the mechanism.
To know.
05 All the organs here are to affect the whole body by pulling one hair.
Once a mechanism is triggered, then the second mechanism, the third, the fourth…
All organs one after another will be triggered at the same time!
At that time, all the elite soldiers of the empire in the passage are very likely to be involved in the mechanism that was triggered rashly, resulting in heavy losses for the empire.
And this is obviously not what Ying Changge wants to see.
“It’s like a way to destroy the mechanism here…”
Ying Changge wiped his chin and fell into deep thought.
He thought about it.
The invisible air wave spreads.
Perfect level of domineering and knowledgeable, more accurate insight into the surrounding organizations.
well known.
There will be a central control device of the main body among the interlocking organs.
Once this central control device is destroyed, all the interlocking organs will be completely destroyed, and the original attack effect will be lost.
The Chinese and Western control device of this passage is the main goal of Ying Changge next.
If this trip, he just wants to break into the Mohist mechanism city alone.
This is naturally no pressure on him.
In his heart, he was more inclined to completely destroy the institutions in the Mohist institution city, so that Meng Tian could lead tens of thousands of elite soldiers from the empire to break into the institution city.
“In this channel, there must be a central control device of the mechanism. This control device is the core that guides all the organs!”
“All the interlocking organs must go through the operation of this device, so that a single hair can move the whole body.”
“This central control device is the most important thing.”
“And I only need to destroy it to ensure that all the organs here are invalid.”
“In this way, it will be safer for the soldiers of the empire to pass through the passage and reach the core hinterland of the Mohist organ city, so as to launch an encirclement and suppression operation against the anti-Qin elements.”
Ying Changge had a plan in mind.

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