The perfect domineering level of knowledge and knowledge can naturally penetrate the traps under these floor tiles in an instant.
The secrets and structures of all agencies…
There will be no way to hide!
Ying Changge grasped it clearly!
Ying Changge simply stepped forward and stepped on one of the floors.
0・・・・・Ask for flowers・・・・・・・・・・・・・
After stepping on the floor, there was no reaction from any organ.
Everything was within Ying Changge’s expectations.
The floor tiles under the feet are covered with traps, and the walls on both sides are also covered with traps.
can clearly see.
The walls on both sides have countless dense perforations.
The organs inside these perforations can be manipulated to launch arrows at will.
Once the mechanism of the floor tiles is touched, the wall mechanisms on both sides will respond accordingly.
This is to pull a hair and move the whole body.
Whenever one organ is triggered, all the remaining organs will be pulled at the same time, causing a series of organs to operate.
all in all.
Either don’t trigger the trap, or trigger all the traps at the same time!
………. 0
There are only two possibilities!
And this is also the reason why the mechanism of the Mohist mechanism city is difficult to crack.
If only a single mechanism is operating, many people can break through.
But if countless organs are running at the same time at one time, even the martial arts master will have to suffer on the spot.
“Even the ceiling above the head has mechanisms…”
“It’s really dangerous!”
Ying Changge smiled.
He successfully stepped on the first floor tile without a mechanism, so the mechanism here did not trigger.
If you want to break through this organ position, you can only pass by stepping on the floor tiles under your feet.
Even with lightness kung fu, it is impossible to cross this organ position.
Once the light work is activated, the ceiling above the head will immediately sense it, and thus, the mechanisms that pull the floor tiles, the walls on both sides, and the ceiling will operate simultaneously.
By the time.
All the interlocking delicate organs in the entire passage will swarm to attack at the same time!
“No matter how dangerous the mechanism is, no matter how complicated and mysterious the mechanism is, no matter how delicate the mechanism is…”
“It means nothing to me!”
“Under the whole world, no mechanism will work against me!”
“Including the organs of the Mohist Organ City.”
Ying Changge let out a laugh.
An institution that is extremely dangerous to outsiders…
to him.
That is equivalent to children playing house!
Basically no threat! Where.
Chapter 252 To me, the Mohist Trick City is nothing more than that! 【Please customize】
The second step…
It slowly landed on the second floor tile.
Ying Changge’s face was calm, and there was no change in expression throughout the whole process.
Even if he knew that, even if he took any wrong step on this side of the ground, it would cause terrifying follow-up effects, causing countless institutions to come out.
However, his mentalityStill very flat and natural.
only because……
He has penetrated all the organs in this area!
As long as it is within the envelope of the perfect level of knowledgeable domineering, all institutions are without exception, and all secrets and core essences will be impossible to hide.
All clearly penetrated and investigated by Ying Changge!
The internal main structure of these organs will be dissected into countless fragments by the perfect level of domineering and knowledgeable, and then infinitely magnified and presented in Ying Changge’s mind.
in this way.
How could “380” care that the mechanism here was triggered?
It is equivalent to.
All the tricks were seen through by Ying Changge.
Ying Changge almost knew the trigger mechanism of any mechanism here.
In this case, of course he doesn’t need to care about the institutions here.
Because every step, he can pinpoint the correct mechanism channel with great precision!
Compared with Mohist disciples, they have a better understanding of the institutions here!
This is Ying Changge’s advantage.
It is also the source of his confidence that he can easily break through all the organs in the world.
“Mohist institution?”
“That’s all.”
Ying Changge chuckled lightly.
Lift the foot, and the third step falls again.
as always……
Still haven’t touched the mechanism here at all.
Those who don’t know will cross the entire passage when they see Ying Changge doing it so easily. Maybe they will also think that the organs in the passage of the Mohist Organ City are nothing more than that.
But it is not.
There are a large number of organs in the entire passage, based on Ying Changge’s perfect level of knowledge and domineering investigation.
The total number of organs here is at least no less than a hundred!
Within this short passage, there are no less than a hundred kinds of Mohist organs, each of which happens to be interlocking, thus connecting them together.
Formed a large organ array group!
Even if it is an invincible strong man, once he rashly breaks in and touches the organs here, he is very likely to experience a near-death situation.
For Ying Changge.
The incomparably dangerous mechanism here could not bring him any threat at all.
“too easy!”
“The so-called prestigious Mohist mechanism city is not as tenacious as I imagined.”
“At least.”
“For me, these organs in the organ city do not pose any threat.”
Ying Changge walked across the entire dim passage step by step.
Under the light of golden candles scattered on the walls on both sides.
Ying Changge’s figure seemed to be walking in the back garden of his own house, almost without any muddle along the way, and easily crossed more than half of the entire passage.
Wherever I go…
None of the traps were triggered!
This is the frightening aspect of perfect level knowledgeable domineering.
Let the main structure of all the organs here be zoomed in very clearly in Ying Changge’s mind.
He can see it very clearly.
The loopholes left by all the organs here!
It’s just…
Full of loopholes!

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